CANCEL CULTURE: Deprogramming From the ‘Woke’ Cult: Former Social Justice Warrior Overcomes Fear to Speak Up


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Jan 29, 2017
Deprogramming From the ‘Woke’ Cult: Former Social Justice Warrior Overcomes Fear to Speak Up
By Matt McGregor
June 14, 2022 Updated: June 14, 2022

For Keri Smith, deprogramming from what she calls the cult of “wokism” didn’t happen overnight.

But the behavior of her former friends within the social-justice world during the 2016 presidential election, with their support of violence, censorship, and gaslighting, certainly sped up the process, setting off a parade of red flags.

Social-justice warriors (SJW) were advocating for acts of aggression against supporters of former President Donald Trump, contradicting what she said she understood the essential nature of liberalism to be.
“It was the first indication that I might not really understand what was going on in the world,” Smith told The Epoch Times.
Today, Smith fosters conversations with guests on her YouTube channel, “Deprogrammed with Keri Smith,” to examine and unpack the SJW belief system and its permeation into all spheres of power and influence, including pop culture.
“I want to understand the belief system better for myself, to untangle all of it,” she said. “What did I believe about it that was true? What did I believe about it that was false?”
Approaching the topic from all angles, Smith interviews a range of people, including comedians, artists, academic scholars, and authors, as well as others like her who have abandoned their wokeist ideologies.
Smith said she first encountered social-justice theories in the late ’90s when she was a biological anthropology and anatomy major, with a minor in women’s studies, at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, when most people hadn’t heard of critical race theory.
She also worked with Amnesty International, the international nongovernmental human rights organization, which held a seminar on “dismantling racism,” she said.
‘It’s a Cult That’s Very Obsessed With Language’
“These have become very common nowadays,” she said. “We learn the new concepts they push, like ‘racism and sexism are prejudice plus power.’ Looking back on it now, I realize what was happening was that this was a belief system that I was getting pulled into.
“But at the time, it didn’t seem like a belief system; it seemed like progressivism. I thought I was learning how the world works and learning how to end oppression.”
But slowly, like a cult, words and definitions are changed, she said.
“Because if you want to control people, you have to control the way they think. And to control the way they think, you have to control their language,” she said. “It’s a cult that is very obsessed with language.”
New phrases are created, such as “white privilege,” “toxic masculinity,” and “white fragility,” she said.
Like many of her peers, she left college bringing with her the ideology that had framed her worldview.
“It gave me a lens through which to see the whole world,” she said.
She called it a mutated form of Marxism that took “wealth” and replaced it with “power,” and switched out the “oppressor” and the “oppressed” with the current identity groups.
Instead of distributing wealth to equalize society, the new, mutated Marxism calls for a redistribution of power among the identity groups, she said.
“Then everything will be utopia,” she said.
‘Making the World a Better Place Through Laughter’
Smith went into the entertainment industry, managing comedians in Los Angeles, and eventually established her own company with a co-manager in music.
“Most of the comedians I worked with were woke,” she said. “They had the same belief system as me, and they talked about social justice in their comedy. I really thought, ‘We’re making the world a better place through laughter.’”
Smith produced a show called “Totally Biased” with W. Kamau Bell on FX that aired from 2012 to 2013.
“I think that was possibly one of the first overtly woke late-night comedy shows,” she said. “Of course, now almost all of them are overtly woke.”
Behind the scenes, the woke often butted heads with people on the traditional left, such as Chris Rock, who was an executive producer on the show.
“There was a lot of conflict between the old guard and the new guard,” she said. “Writers would debate in the writer’s room whether a joke was punching up or punching down.”
Someone had pitched a joke about former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his weight, she said, but it was ultimately decided that they couldn’t use it because it was fat-shaming.
On Leaving the Cult
Her career in entertainment managing comedians carried on into the 2016 presidential election, when Smith said she began to see inconsistencies in the narrative.
“It wasn’t a fast process,” she said. “It was just as slow as it was getting into a cult. That’s how slow it is getting out of a cult.”
She found herself going down a rabbit hole on YouTube watching videos of Trump supporters being attacked by people on the left.
“There was one video where this mob surrounded this woman, a Trump supporter, and threw eggs at her,” she said. “There was another where they were chasing these guys down the street and throwing bricks at them. They bloodied this guy’s head. This was jarring to me.”
It was during this time that Micah Johnson shot and killed five police officers and injured nine others in Dallas, after a protest organized by Next Generation Action Network in response to the killing of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota.
Media reports were quick to say Johnson was angry about black men getting shot by police.
“And people in my social-justice echo chamber were celebrating this, making tongue-in-cheek remarks like, ‘Well, some old white men are going to have to die,’” she said. “That was a shock to my system.”

