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Are you 6 feet tall?


Active member
Jan 10, 2005
Short men are hated by women and that is fact. Even the retail industry hate them, no clothes are made for this height. Being a short man is a curse.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2022
Knew a very short guy - like 5' even. Said he clothes shopped in boys section and it saved him a lot of cash.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Ya. Have to admit. Being less that 6' makes you a shrimp. Average height in Canada seems to be around that. 6' 4" isn't really that unusual. So I guess, if you walk into a bar and you are 5 inches shorter than all the other males, you don't really rate a second glance. Surprised I used to get any action at all. Probably all part of the life long ignoring of reality.


Active member
Jan 10, 2005
Knew a very short guy - like 5' even. Said he clothes shopped in boys section and it saved him a lot of cash.
Issue with this, the selection for classy clothes is very limited. Many of the clothes are kind of kidy and it only works if you are narrow. What to do if you are 5'5" but are 180 Lbs? Forget about boys clothes.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Ya. Have to admit. Being less that 6' makes you a shrimp. Average height in Canada seems to be around that. 6' 4" isn't really that unusual. So I guess, if you walk into a bar and you are 5 inches shorter than all the other males, you don't really rate a second glance. Surprised I used to get any action at all. Probably all part of the life long ignoring of reality.
I am 6''2 and I tower over most dudes. I can't think of a friend/gaming group where I wasn't taller than everyone else.

Well tower is a bit of a strong term, I don't hang with hobbits but for sure taller.

As for das girls, I like then closer to my height, at least 5'8, 5'10 or 6 feet better as the fit is there. That or 5 footers or shorter. It's adorable how they literally have to look up to you even when they figeratively look down on you. Also if you ever need a ring snuck into Mordor you are set.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I am 6''2 and I tower over most dudes. I can't think of a friend/gaming group where I wasn't taller than everyone else.

Well tower is a bit of a strong term, I don't hang with hobbits but for sure taller.

As for das girls, I like then closer to my height, at least 5'8, 5'10 or 6 feet better as the fit is there. That or 5 footers or shorter. It's adorable how they literally have to look up to you even when they figeratively look down on you. Also if you ever need a ring snuck into Mordor you are set.
Well being short is one of the cards you are dealt. I sort of scrape the wire being 5' 7" and wasn't all that troubled by it. I am more conscious of how much bigger most men are these days. And I do understand how when competing in the gene pool against guys with 80 lbs and 8" more body mass I might not rate a serious second glance.
I take comfort in not being blind or in a wheel chair.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
"As for das girls, I like then closer to my height, at least 5'8, 5'10 or 6 feet better as the fit is there."
Very few women (even the younger ones) are 5'8" or taller.

BTW: Once saw a short guy do a close dance with a taller woman. His face was buried in her breasts. Still can't get that awful visual out of my mind.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
And I do understand how when competing in the gene pool against guys with 80 lbs and 8" more body mass I might not rate a serious second glance.
I take comfort in not being blind or in a wheel chair.
I know a guy who is not only in a wheel chair [and here I am using my legs like a sucker, and yes I use that joke on him] but he can't move anything else so he can't even get Mr Happy Alone Time. Bad enough to be forever alone but if you can't even use Mr Hand...

One thing I love is girls who go on about never dating a guy whose height starts with a five but their weight in pounds starts with a 2 or higher.
You can't get taller [well not reasonably] but you can lose weight even if it is brutal hard [I know, trust me]
I might be 6'2 but douchery is douchery even if it doesn't impact me.

Don't get me wrong, everyone is allowed preferences. I will only date and have coitus with albino Albanian anorexic amputee GILFs. It's important to have standards. But don't mock those who can't meet these entirely reasonable standards.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2017
6'6".... father was 6'4", mother 5'11", brother 6'4", if they would have had another kid we could have been a family basketball team...lol

Nathan 88

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2017
6‘0“, still haven’t shrunk yet.
I also have an inversion table, it feels good on your back when you’re finished using it and it probably helps your spine also.


Yum, yum, yum
Apr 14, 2022
On the dating profiles men lie about height and women lie about weight.
Women lie a lot more than that. They use old photos, filters, makeup, coloured hair, push up bras, etc. (Sounds like Asian agency SP profiles. Lmao).

Online dating is a complete shit show. Very tame that men lie about height. Women are the real pros when it comes to lying on their profiles.
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