Graphic video of women's beating sparks outrage in China


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2014
Shame on the rest of the men standing there & doing nothing. Where’s a Louisville when you need one! I’d bet a lot of money after the first guy got his head split open the others would have ran so quick it would make your head spin
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
A bunch of guys beating the shit out of 2 women because 1 of them didn't want to be touch justifies this?
Watch both videos.
Exactly. Like there is anything that a person(man or woman) can verbally say to deserve a beating like that. Even if you want to ignore the very obvious rejection from the woman, how can anyone justify this?
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
I don't understand chinese and saw video that was posted only. You're assuming what happened.
Exactly. Like there is anything that a person(man or woman) can verbally say to deserve a beating like that. Even if you want to ignore the very obvious rejection from the woman, how can anyone justify this?
Justifications are purely subjective and laws are not. I believe the laws in China do not permit this kind of assault and battery so that hopefully the guys doing the beatings are brought to justice.
However we do not have enough information on what exactly transpired before hand and public opinion may or may not change if more information comes out.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Justifications are purely subjective and laws are not. I believe the laws in China do not permit this kind of assault and battery so that hopefully the guys doing the beatings are brought to justice.
However we do not have enough information on what exactly transpired before hand and public opinion may or may not change if more information comes out.
Are you and @Clean Window the same person?
There is more than enough info in the video to know what transpired.
1)Women is peacefully eating a meal.
2) Guy goes by and touches lady.
3) She pushes his hand away. That should have been the end of it.
4) He gets more touchy feely.
5) She aggressively slaps his hands away. Fucking retard doesn't get the hint.
6) He feels that is justification to beat the shit out of her and her friend. And his jackass friends join in.

How much more information do you need? Tell me how you can say this is justified?


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Are you and @Clean Window the same person?
There is more than enough info in the video to know what transpired.
1)Women is peacefully eating a meal.
2) Guy goes by and touches lady.
3) She pushes his hand away. That should have been the end of it.
4) He gets more touchy feely.
5) She aggressively slaps his hands away. Fucking retard doesn't get the hint.
6) He feels that is justification to beat the shit out of her and her friend. And his jackass friends join in.

How much more information do you need? Tell me how you can say this is justified?
You are missing the point. This assault was illegal in China. There is no justification in a court of law for this assault.
If you are in the know and this is all that happened as per your post then public opinion will continue with the outrage from this violent viral video.
If more comes out, then then it is possible for some “ schaudenfraude” by some members of the public.
Maybe these attackers are guys who knew that could get away with it and they may have higher up political connections, who knows ?


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
You are missing the point. This assault was illegal in China. There is no justification in a court of law for this assault.
If you are in the know and this is all that happened as per your post then public opinion will continue with the outrage from this violent viral video.
If more comes out, then then it is possible for some “ schaudenfraude” by some members of the public.
Maybe these attackers are guys who knew that could get away with it and they may have higher up political connections, who knows ?
No point being missed at all.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
There are some truly fucked up people in the world.

There was a video I saw a couple weeks ago of some woman berating a guy on a bus. She was really going off on him and being an asshole, then she slapped him. His response was to beat the shit out of her. You can maybe understand how the guy snapped in that instant, but....he punched her in the face until she was outcold, then started stomping on her unprotected face. Over and over. His assault on her went on for over a minute. As far as I'm concerned, that's attempted murder to full fledged stomp your heel repeatedly into someone's unconscious face. No amount of anger should be able to overcome the innate revulsion inherent in that action.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
I'm not making excuses but sadly for many Chinese men in China, it's about saving face in China, it's ingrained in their DNA, they don't like to be turned down and embarrassed. Also, men outnumber women in China, so there is a desperate need to find a woman to marry, I don't know how this will help men by assaulting women.
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Oct 9, 2006
Fuck. I can’t even hit men, that look kinda girly lol. I’d be scared his face might break.

I agree, I don’t see how assaulting women would help these particular douches. What was that a mangina temper tantrum? That was embarrassing to look at, complete losers.
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Active member
Oct 4, 2011
I'm not making excuses but sadly for many Chinese men in China, it's about saving face in China, it's ingrained in their DNA, they don't like to be turned down and embarrassed. Also, men outnumber women in China, so there is a desperate need to find a woman to marry, I don't know how this will help men by assaulting women.
They deserved to be embarrassed and exposed for being the pathetic dickless losers they are.

As for their not being enough women for men, all the more reason for them to improve themselves as human beings. These pathetic simp/incel types can (and should) rot as virgins for all i care.

What is wrong with the rest of the guys in the restaurant to not even try to stop this from happening. They could have teamed up and overpowered these pieces of sh!t.

That was very hard (and sad) to watch. Those women did not deserve that, nobody deserves that.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
These pathetic simp/incel types can (and should) rot as virgins for all i care.

What is wrong with the rest of the guys in the restaurant to not even try to stop this from happening. They could have teamed up and overpowered these pieces of sh!t.

Simps would never attack a woman, they would be the ones rushing to the aid of a woman who otherwise would never give them the time of day.
Most incels would never have the nads to approach a woman let alone smack a girl, if they somehow did and were rejected they would just go home and put on a suit because if they are going to impotently rage on the internet about being rejected, they might as well look impotent.

Also girls love abusive bad boys, maybe not all of them but I am pretty sure there are enough even in China that such an asshole isn't short of the vaginal crease.

As for stepping in and stopping it. Fuck that shit. Not my circus, not my monkeys. You never know, they would be young adult mutant ninja Chinese. They could be mobbed up, or worse tied in with the biggest criminal org in China, the party/government.

Odds are those girls would never raise a finger to help you if you were in trouble. Even if they were packed with guns and major MMA skills.
Ironic that you call them simps and call for simp behavior.
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