You do not even realize how naive and funny your arguments are for someone with basic Finance knowledge. Order types

. Year, I bet if you learn what stop-loss order is, you are able to concur the market. Those pure schmucks at large hedge funds with all their MBA and financial engineering degree (who operate with more than 50% of all assets allocated or considered to be allocated at crypto) should lose money because you developed your own strategy and know how to place limit orders. You are the living example of an overconfident "investor" who becomes even more overconfident following the 10-year increase (really a short time) of a ponzi-type asset price with small probability of hitting zero. And this probability will realize over the long-term horizon where all the money will be lost, meaning that for you to benefit you must find the "final" idiot to sell it to, and, it seems you believe these idiot is not you but one of these guys with fancy finance degrees. Good luck

I could care less about guys who have alphabet soup behind their names--I've worked with some and some of them are the stupidest people ever I've ever met (gotta love education nowadays!). And it doesn't mean anything for these hedge funds--and, like you and I agree, they can't even beat the
equity markets consistently over the long-run depsite all their smarts and capital.
First, I dont plan to stay into crypto eternally, and if you had read my messages carefully, this isn't a long-term play for me. Chances are BTC will likely hit its previous ATH (69K USD) or even 100K in the short-to medium term. And, I don't even need it to reach its previous ATH due to DCAing out.
Not to mention that, as I've repeatedly mentioned, DCA in, hold, and DCA out strategy is not fucking rocket science. The problem with many guys in crypto is that they're hoping for a 5x, 10x, etc (which is obviously possible in crypto) and attempt to sell all their holdings
at once.