Big second guess for me
Daily Quordle 118











Daily Quordle 118





Hitting on that third letter is key no doubt. Well done. Super challenging puzzle today, it took me over 20 minutes.Wordle 339 3/6
second guess gave me a key letter in the right spot
No kidding. I can't remember the last time I completely blanked on my first two guesses.Wordle 340 4/6
wow... looks like we both crapped out on the first two tries...thought this was going to be a miss but eliminated almost 1/2 the alphabet in the first 3 guesses so the number of combos were dramatically reduced.
Definitely not an easy word pretty impressive you got in 3.Wordle 342 3/6
weird combo of letters in guess 2..took awhile and hoped the 3rd guess would give me another letter when it hit.