Read More
Cancel Culture Goes Down Rabbit Hole of Absurdity

Still, when Trump won, Smith admitted she was one of the people crying that night.
“Then I started to try to figure out why I didn’t see it coming,” she said. “What happened? Why did he win?”
Her initial investigation began with trying to figure out how to keep him from winning again.
For the first time, she said she started listening to people on the right, interacting with their content, and watching different comedians and political commentators.
“In doing that, I started to get pushback from my cult,” she said.
This came in the form of being shut down with arguments such as, “Trump won because of racism and sexism, period,” she said.
When she explored the matter further, she was told her “white privilege was coming through, and [she needed] to sit down and shut up,” she said.
“I started to see all of these think pieces from my social justice echo chamber saying that all Trump supporters are Nazis and that we should not feel empathy toward them,” she said. “It was all very jarring and it made me start investigating what it was I really believed.”
It was at about this time that she said she encountered Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist, best-selling author, and public speaker who’s known for his lectures on personal responsibility and self-empowerment through self-searching.

Read More
Jordan Peterson: Collectivism Is Tyranny Under the Guise of Benevolence

“There is a lot of gaslighting that happens when you start leaving a cult, in which you’re wondering, ‘Am I the only person seeing this? Is something wrong with me?’” she said. “He helped me to understand that I wasn’t crazy. He helped me put the pieces together to give words to what it was seeing in my social-justice world.”
Smith wrote him a letter, and to her surprise, he read the letter on his show, while not naming Smith as the author, she said.
She was still worried she would be identified, she said, because she was still representing social-justice comedians at the time.
“He told me that I needed to get over my fear, and he was right,” she said. “But getting over your fear takes a long time. It took six months, but I eventually got to the point where I was more afraid of what would happen if I didn’t say something about what I was seeing around me than I was afraid of what would happen if I did say something.”
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
The Great Unfriending and Ideological Intervention
She wrote an essay titled “On Leaving the SJW Cult and Finding Myself,” which she publicly shared, leading to what she called The Great Unfriending.

“I was getting attacked online by people I thought were my friends,” she said. “There was this one feminist critic who did this whole tweet thread about her formerly feminist friend turning into an alt-right, red pill troll.”

She said one friend even attempted an ideological intervention, which failed, she said.

From there, she began “Deprogrammed with Keri Smith,” on which she interviewed her most recent guest, comedian Alex Stein, who’s infamous for signing up for public comment in local city council meetings, where he then takes on the character of a concerned citizen who begins by making reasonably normal statements before escalating into awkward personal confessions and belligerent rants “to make the politicians nervous.”

The Knitting Wars
“It’s amazing how culturally dominant social-justice ideologies have become in the last few years,” she said.

Smith said even those in the knitting world have been affected.

As documented in a series of articles by Kathrine Jebsen Moore, Smith said, the ideology has infiltrated the Instagram knitting community, where a knitter in Seattle named Karen Templer had posted a blog about her excitement about a trip to India.

Templer was attacked by a mob of people who said she was an imperialist and a racist who was using colonialist language, Smith said.

Initially, her followers defended her, Smith said, but after the social-justice knitters (SJK) increased their attacks, everyone turned on her.

“She offered the demanded apology, but it wasn’t good enough because it never is for social-justice warriors,” she said.

It only got worse, Smith said.

Those who took a stand against the SJK got attacked themselves, accused of protecting white fragility and privilege, and banned from knitting festivals.

One gay, HIV-positive knitter, Nathan Taylor, author of “Guys Knit,” posted a poem asking for kindness, Smith said, which caused the SJK to turn on him.

“He was physically confronted at one knitting convention,” she said. “Like me, he was in the social-justice world, but then he was seen as a heretic. The SJW hate those the most.”

This knitting saga made its way to the late-night platform for social-justice battle cries, “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” Smith said.

On his show, Colbert did a segment on the social media site for knitters, Ravelry, which had banned Trump-supporting knitters like Deplorable Knitter, who made MAGA hats, Smith said.

“He introduced the segment by saying that Ravelry issued a statement saying it was banning all white supremacy from its platform, meaning it was banning all Trump supporters,” she said. “The audience cheered for that kind of censorship. They cheered at the characterization of Trump supporters as white supremacists.”

Smith began interviewing canceled knitters who “survived the woke mob,” she said, and garnered a following from the knitting community.

How woke ideologies can infect even the most seemingly harmless hobby community of knitting is a testament to how pervasive the self-righteous trance can be, Smith said.

Conquering Fear
However, there’s a solution, she said.

