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Canadian soldier says the war in Ukraine is going very badly


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
The US is sticking their nose into Chinas internal issues with Taiwan. And to be honest the States could easily turn China into their supporter but they will not because they have their own interests there as usual
Such insight into world affairs... :rolleyes:

Have you considered having one of your colleagues putting your name up for an invitation to speak at Davos?

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Honestly without any anger or animosity I wish you all knew how much crap you all believe.. you all accuse russians of being brainwashed and in the meantime all you know about this war is a complete pile of crap dumped on you
I guess that's because we don't have the kind of free press and freedom of information you have in russia. What with the 15 years in jail for reporting on it or even calling it a war. And the fact that putin has outlawed the watching of any news other than russian state tv.

(667) Serving army officer shut down on Russian state TV for saying soldiers are dying in Ukraine - YouTube What is abundantlly clear from watching your news is that russians are a bunch of cock suckers. (no offense)

The "unfiltered" truth. along with the "filtration" camps.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You may be right notty.

You wily Russians keep getting Ukraine to use up all their artillery rounds!

Look below where you guys almost made Ukraine use up 74 shells. 73 for the tanks and trucks, plus one for the bridge. But Crystal's Heroes ran away from their tanks and trucks halfway through so probably only drew down the magazine by 36 rounds.

Well if that happened as per the video, then its a fuckup and certainly incompetent. But unless its widespread, and the UAF has the ability to make this happen consistantly and on a massive scale then its just a fuckup. If they do this 10 times a week then they have a chance. They had their own disaster trying to take Snake island back for PR gains (no strategic value) with about 60 KIA.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You may be right notty.

You wily Russians keep getting Ukraine to use up all their artillery rounds!

Look below where you guys almost made Ukraine use up 74 shells. 73 for the tanks and trucks, plus one for the bridge. But Crystal's Heroes ran away from their tanks and trucks halfway through so probably only drew down the magazine by 36 rounds.

So how do you know for certain these were Russian vs Ukrainian tanks? Seems odd to me the Russians would attempt this without support from air power, while the Ukrainians have very little air capability remaining. The wreckage is only vehicles used by both militaries and none of the common newer ones used only by Russia. (which one would expect to see in such a large group)


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Well if that happened as per the video, then its a fuckup and certainly incompetent. But unless its widespread, and the UAF has the ability to make this happen consistantly and on a massive scale then its just a fuckup. If they do this 10 times a week then they have a chance. They had their own disaster trying to take Snake island back for PR gains (no strategic value) with about 60 KIA.
It happened, there's lots of video evidence.
Russia tried to recover some of their losses as well.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So how do you know for certain these were Russian vs Ukrainian tanks? Seems odd to me the Russians would attempt this without support from air power, while the Ukrainians have very little air capability remaining. The wreckage is only vehicles used by both militaries and none of the common newer ones used only by Russia. (which one would expect to see in such a large group)
Ukraine took out the tanks with artillery, they now have longer range NATO supplied artillery that's also more accurate and can be set with timed fuzes.



Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
At the time Russia had a much greater population and more of everything. But the Germans had a proficient military and more advanced weapons. It was not as lop sided as the current situation. Ukraine has failed to even defeat the Donbas rebels. So now they wanna take on he motherland? Sorry, that is pretty stupid.
Is it? I wouldn't want to bow down and live in an autocratic country run by leaders who are more interested in Russia as an idea rather than as its people. Where I couldn't speak my mind and criticize the government's glaring failures. Where my freedoms are restricted for a greater good that doesn't actually materialize.

Besides, Ukrainians aren't taking on the "motherland", they're defending themselves from invaders in their home country.

And what the hell, you used Germany as an analogy, and now you're debunking your own analogy. :LOL:


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
So how do you know for certain these were Russian vs Ukrainian tanks? Seems odd to me the Russians would attempt this without support from air power, while the Ukrainians have very little air capability remaining. The wreckage is only vehicles used by both militaries and none of the common newer ones used only by Russia. (which one would expect to see in such a large group)
We know this for certain because you are whining like a little b*tch.


