In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
No, Amnesty is criticizing Amnesty. This was based on an internal report.
Why do you think Amnesty should be above criticism when their own reports state they have a problem with white privilege and that many of them view the world in the exact same colonial mindset that existed in Victorian era.
Uh huh.
So you think that an agency that does its own reports and acts to make itself better from those reports is somehow now not trustworthy to report on human rights abuses?

Amnesty, HRW, B'tselem.
Those three have all come to the same conclusions, that Israel is apartheid.
You know that countries can only hold off on implementing those reports for so long.
So why the heck are you still here pretending apartheid never happened instead of trying a way to fix it?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yet you defended free palestine graffiti on a London business simply because the owner was Jewish. Thankfully Canada considers it racist to target someone simply for their religion.
No, I defend spray painting slogans calling for the end of an occupation regardless of where it was painted.
If you can prove that it was only ever spray painted on that one location in Montreal you might have a claim it was targeted.
Even so, its not a racist attack to call for equal rights. Its just political vandalism.

Free Palestine is everywhere now, its aligned with BLM as an anti racism movement.
You're on the wrong side, as you know.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Feds charge anti-jewish terrorist with hate crime for assaulting Jewish man in NYC

Federal prosecutors have charged a pro-Palestinian activist with a hate crime for an assault on a pro-Israeli Jewish man that took place following an April protest in Midtown, Manhattan, The Post has learned.

Saadah Masoud allegedly battered Matt Greenman because of his “actual and perceived religion” following a pro-Palestine demonstration on April 20, according to a newly unsealed criminal complaint filed by the Manhattan US Attorney’s Office, The Post has learned.

Greenman, a 28, a pro-Israel counter-protester, had the Israeli flag draped around himself when he was attacked near Lexington Avenue and East 42nd Street, the filing said.

The victim was taken to the hospital, where he was treated for injuries, including a concussion.

The arrest comes amid a dramatic increase in hate crimes, including antisemitic attacks, in New York City.

In the complaint, dated June 10 and first filed under seal, special US agent Lavalle Jackson alleged that Masoud had participated in two other violent attacks against Jews last year.

Last June, Masoud allegedly threatened a Jewish community leader in Brooklyn by saying, “We know where you live, we will get you” and then struck the man twice in the head and body, the court documents state.

The following month, he confronted another man in Brooklyn carrying an Israeli flag and struck him in the face and stole the flag, the filing alleged.

The complaint also detailed threats against Israel supporters on Instagram, including a post that said, ”I wish I could show you the things I do to Zionist but I can’t post them.”

“Just keep watching my stories I’m going to keep violating you dirty zionist,” and “I feel bad for you zionist people when judgment day comes and we slaughter all of them like sheep,” Masoud said, according to the complaint.

Masoud took part in a pro-Palestine protest that was sponsored by Within Our Lifetime Palestine, an activist group that supports the “Intifada” against Israel.

The group, which advocates for “resistance by any means” and has been active on CUNY campuses, held a demonstration April 20 outside the Israeli consulate at 800 Second Avenue, not far from where Greenman was attacked.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Uh huh.
So you love what Amnesty says except when you don't like what they say. Amnesty admits that they have an ingrained culture of white privilege and view the world with a white saviour complex right out of the colonial era.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
No, I defend spray painting slogans calling for the end of an occupation regardless of where it was painted.
Thank your for once again proving you fit Canada's definition of anti-semitism. This guy's business was targeted explicitly because of his religion and you're happy to support it. Would you be willing to support slogans about stopping terrorism on identifiable Muslim owned businesses? Of course you wouldn't and neither would I but you have absolutely no problem blaming Jews for your obsession. It's just like when you complained a Canadian rabbi condemned residential schools because think he is responsible for also criticizing a country halfway around the world because of his religion.

Your views are no different from what we see in this story; a willingness to see any Jews as responsible for Israel.

