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Why are men so emotional as adults?

Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
Almost all of mass murder shootings are done by men with an issue agitating them whether its hookers girlfriend /wife religion race political stance

Almost all of murders that happen to women are from there spouse boyfriend or client 0apparently we did something to UPSET them

Almost all assaults done to women are because they didn't like us talking back *imagine hat ...they dwdntlike are tone or they are damed that will ever have the upper hand

Almost all rapes are about control there approach to woman was distasteful women rejected them so another woman must become there victim

Almost all men are afraid to cry andthats reallyupseting me because good women like myself do not think a man crying is weakness but perhaps all these repressed emotions causes the things listed above ?
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Dec 25, 2002
Men are told not to cry and tough it out...often by their mothers..."be a man!" but crying is a tension release...the tension has to be released somehow....violence
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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Look up "testosterone". That'll be a good place to start. It's the hormone men have in abundance, that makes them more aggressive, and also makes them more likely to take action. This can be a good thing, when it means defending his family for example. Or it can be a bad thing, where he takes out his angst on society. Or against himself, which is why men are so much more successful at killing themselves.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Almost all assaults done to women are because they didn't like us talking back *imagine hat ...they dwdntlike are tone or they are damed that will ever have the upper hand
Almost all rapes are about control there approach to woman was distasteful women rejected them so another woman must become there victim
I'd also like to see the stats that back those two statements up lol


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2005
Almost all men are afraid to cry and thats really upseting me
From a young age;
When you cry you get told to toughen up by adults.
When you cry you get picked on and beaten by bullies.
When you cry you get called weak by girlfriends who expect their man to be manly.

As a man you do not get an emotional support network. You have no one to talk to, to let all that out. So what do you do? You eat it, you burry it, deep inside and never let it see the light of day because you're 95% sure if you show it you will get shit on, as usual.

And it becomes extremely lonely. Even IF you have relationships.

Many of us go for escort services because we are touch starved, some of us don't even realize it and think it's just for the sex, because sex is touch.

Hell I've seen women go online asking for advice thoroughly confused because they touched their guy in a certain way and the guy started bawling uncontrollably. That's how badly we're made to isolate ourselves.

Combine that with growing cases of mental illness mounting societal pressure, indoctrination from violent groups and at some point something has to give.

So what happens? Violence, inflicted on others or inflicted on oneself. The easier the access to tools of violence the more of it there is. But even without that access look at suicide stats, women do it more, but men succeed more, why? because men choose violent means to end things.

I would not put rape into this however, rape as you said is about power and it's calculated, rapists aren't human to begin with.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Add to the above. 97% of all work place deaths are male. 80% of all divorces are initiated my women. Over 90% of kids custody rulings are against men.

Women are not charged for fake rape accusations. They are not sanctioned for denying court ordered access. They are not charged for false child abuse charges in custody cases. Men go to jail for longer periods than women for the same crime. In some jjurisdictions men are forced to pay child support for children that are not theirs.

When the courts and the govt have a biased justice system in place, it causes some people to give up and lash out.

And yes exclude rape from this. There is no excuse for this.


Active member
Apr 26, 2022
Look up "testosterone". That'll be a good place to start. It's the hormone men have in abundance, that makes them more aggressive, and also makes them more likely to take action. This can be a good thing, when it means defending his family for example. Or it can be a bad thing, where he takes out his angst on society. Or against himself, which is why men are so much more successful at killing themselves.
Male testosterone is getting reduced though thanks to pesticides in foods and chemicals in household products. Also, the epidemic of obesity. Then there's the fact that the highest paying jobs are now the one's requiring intelligence over muscle, so scrawny nerds are the new alpha's, at least when it comes to marriage and reproduction (not so much who she actually enjoys sleeping with). So male testosterone is being weeded out. The man of the future is effeminate, physically weak, passive, tame and intelligent.

Here's an interesting article on it:

Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
Add to the above. 97% of all work place deaths are male. 80% of all divorces are initiated my women. Over 90% of kids custody rulings are against men.

Women are not charged for fake rape accusations. They are not sanctioned for denying court ordered access. They are not charged for false child abuse charges in custody cases. Men go to jail for longer periods than women for the same crime. In some jjurisdictions men are forced to pay child support for children that are not theirs.

When the courts and the govt have a biased justice system in place, it causes some people to give up and lash out.

And yes exclude rape from this. There is no excuse for this.
listen up butler also have mentioned your into choking women if my husband did that id be divorcing him yesterday so yes us women have justifiable grounds for divorce we gave birth 9 months and breast fed some babies for 2 years and we protect our babies if the man was abusive to his wife you dont let an abusive man raise children. if these women were so bad whys it more than 60% of men stay married have unprotected sex with online dating site ladies and then have unprotected sex with wife are they truly caring about the children mom catching a disease? Women can't help that were not physically built like men to do strenuous jobs that are more dangerous by nature but we could be a real estate agent and show some property and meet our stalker who then shoots us and rapes us all because we look pretty. do you see woman stalking men?

Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
I'd also like to see the stats that back those two statements up lol
These men's reasons for raping stem from feelings of rejection, real rejection, emotional insecurity and immaturity, brutality experienced during childhood, and an unloving or emotionally sterile home environment. a woman in Canada is raped every 17 minutes. that's how that backs up my statement.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
listen up butler also have mentioned your into choking women if my husband did that id be divorcing him yesterday so yes us women have justifiable grounds for divorce we gave birth 9 months and breast fed some babies for 2 years and we protect our babies if the man was abusive to his wife you dont let an abusive man raise children. if these women were so bad whys it more than 60% of men stay married have unprotected sex with online dating site ladies and then have unprotected sex with wife are they truly caring about the children mom catching a disease? Women can't help that were not physically built like men to do strenuous jobs that are more dangerous by nature but we could be a real estate agent and show some property and meet our stalker who then shoots us and rapes us all because we look pretty. do you see woman stalking men?
Not sure where you got the idea I'm "into" choking. Although I've been asked to on numerous occasions.

And beyond that you just justified men are more disposable than women. By saying women are the weaker sex. So men should suck it up right? And automatically put our lives on the line?

And I've also seen tons of physically and just as importantly emotionally abusive women. And they do it knowing they can get away with it.

Ask Johnny Depp.

Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
Not sure where you got the idea I'm "into" choking. Although I've been asked to on numerous occasions.

And beyond that you just justified men are more disposable than women. By saying women are the weaker sex. So men should suck it up right? And automatically put our lives on the line?

And I've also seen tons of physically and just as importantly emotionally abusive women. And they do it knowing they can get away with it.

Ask Johnny Depp.
we were created differently most women are physically weaker but most woman are emotionally stronger its not about sucking it up its about accepting the facts


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
we were created differently most women are physically weaker but most woman are emotionally stronger its not about sucking it up its about accepting the facts
Yet its men who are expected to suck it up and be emotionally stronger while women get to express their emotions. Right?

Ask any man how they are treated when they legit cry due to PTSD, a breakup, even a death. Look into the 3-1 suicide rate against men as well.


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Almost all of mass murder shootings are done by men with an issue agitating them whether its hookers girlfriend /wife religion race political stance

Almost all of murders that happen to women are from there spouse boyfriend or client 0apparently we did something to UPSET them

Almost all assaults done to women are because they didn't like us talking back *imagine hat ...they dwdntlike are tone or they are damed that will ever have the upper hand

Almost all rapes are about control there approach to woman was distasteful women rejected them so another woman must become there victim

Almost all men are afraid to cry andthats reallyupseting me because good women like myself do not think a man crying is weakness but perhaps all these repressed emotions causes the things listed above ?
men used to be stoic. we kept our emotions to ourselves and only honored those who could be trusted and respected who would not use it against us or loose respect if we showed them. as time progress we as men have been told to show our emotions, be in touch with our feminine side etc. boys have lost fathers in a world of single mother parents. woman cannot teach young boys how to be men. I see young boys emoting like girls because they witness the behavior of their moms since they have no make role models to keep them in check. destruction of the nuclear family. lower testosterone.

the problem with men showing their emotions is that when women see it they judge and lose respect if its not within their expectations of how much a man should cry or behave. women want to see a mans emotions but not to their point of when they see us as weak individuals. which of course is completely subjective based on the woman. the only way I can describe it is she want to see enough but not the full extent of how we feel.

men are typically more aggressive and violent then women. we take more risks. you pick a very small portion of men that do horrible things. its always the small portion of horrible men that is highlighted by media. however men do many heroic things, self sacrifice, supportive, empathetic. its rare when its acknowledged since its just what men do. tell me the last time it was reported on the news when men did something heroic besides the 400 series car fire that happened a couple days ago. men do that shit daily as fire fighters, police, soldiers, etc.

yes men kill women at a higher rate; however, men kill men more than likely at a higher rate then women. men are statistically higher victims of violence then women. another statistics is that lesbians have a higher rate of domestic violence as a couple compared to gay or straight relationships. the big eat the small. this is evident on the animal kingdom. they dynamics of abusive relationships are not one sided. both persons instigated abuse. its just that men have the physical capability to do more damage.

I dont agree with rape being a control issue. frustration, being unwanted, undesired, low self esteem and not having the skills or attributes to obtain consensual sex is what I see as the rational.

its a small percentage of men that do those things, and they should be in prison. unfortunately people fail to see the great thing that men do that happens daily. we humbly do what we need to do to make things happen.

Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
Yet its men who are expected to suck it up and be emotionally stronger while women get to express their emotions. Right?

Ask any man how they are treated when they legit cry due to PTSD, a breakup, even a death. Look into the 3-1 suicide rate against men as well.
no if I was a man I think id start marketing "its ok to cry " a movement that allows men to not feel alone and keep everything boiling up inside them.look when women have break downs were told go talk to a shrink or counsellor men need people to talk to to.
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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Nature had to designate the gender for child rearing to
be less capable of cruelty.
I would disagree with this statement. single moms are statistically higher then men for abusing their children.

as well there are studies out there regarding female behavior. while they may not be physical violent they tend out to act out in passive aggressive ways of slander, creating rumors, cattiness is you will.

women are just as bad as men, just not physically.
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Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
All my heroes have men 1 man my father and the rest women.I really feel men dont want equal playing grounds in relationships with women and there fore try dominating her either physically emotionally sexually or verbally. and humans aren't meant to be treated unfairly. so why can't men walk beside a woman instead of walking in front ?
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