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
At what cost? Considering the Russians killed 70+ % of them How many Canadians, Americans and Brits woulda died. BTW Finland was on the side of the Germans, so were parts of Ukraine, Romania. Sweden aided them, as did the Swiss. etc etc. Also if USSR fought alongside Germany, it would NOT Have been pretty.
Why would you think the Russian's would fight with Germany?

But I do agree with you, without Russia, the war in western Europe would have been even more bloody than it was. But, I still think the allies would have prevailed. The manufacturing might of the US & Canada (untouched by the war for the most part), could have kept pumping out war materials at a rate that Germany would not be able to match.


Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
Ukraine took out the tanks with artillery, they now have longer range NATO supplied artillery that's also more accurate and can be set with timed fuzes.
They were also given 10 of thousands of GPS guided munitions for those long range artillery units as well.
Just program the coordinates int the round, point it in the general direction and "send it".
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Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
You will see, the house of cards will come down soon. Ukraine was not able to defeat the donbas rebellion, yet somehow they think they can defeat the motherland of that rebellion? That is pretty foolish
Dream on, does not change the fact that these two russian soldiers, after talking and smoking with these two elderly unarmed civilian men, turned around and shot them in the back multiple times as they walked away.
Then they go in and loot the offices of the man they just murdered.


Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
Why would you think the Russian's would fight with Germany?

But I do agree with you, without Russia, the war in western Europe would have been even more bloody than it was. But, I still think the allies would have prevailed. The manufacturing might of the US & Canada (untouched by the war for the most part), could have kept pumping out war materials at a rate that Germany would not be able to match.
Wasn't there a non aggression pact signed between them at one time early in the war?


Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
Becaused they have no chance of winning and the longer this goes on the more they suffer and die.
So one of the "reasons" Russia gave for illegally invading Ukraine was that they believed Ukraine was going to attack them so Russia attacked in self defense.
Now in your eyes it is OK for Russia to attack Ukraine in self defense, but not OK for Ukraine to defend itself when it is being attacked.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
It is ok for Ukrainians to defend themslves against Russia to the last
man to those cheering on them to destruction.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
They were also given 10 of thousands of GPS guided munitions for those long range artillery units as well.
Just program the coordinates int the round, point it in the general direction and "send it".
Even better, send off a drone to get the GPS location, load in the coordinates and goodbye Z.


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
Wasn't there a non aggression pact signed between them at one time early in the war?
Yes, at the very beginning. But Germany then invaded them. And they did horrible things to Russian people — Hitler and the Nazi's really didn't like Slavs. So, if Germany knocked out Russia from the war, I highly doubt they would be totally safe from Russian trouble. They Russians would not help Germany, and there would be partisan violence.

Now...if Germany did not invade Russia, what would have happened? Hard to say. They didn't like each other, so I don't think Russia would help Germany invade the UK or defend fortress Europe. I think Stalin would, over time, recognize that Germany could easily turn its blitzkrieg east and go into Russia. And, I assume, Stalin wanted to expand communism into Europe as well...So, eventually Russia and Germany would eventually fight it out.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Nonsense...the West will confiscate Russian holdings to pay for the weapons' given to Ukraine and to pay for the rebuilding of Ukraine. Russia will be in the poorhouse for Putin's foolish act
Are you sure this is how the west intend to recover the money lent to
Ukraine? I think Ukraine's foreign debt will have to be cancelled
mostly at the cost of the west. It will be more interesting to see if the
west can confiscate more Russian assets after the war to pay for
to-be-resumed imports of their fossil fuel and other natural resources.


Active member
Dec 7, 2005
Are you sure this is how the west intend to recover the money lent to
Ukraine? I think Ukraine's foreign debt will have to be cancelled
mostly at the cost of the west. It will be more interesting to see if the
west can confiscate more Russian assets after the war to pay for
to-be-resumed imports of their fossil fuel and other natural resources.
Honesty who fucking knows anymore what’s gona happen to all those assets now.. but you also can’t forget that Russia has been paying all of it debts regardless of all the sanctions.. and one day they may as well stop. I’m surprised they haven’t stopped yet..
As for personal assets of different oligarchs I am sure best lawyers are on their cases by now..there is law in this Wild West still.
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