Yesterday Israel went to arrest suspected terrorists and were met with gunfire and explosives by Islamic Jihad. The battle ended up with a PIJ fighter being killed and in revenge, PIJ attacks a bunch of Jews going to pray.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Now if only Israel would charge settler and Flag March terrorists for their crimes assaulting Palestinians.
I sure appreciate Israeli government statements like this over Hamas etc. praising violence.

p.s. Are you still trying to pretend that Hamas isn't openly promoting and engaged in racist violence against Jews?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So you love what Amnesty says except when you don't like what they say. Amnesty admits that they have an ingrained culture of white privilege and view the world with a white saviour complex right out of the colonial era.
Cool inner monologue.
Allow me to introduce you to reality, not your wacko version.

I'm backing the full Amnesty, HRW and B'tselem reports.
You're not.

That's reality.
Deal with backing the pariah, human rights avoiding, apartheid state.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Thank your for once again proving you fit Canada's definition of anti-semitism. This guy's business was targeted explicitly because of his religion and you're happy to support it.
So you think calling for the end of the occupation is anti-Semitic.
You also seem to think calling for equal rights is anti-Semitic.
You also appear to think that criticizing Israeli apartheid is anti-Semitic.
But then you also think Defence for Children International are terrorists.

How did you get like this?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I sure appreciate Israeli government statements like this over Hamas etc. praising violence.
Congrats on finding one politician who would say this.
Meanwhile the annual Flag March occurred with the support of the police, army and government.
Including shouting 'death to Arabs' and beating civilians.

While you are more concerned with graffiti about human rights.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2004
Congrats on finding one politician who would say this.
Meanwhile the annual Flag March occurred with the support of the police, army and government.
Including shouting 'death to Arabs' and beating civilians.

While you are more concerned with graffiti about human rights.
How are the human rights in the Palestinian territories. Do the Pretend-I-Care about gay rights frauds have an opinion.

According to Wikipedia:

" Gay Palestinians frequently seek refuge in Israel fearing for their lives, especially fearing death from members of their own families.[19] "According to lawyer Shaul Gannon, from the Israeli LGBT organization The Aguda – Israel's LGBT Task Force, around 2,000 Palestinian homosexuals live in Tel Aviv at any one time."[12]

Why....From another article:

" But he had no other choice than to leave his old life behind and try to start a new chapter - as impossible as it is - in Israel. “For Muslims, where I come from, if you steal - that’s tolerable, if you committed any sort of crime it’s tolerable. In the big city, if they find out someone is gay - maybe they’ll accept it. But where I’m from they kill gays in order to tell the world that they solved the problem, meaning that they, in their family and village, have nothing to do with that person. Where I was born, they think that a gay person makes the entire family dirty, and that no one would marry my sisters. My family must clear the family’s name and that’s why they want to kill me.”

Something to think about when it comes to rights.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
How are the human rights in the Palestinian territories. Do the Pretend-I-Care about gay rights frauds have an opinion.
Pinkwashing is an old tactic.
That's what started the anti-apartheid marches at Pride years ago.
Good luck trying that one again.

Won't have much luck when you're defending apartheid, which is an evil form of racism.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
June 30, 2022 / JNS) The Palestinians, one-sided critics of Israel and anti-Semites have little interest in historical facts. Nothing can penetrate their veil of ignorance. Still, there is hope for students whose minds have not yet been closed or poisoned by propaganda. One place to start is the myth about the Jews stealing Palestinians’ land. Even many people more familiar with the region’s history don’t know that the real thieves are the Hashemites of Jordan.

While the Jewish people have been inextricably connected to the land of Israel—what Westerners came to call Palestine—for 3,000 years, the current occupiers of two-thirds of Palestine arrived in the early 20th century after being expelled from their native land of Arabia.

The Hashemite family ruled over Mecca and Medina until it was defeated in 1924 by King Abdulaziz bin Saud, founder of the current Saudi kingdom. Beforehand, the Hashemites, led by Sharif Hussein, allied themselves with the British and mounted a successful revolt against the Ottoman Turks. As compensation for their assistance, the British decided to make Hussein’s sons kings of the territories carved out of the Ottoman Empire following World War I.

