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The Fine Line Between Crazy and Genius

Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
So I was ILLEGALY kicked out of my house because the landlord told the cop she's living on one side of the house
So I literarily was told I had a a few hours to get my shit together and leave
My father was in hospital sleeping and recuperating from surgery
and my mothers health was so bad she told me she's thinking about getting me to put her in a home

So here I was going to be homeless for the second time in my life I literarily started feeling sick to my stomach
I started crying to the police that the reason im being kicked out is because I didn't mow the grasas
he felt bad but he said its better if I leave
the shelters were packed I just bought new furniture

and I was not financially prepared for this
so I called up places and they said we need a letter of employment
all my jobs were cash jobs and I worked for myself
so I was fucked

I thought what the fuck am I going to do my phone will die if im on the street and then what
so I had to think fast and I texted one of my regulars who I know is single
I asked him if I could stay a few nights while I look for a place and yes I gave him sex in return

he says to me hey im going to play poker ill be back in a few hours I said take me with you
so I go into the casino I got no fuckin money im sipping on complimentary drinks
walking around the joint and I sit down beside this man who is playing top dollar slots
and I say to him maybe ill bring you luck and he says do you work I said not at the moment
he says do you want to make money I said YA he says ill meet you at room# @@@@in 10 minutes
so I go up top the room my regulars still playing poker he meets me at the door and we go inside

I said look I can only do an hour my friend is playing tables
he says a half hour is fine because my wife will be back YIKES
so we both get cozy he says how much do you want I said a million dollars
he laughs and leaves me 400 on the table

so I leave the hotel and get back in the casino
I frantically look for my friend
he's still in the same chair
so I thought well maybe ill try a few games while I wait cause 400 bucks won't get me a 1 bedroom
so I lose a 20 I feel sick I lose another 20 I feel worse I slide another 20 I win the fuckin jackpot of 4700
I text my friend saying we have to go back

so I call up a place that rents and they say what do you dip for work I said im a special needs provider
he says well that sounds great I caught my breath I said look its perfect location for me its perfect space for me
can I meet you right now and give you first and last and get the key I can have my stuff moved in by morning
he says whoa that's kinda fast I have to check your references I said ok
so I give him my escort number and he calls and says was she a good tenant and I put on my European accent and say she's a great tenant I hate to see her go
but I have a call coming through I highly recommend her I said
he calls me back and says you know what come on down pay me ill take first and last and you can have the keys

I say calmly thank you kindly very much looking forward to being a great tenant for you
so I call up the cop tell him I need escorted to place to pack up my belongings
packed for 15 hours straight had a mover that morning from a company I never heard of

move in and its better than my other place
my regular stops by and he gives 1k saying he cannot just trade a place to stay for snuggles he feels he owes me
so the mover had 2 guys right and they say to me if you want it at that rate you must help lift furniture with us LMAO
im like are you guys fuckin crazy I can't lift furniture so I ended up lifting all the boxes to truck while they did the heavy shit
this went on for 5 hours I literarily; was bruised and exhausted the minute I got to new place
but I was so thankful they did it cause time was not on my side

I then used the and paid for a fridge because this unit had the last tenants steal a fridge
so there I was with 50 thousand boxes it seemed all surrounding me a fuckin obsticle course I literarily slept 16 hours of pure exhaustion
my dad calls me and says anything new going on I say oh dad everything's just great ill talk to you in morning
so I just unpacked 35 boxes and im taking a break and going to order some greek food
but honestly my regular saved my life without realizing what he did
he still doesn't know I won the jackpot
im a recovering gambler from many years ago ive been gamble free
but when life throws you a fuckin hard ball and/or faced with going to the street or gambling a few bucks you just might gamble
so I gave my regular a painting I made called "3rd eye from the sun" and he said its so crazy looking its genius
and I thought fuck thank god I got that crazy in me
or I wouldn't be here typing to all of you ")


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
Is this a bedtime story ? I need a couple extra beers to read all this :giggle:


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
So I was ILLEGALY kicked out of my house because the landlord told the cop she's living on one side of the house
So I literarily was told I had a a few hours to get my shit together and leave
the shelters were packed I just bought new furniture

and I was not financially prepared for this
Try save some money for a rainy day after you settle down.
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