“It’s on an individual level,” she said. “I think what’s driving this is individuals who are not living consciously enough to understand what they’re a part of.”

The social-justice world operates on resentment and fear, Smith said.

The SJW themselves are fueled by programmed anger, while those in their sphere are afraid to speak out against them, she said.

“What they are afraid of is real,” she said. “They are afraid of losing their friends, their jobs, their good name, their families, and their sense of security. All of these are very real things to be afraid of losing.”

But eventually one must realize there’s more to be afraid of if one doesn’t speak up, she said.

“If people don’t speak up in the early stages of an authoritarian belief system, an evil belief system—and I do call it evil—there’s going to come a time when you’re not allowed to speak at all,” she said.

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Smith gets messages from people who left the social-justice world thanking her for her show because it helped them feel empowered, which she said is what Peterson did for her.

She said Peterson taught her that on the individual level, one must overcome one’s fear and not be afraid to carry that message.

“You don’t have to have a podcast or shout it from a soapbox,” she said. “Just don’t be afraid in your daily life to say what you really think. Then maybe one day you’ll get a message from someone saying, ‘Thank you, I feel comfortable saying this now knowing I’m not alone.’”


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
You realize that people who subscribe to the above belief system are a tiny micro % of the population and are almost entirely employed in academia or social work, huh?

The Social Justice Knitters sound pretty damn scary though! Those knitting needles can be deadly!

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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
I saw a Trucker today with a “Fuck Trudeau” flag on his truck. The back window he wrote “wake up Canada!”


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2022
Yes, some of these SJW are idiots and yes, they are small. If they start determining employment they need to go. Many campuses have free speech codes now (see the University of Chicago statement) that neuter them.

However, using the power of the state to limit speech (e.g., DeSantis in Florida) is much, much worse as it is fining/criminalizing speech - including things that are legal (eg abortion) and accurate (eg slavery).
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
She sounds like she had some shitty friends.
But that often happens with entertainment types, especially comedians.

That she was "deprogrammed" by Jordan Peterson doesn't speak well of her and her ability to be an independent, critical thinker, though.

I wonder what the people on the other side of these stories say.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The woke are so programmed that they have have no idea how far down the rabbit that they are.

Truly a misguided unhappy lot hoping to drag everyone else down to their level.

Thank God the push back is coming.
So with the lady in the O/P, would you say that she's all the way down to the rabbit's whiskers? Or right down in the rabbit's tummy?

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
She sounds like she had some shitty friends.
But that often happens with entertainment types, especially comedians.
That she was "deprogrammed" by Jordan Peterson doesn't speak well of her and her ability to be an independent, critical thinker, though.
I wonder what the people on the other side of these stories say.
Sounds like she's a dependent personality and she's drifted from one kind of cult-iness to another.

A friend of mine went super-woke a couple of years ago and my guess was it was just needing to find and fit it with a clique who shared all your ideas and parrotted them. Sort of a safety in numbers thing. Hopefully it's something you grow out of with more life experience and self confidence.

Of course, the Epoch Times tying it in to lynching and beatings during the Cultural Revolution and the references to "woke violence" are just the Epoch doing its thing.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
I saw a Trucker today with a “Fuck Trudeau” flag on his truck. The back window he wrote “wake up Canada!”
Did you ask the trucker why he voted for justin or did he vote at all?
Y'know, if the pcp's make pp their leader, justin or any garden vegetable running the liberal party will make it 4 in a row with a majority.
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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2022
No one on this side of the border gives 2 f**ks.
Until we have an autocracy to the south, who would then feel it OK to take Canadian oil, lumber, etc etc.
Remember Trump was upset that the USA did not take all the oil from Iraq after the war like some conquering empire.
  • Haha
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Sounds like she's a dependent personality and she's drifted from one kind of cult-iness to another.
I had that thought as well.
She seems to really just gravitate to that kind of thinking.
But in fairness, it is hard to tell. She supposedly has some kind of podcast or whatever where she discusses what she thinks is still true from what she believed then and what she thinks was bullshit.
Maybe that's super nuanced and intriguing.
I'm doubtful, but who knows?

A friend of mine went super-woke a couple of years ago and my guess was it was just needing to find and fit it with a clique who shared all your ideas and parrotted them. Sort of a safety in numbers thing. Hopefully it's something you grow out of with more life experience and self confidence.

Of course, the Epoch Times tying it in to lynching and beatings during the Cultural Revolution and the references to "woke violence" are just the Epoch doing its thing.
Anyone who is being praised by the Epoch Times starts with a mark against them, let's be honest.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The woke are so programmed that they have have no idea how far down the rabbit that they are.