One of those territories was Palestine, which had been promised as the Jewish National Home by the Balfour Declaration. In 1921, however, “with the stroke of a pen one Sunday afternoon in Cairo,” Winston Churchill severed nearly four-fifths of Palestine—some 35,000 square miles—to create a new Arab entity, Transjordan. As a consolation prize for the Hijaz and Arabia going to the Saud family, Churchill rewarded Sharif Hussein’s son Abdullah by installing him as Transjordan’s emir.

The British government presented a memorandum to the League of Nations stating that Transjordan would be excluded from the provisions of the mandate for Palestine dealing with Jewish settlement. The League approved the proposal on Sept. 16, 1922. On June 17, 1946, Transjordan became an independent nation.

It is an article of faith on the far-left that Israel is an imperialist implant and that Palestinians, not Jews, are the indigenous people. They love the phrase “settler-colonialism.” The accusations do apply—to Jordan. The Palestinians were not indigenous to what is now Jordan but had a presence in the area for perhaps a thousand years after their ancestors left Arabia. The Hashemites had no connection to the land until the Arab revolt, and then Abdullah was imposed on the residents by imperial Britain.
The Palestinians, who identified primarily as Muslims and members of clans, objected to the division of Palestine, which they believed should be part of Greater Syria. They did not clamor for an independent Palestinian state.
The United Nation’s partition resolution called for the creation of a Jewish and Arab state in what was left of Palestine. Jordan joined the other Arab invasion forces in May 1948 to destroy the new State of Israel and divide the spoils—not to create a Palestinian state. The Arabs lost the war, but Egypt occupied the Gaza Strip. Abdullah captured most of the territory allocated for an Arab state and part of Jerusalem—which was supposed to be internationalized—and annexed them. Only Britain and Pakistan recognized Jordan’s occupation of the West Bank.
Where were the defenders of the Palestinians’ right to self-determination? Where were the U.N. resolutions calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state? Where were the human rights crusaders and the boycott advocates?
One of many inconsistencies in the Palestinian narrative about their “ancestral home” is that the Palestinians did not demand the establishment of a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria. Palestinians and their supporters are at a loss to explain this, so they pretend those 19 years of Jordanian occupation were a gap in the timeline of Middle East history.
What more evidence do you need that the Palestinian national movement and its enablers are anti-Semitic? Under Arab/Muslim rule, no one had a problem with the occupation of Judea and Samaria, and it was unquestionably occupied then rather than disputed as it is today. Is it pure coincidence that occupation of that part of “Palestine” only became a concern when it came under Jewish administration?
Jordan lost Judea and Samaria to Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War, but still occupies an area that once was Palestine. Still, you never hear Palestinians or their supporters direct their vitriol at Jordan.
The Palestinians claim they were in Palestine from time immemorial, descendants of the Canaanites. Why then don’t they complain about Jordan taking their land? Why doesn’t the nakba (“catastrophe”) apply to the loss of statehood caused by King Abdullah and his fellow Arab leaders?
For years, Jordan was the only Arab country that granted Palestinians citizenship, but that is no longer the case. Most of the Jordanian population is Palestinian, but they are feared as a fifth column that threatens the Hashemites’ dominance. Those fears have been exacerbated by the influx of thousands of Palestinian refugees from Syria. The king also remembers the PLO’s attempt to take over the country in 1970, which led to the expulsion of Palestinians to Lebanon.
While it has come to be associated with the right-wing in Israel, it is a fact that Jordan is geographically and demographically a Palestinian state. The Hashemite dynasty is over if Jordan becomes the de facto Palestinian state. Is it any wonder King Hussein abandoned his claim to Judea and Samaria?
Ironically, the Palestinians and their supporters don’t recognize that having their state on both banks of the Jordan would give them a stronger foothold and the capacity to build a modern state with an army. They would also not have to contend with a dispute over the rightful owners of the land. Israel could say the Balfour Declaration (and the historical record) intended that the area given to Jordan should be part of Israel, but the Zionists long ago gave up that claim. If the Hashemites want to fight over their homeland, they will have to challenge the Saudis.
Given these facts, shouldn’t the BDS movement be directed at Jordan? Isn’t the minority tribal autocracy in Jordan akin to apartheid? Shouldn’t human rights advocates focus their ire on the Hashemites, the true interlopers in Palestine, instead of the Jews who have lived in the land for millennia? Shouldn’t the international community insist that Jordan be recognized as the Palestinian state and that Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank be given Jordanian citizenship?

