Not a chance it was fake. Not sure what you watched...or smoked for that matter.
Clearly is was real, and one of the most awkward moments in T.V history.
While I agree that it seems real it is not "clearly" real. Will just got the award for the best actor of the world. So the best actor the myth makers of hollywood could not stage something "fake" that looked real? Com on., thats like saying a magic show is real for sure.
Some myth maker might want to save his job working on the Oscars and made this happen making this Oscar the most relevant in years.
There have been greater hoaxes that people believe are real and several minor ones. Professional sports that people claim are real
One common one is that professional sports is not fixed. