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Cryptocurrency Is a Giant Ponzi Scheme


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Cryptocurrency is a scam.

All of it, full stop — not just the latest pump-and-dump “shitcoin” schemes, in which fraudsters hype a little-known cryptocurrency before dumping it in unison, or “rug pulls,” in which a new cryptocurrency’s developers abandon the project and run off with investor funds. All cryptocurrency and the industry as a whole are built atop market manipulation without which they could not exist at scale.

This should surprise no one who understands how cryptocurrency works. Blockchains are, at their core, simply append-only spreadsheets maintained across decentralized “peer-to-peer” networks, not unlike those used for torrenting pirated files. Just as torrents allow users to share files directly, cryptocurrency blockchains allow users to maintain a shared ledger of financial transactions without the need of a central server or managing authority. Users are thus able to make direct online transactions with one another as if they were trading cash.

This, we are told, is revolutionary. But making unmediated online transactions securely in a trustless environment in this way is not without costs. Cryptocurrency blockchains generally don’t allow previously verified transactions to be deleted or altered. The data is immutable. Updates are added by chaining a new “block” of transaction data to the chain of existing blocks.

But to ensure the integrity of the blockchain, the network needs a way to trust that new blocks are accurate. Popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin all employ a “proof of work” consensus method for verifying updates to the blockchain. Without getting overly technical, this mechanism allows blockchain users — known as “miners” in this context — to compete for the right to verify and add the next block by being the first to solve an incredibly complex math puzzle.

The point of this process is to make adding new blocks so difficult that meddling with the blockchain is prohibitively expensive. Though the correct answer to these puzzles can be easily verified by anyone on the network, actually being the first to find the answer requires an enormous amount of processing power — and thus electricity — and outcompeting the rest of the network is impractical.

For their troubles, miners collect a reward for being the first to verify the next block. The Bitcoin blockchain adds a new block every ten minutes, and the block reward is currently 6.25 newly minted bitcoins, worth nearly a half million dollars at Bitcoin’s last all-time high. Competition for block rewards has led to a computing power arms race as prices have risen. Mining bitcoins on a personal computer is no longer feasible. The majority of cryptocurrency mining is now conducted in commercial mining farms, essentially huge warehouses running thousands of high-powered computer processors day and night. The electricity expended mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is rapidly approaching 1 percent of global usage, which is famously greater than the total electricity consumption of many smaller developed nations.

Given that cryptocurrencies don’t produce anything of material value, this enormous waste of resources renders the whole enterprise a negative-sum game. Investors can only cash out by selling their coins to other investors — but only after the miners and various cryptocurrency service providers take the house’s rake. In other words, investors cannot — in the aggregate — cash out for even what they put in, as cryptocurrencies are inefficient by design.

This makes them a poor and costly form of currency and absolutely ludicrous as a long-term investment. We could dismiss them as a doomed experiment in the “greater fool” theory of investing, in which investors attempt to profit on overvalued or even worthless assets by selling them on to the next “greater fool” — think of it as gambling on a high-stakes game of musical chairs — if the rising price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were simply a function of demand.

This isn’t the case. Price manipulation plays as much or more of a role than demand in driving prices higher.

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Cryptocurrency Is a Giant Ponzi Scheme (


Active member
Jul 24, 2021
What are these bitcoin mines, I really don't get that? Isn't there a guy in england somewhere with hundreds of millions worth of bitcoin on a laptop in a dump. He wants dig the dump up to find it but city council won't let him.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
Cryptocurrency scams/schemes will only last as long as there is one marginal Greater Fool. It employs the same concepts as pyramid schemes, musical chairs and reverse Robin Hood stealing ( in the Bitcoin model, the poor are retail ( the average Joe investor ). I have to admit for a few months I followed so called YouTube crypto experts claiming they were experts in technical analysis and market trading and they had me believe that I could buy a million dollar Dubai condo or a million dollar Lambo or Bugatti. Just off the top of my head I would say 90% of crypto YouTube video creators are scammers, they know nothing about markets and T/A. Just watch their bogus sales pitches everyday trying to lure you into day trading crypto with 10 to 100x leverage so they can collect their referral fees. If you ever get lured into playing the crypto market, just make sure you grab onto your chair before the music stops or the day that everyone is running for the exits make sure you run like George Costanza , running down little old ladies on your way cashing out all or your Bitcoin before it heads to zero.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2018
Notice all these ads for crypto and NFTs everywhere? Yeah, they need fresh money to come in from clueless people who don't want to miss out. Only money to be made from crypto is shilling it.
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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
But that will be for a very long time.
Global mass adoption and regulations will allow for that. They say smart crypto investors use it to change their wealth, I want to be a part of that wealth changing group. This is the 3rd Bitcoin bull cycle since its inception since 2009, and this is where it'll vary and lengthen versus the past two bull runs. If I was a betting man, I'd say we were 40 to 45% to the peak. It's early to still buy in, just pawn your wife's wedding ring and leverage yourself at 100x. Kidding.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I don't mind being the Greater Fool when it comes to Bitcoin, I'll just run for the exit before Saylor/Musk/Woods/Alden start unloading their HODL bags. . . .
No amount of reason of reality will convince these people of actual facts or the truth. They just refuse to look at actual returns, reality and numbers. They believe in their fiat and BTC is a scam. This is fine if they want to live in delusion and pretend BTC is a scam. Their echo chambers tell them it’s a scam and they gladly oblige and call you the fool while they slave away to their crumbling dollar. Even the us government is looking at digitizing their currency and regulating crypto. These same people will hop onboard when it’s about $500,000 -$1,000,000 per BTC. They will forget what they said because they are programmed not to think but to just do, say and forget. It’s a never ending circle.



Well-known member
May 29, 2016
No amount of reason of reality will convince these people of actual facts or the truth. They just refuse to look at actual returns, reality and numbers. They believe in their fiat and BTC is a scam. This is fine if they want to live in delusion and pretend BTC is a scam. Their echo chambers tell them it’s a scam and they gladly oblige and call you the fool while they slave away to their crumbling dollar. Even the us government is looking at digitizing their currency and regulating crypto. These same people will hop onboard when it’s about $500,000 -$1,000,000 per BTC. They will forget what they said because they are programmed not to think but to just do, say and forget. It’s a never ending circle.

View attachment 134876
View attachment 134877
Just a question to understand better, but why are you comparing bitcoin to fiat directly and saying "returns", when that's something you do with stocks.
So is Bitcoin digital fiat, or digital assets that can give you returns, something fiat does not do, but rather stocks do.
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Just a question to understand better, but why are you comparing bitcoin to fiat directly and saying "returns", when that's something you do with stocks.
So is Bitcoin digital fiat, or digital assets that can give you returns, something fiat does not do, but rather stocks do.
I am saying returns because if you care about just making money and getting in or out and trading it then you can get serious returns. It seems like most just want a return of their investment which is easy to do. Just buy when it’s low and sell when it’s high. Or just wait until the price is higher then when you put it in and sell it to make a profit. This is the language that many speak in terms of trading it like stocks so I am speaking their language. It is not my preferred language. This seems to be the preferred language here also.

I see physical fiat going away, losing purchasing power and crypto currency is taking over. Either through the digitizing of the countries currency or adaption of the existing crypto framework like we are seeing in El Salvador where bitcoin is officially recognized or a combination. Right now you can get paid in crypto, you can buy in crypto, even some places only allow you use crypto and not fiat. On Twitter they have tipping through crypto. You can mine it, use it to buy goods and services. Some cities allow you to pay taxes in crypto or send charity through crypto like we saw in Ukraine. With the upcoming regulations in the states it will transform everything and will allow institutional investors to come on board which is the way. This can also be a double edge sword.

I don’t see it as stocks at all. I see it as the future. Every single transaction can be tracked since it’s creation openly to the public. Yes now with scammers there are ways to make something ridiculously hard to track the wallet address however it is not impossible to find out. When it becomes legal and regulated across the major countries of the world these places or origins that mess with the address can easily make it that it is not valid anymore.

You can’t buy goods and services with stocks. I don’t think the regular person can get tipped in stocks like on Twitter. You can’t live on stocks. Stocks is based on a company and its success. Crypto is not. It is timeless and universal like with bitcoin. It’s value depends on the price someone is willing to pay for it and what someone is will to sell it and not on a companies performance. Companies can boost their stock value through investing in crypto.

I would say it has be best combination of gold and fiat. It is the evolution of this. Nobody talks about all the daily scams through fiat like stealing, hustling, counterfeit currencies, how countries fuck their citizens through hyper inflation like in Venezuela where all their life long earnings and savings become worthless then the banks shut off the infrastructure and allow it to go to shit while people are not allowed to extract the money and then can’t buy food or live because their life savings becomes worthless. I can talk about fiat scams for a long time. Nobody talks about them here, they just disseminate crypto scams. If people are that stupid you can’t help them. I have never been scammed with crypto. With crypto all you need to do is remember your code and log in details. Then escape the country that is fucking you, log in go to a Crypto atm and take your crypto out and have some money in that countries currency or just pay directly with crypto. You can also store it off line on an usb type of device. Imagine how well off those people in countries like Venezuela would be if they only put like a months worth of savings in crypto like 5 years ago say in BTC. How about gold? How many wars have been thought over this? How easily is it for gold to become untraceable by melting it and reforming it? Where is Russia hiding most of its wealth? How much energy is it used to mine gold, how about guarding it, or the wars, or now all the people, infrastructure, electricity etc to house it. How long does it take to send like a billion of gold across the world? Try that with BTC and see how easy it is and many do this and have done this to send huge amounts across the world in minutes.

I see crypto becoming the next evolution of fiat. Where we have a universal system for exchange of goods, services, and store of value. How? Think star link satellites and a combination of internet like system that helium has that powers internet of things through their own network (see video below). I see Elon Musk doing this through Dogecoin where you get worldwide access to their internet and payment system that is also backed up through the network and in space through their nodes and satellites. Imagine each Tesla being a node. Imagine each house being a node that chooses then imagine this being backed up through the satellites. Remember Elon was involved with PayPal. I also believe somehow involved with creation of BTC. This is not by accident this is by design. These individuals creating this technology are highly intelligent, forward thinking and will revolutionize the way we live, pay for things, exchangestore wealth, etc.

Fiat is defined type of currency issued by the government and is not backed by physical commodities like gold and silver. Crypto can be digital fiat. However I see crypto like BTC backed by technological infrastructure and its framework such as the rules and regulations during its creation. If you can make that universal and tamper proof and ideological politics free proof then you have a universal system can can potentially live forever if you do it right. In the ideal world you would have the countries fiat in their own crypto and also these universal crypto currencies existing that are beyond politics and ideologies but based on logic, technology and human tamper proof.

This is not a simple answer with crypto. It understood why the echo chambers disseminate misinformation from the ones threatened by this technology and the ones who’s investments are being undermined.

This is the future, this is the way. The is the next evolution of our species that is greater then the political boundaries and ideologies we create that hold us back.

Helium coverage:

Also they say crypto is a pyramid but though their logic they don’t realize so is their fiat they worship. Their fiat pyramid structure will crumble faster while The crypto one will just get stronger. Fiat is political based however crypto is technologically and logic based. Fiat will become more fragile while crypto will become more reliant, resilient and more indestructible. Why? Because fiat = ideology = human error
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Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Imagine how well off those people in countries like Venezuela would be if they only put like a months worth of savings in crypto like 5 years ago say in BTC.
Imagine if most everyone did that. Then no one on the planet would work to produce goods and services nor operate all the machinery that keeps humans alive. They'd just all sit back, relax with all their invisible coins and smile.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Imagine if most everyone did that. Then no one on the planet would work to produce goods and services nor operate all the machinery that keeps humans alive. They'd just all sit back, relax with all their invisible coins and smile.
In an ideal society people will only work if they want to and not if they have to.

BTC supply is limited. Other crypto is not. Meaning the more people and institutions get in the higher the price will get.

This is where regulations and taxation comes in.

Countries can still digitize and cryptofy their own fiat if they don’t like this idea.

It will make things more transparent and hold them accountable.

Dogecoin actually fixes this because it is programmed inflationary.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Global mass adoption and regulations will allow for that. They say smart crypto investors use it to change their wealth, I want to be a part of that wealth changing group. This is the 3rd Bitcoin bull cycle since its inception since 2009, and this is where it'll vary and lengthen versus the past two bull runs. If I was a betting man, I'd say we were 40 to 45% to the peak. It's early to still buy in, just pawn your wife's wedding ring and leverage yourself at 100x. Kidding.
"I think I can time it and make my money off it" is perfectly sound. People will decide that risk differently.
Due to the hype machine behind it and the ability for the whales to dictate price, it's quite possible to ride this thing out.
Viewing it as a get rich quick scheme that you think you can make work is one thing.
It's the people selling it as an ideology I dislike.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Maybe tulip bulbs will make a comeback?

"Can tulip bulbs be used as a currency?
Yes, the Dutch and others used the bulbs as currency that got very valuable then crashed after a long period, (3 years). Before the Euro existed was the guilder, the Dutch currency at the time. During that time in the 1600’s tulip bulbs had been used as currency as well and some grew in value to the equivalent of 10,000 guilders each bulb."
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