There is no need for a second Palestinian state
These are all good points to rebut specious arguments about Israel stealing or occupying Palestinian land that are not being employed. That’s hasbara (or PR, which is not a dirty word), but the political reality is something else.

Besides Palestinian and Jordanian opposition to the idea, recognizing Jordan as Palestine would have mostly negative consequences for the United States and Israel. It would mean the end of the pro-Western Hashemite dynasty. It would give Palestinians, potentially led by Islamists, control over an area more than four times larger than Israel, a stronger state than what two-staters advocate and a direct link to Israel’s most implacable enemies. The Palestinians, who covet the small fraction of Palestine that is Israel, are too myopic to see the benefits of the Jordan solution. Many Israelis who make this case are equally foolish, because Palestine replacing Jordan would create a greater security threat than a rump state in a portion of Judea and Samaria linked to Gaza, which would be surrounded by stronger powers whose interest is to ensure the Palestinian state remains as weak and unthreatening as possible.
Still, the fact remains that Jordan is the occupier denying Palestinians self-determination and most guilty of the sins detractors attribute to Israel.

Mitchell Bard is a foreign-policy analyst and an authority on U.S.-Israel relations who has written and edited 22 books, including The Arab Lobby, Death to the Infidels: Radical Islam’s War Against the Jews and After Anatevka: Tevye in Palestine.

Who stole Palestinian land? Jordan -


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The Palestinians, who covet the small fraction of Palestine that is Israel, are too myopic to see the benefits of the Jordan solution. Many Israelis who make this case are equally foolish, because Palestine replacing Jordan would create a greater security threat than a rump state in a portion of Judea and Samaria linked to Gaza, which would be surrounded by stronger powers whose interest is to ensure the Palestinian state remains as weak and unthreatening as possible.
Still, the fact remains that Jordan is the occupier denying Palestinians self-determination and most guilty of the sins detractors attribute to Israel.

Mitchell Bard is a foreign-policy analyst and an authority on U.S.-Israel relations who has written and edited 22 books, including The Arab Lobby, Death to the Infidels: Radical Islam’s War Against the Jews and After Anatevka: Tevye in Palestine.

Who stole Palestinian land? Jordan -
So now not only do the settler colonialists in Israel want all of Palestine they want to colonize Jordan to get rid of their own Palestinian refugee problem?

If you're not going to give the land back just give all Palestinians under Israeli rule equal rights, including the vote.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Cool inner monologue.
So again, quoting Amnesty reports is bullshit when you don't like what they say? Amnesty UK themselves said their organization if full of white privilege and display a white saviour attitude but of course in your "fully accepting" Amnesty reports, you disagree, just like when Amnesty said attacks on Jewish civilians in the West Bank aren't justified.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So you think calling ...
Yes, targeting Jews for criticism over views on Israel is racist, just like targeting Muslims for the actions of groups like Hamas or ISIS is racist.

You show the exact same attitude as Palestinian Islamic Jihad or Hamas who feel Jewish civilians are acceptable targets.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Congrats on finding one politician who would say this.
Yes, Israel has shown the ability to condemn terror groups. They disarmed Likud, banned Kach, and are talking about banning these settler groups.

On the other side, the Palestinian leadership usually celebrate and praise attacks on civilians, often when the attackers are from their own group. It's amazing you refuse to even discus the depth of racism and promotion of violence from groups like Hamas who have widespread support of Palestinian people yet still feel the need to condemn Israel because they have some more fringe groups of racists.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Pinkwashing is an old tactic.
Yet still true. Gay people are still widely persecuted under the PA and even more so under Hamas and Israel even accepts LGBT Palestinians as refugees.

Your whining might carry some weight if you ever addressed the human rights abuses by the two Palestinian governments.
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