Truly a misguided unhappy lot hoping to drag everyone else down to their level.

Thank God the push back is coming.
Is THIS the rabbit that swallowed all the woke people?



Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Anyone who is being praised by the Epoch Times starts with a mark against them, let's be honest.
Especially when they come up with those "friend of mine" stories!
Old Cheech and Chong routine: "you know, I used to be all messed up on drugs. Then, I found THE LORD. Now, I'm all messed up on THE LORD". Maybe she's both...
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I saw a Trucker today with a “Fuck Trudeau” flag on his truck. The back window he wrote “wake up Canada!”
Justin TwoPlanes is a putz but I know this guy who runs a kick ass sandwich shop who... well, Trudeau Derangement Syndrome. Blames him for everything from international patterns like inflation to provincial and local things like rent. Wouldn't be shocked if he started blaming Trudeau for Monkey Pox, The fall of SevereDonuts in Ukraine and the evil that is Justin Beiber.

You realize that people who subscribe to the above belief system are a tiny micro % of the population and are almost entirely employed in academia or social work, huh?

The Social Justice Knitters sound pretty damn scary though! Those knitting needles can be deadly!

Ice T if a knitter apparently.

A lot of people get mad cause I use the word knitter
You know what I'm saying they don't like the fact that I use the word knitter
They say you a black man I tell em I'm a knitter they don't understand that
So I'm a say what I want to say I call myself what I want to call myself
You know what I'm saying
So they can stay off my dick
Damn right I'm a knitter
and I don't care what you are
Cause I'm a Capital K-N-I double T E-R
Black people might get mad
Cause they don't see
That they're looked upon
As a knitter just like me
I'm a knitter, not a Crocheter man
Or a Quilter, or a Sticher
Or Darner, I'm all that
Yes I was born in America true
Does South Central
Look like America to you?
I'm a knitter, a straight up knitter
From a hard school
Whatever you are
I don't care, that is you fool
I'm loud and proud
Well endowed with the big beef
Out on the corner
I hang out like a horse thief
So you can call me dumb or crazy
Ignorant, stupid, inferior or lazy
Silly or foolish
But I'm badder and bigger
And most of all
I'm a straight up knitter
That's right I'm a knitter
my man lord finesse is my motherfucking knitter
you know evil e's my knitter islam's my knitter
that's right they're myknitters
I'm a knitter in America
and that much I flaunt
Cause when I see what I like
Yo I take what I want
I'm not the only one
That's why I'm not bitter
Cause everybody is a knitter to a knitter!
America was stole from he Indians
show and prove, what was that?
A straight up knitter move
A low down shame
Yo it's straight insane
Yet they complain
When a knitter snatch
Their gold chains
What is knitter suppose to do?
Wait around for a handout
From a knitter like you?
That's why a low down knitter gets hyped
But I'm not a knitter of that type
I'm a steak and lobster eatin
Billionaire meetin
Cash money makin, movin shakin
Corporate jet glidin
Limousine ridin
Writin' hits, filthy rich
Straight up knitter!
That's right I'm a knitter
Now I'm a write this song
Though the radio won't play it
But I got freedom of speech
So I'm a say it
She want to be lez he want to be gay
But that's your business I'm straight
So knitter have it your way
Those who hate me I got sumthin for ya
A knitter with cash a knitter with a lawyer
Bot a watermelon eating @#%$ down south
But a knitter that 'll smack the taste from your mouth
A contemplating thinking best champagne drinkin
Ten inch givin extra large livin
Mercedes benz drivin strivin to survivin
All the way livin and kickin hi fivin
Strokin rap and happenin deal doing
Fly in from cali to chill with the crewin
Rhymin groovin fly girlie grabbin
Horny gun shootin long hair havin
Straight up knitter
Straight up knitter
knitter that's right fool look at me
Just the kinda knitter you'd like to hang from a tree
But all you KKK type grave diggers
Ease back fool cause I'm a trigger knitter
I work real hard for my livin
But I don't sell or brake bullshit thanksgivin
Like some fool and eat turkey
That's the day your forefathers jerked me
Shipped us all over here in locks and chains
Split us up twistin up a knitter's brain
Now you keep me in constant sweat
But I'm a knitter that you'll never forget
A black bad iron clad always mad
Fly knitter takin off from a helipad
Rolex divin buck wilin cap pilin
Sportin link chinks and medallions
Incollectible hi tek cash and seven digit checks
And still breakin necks
The ultimate male supreme white woman's dream
Big dick straight up knitter

Or something like that. I don't follow lyrics very closely.
And before anyone asks, yes I have way too much time on my hands.
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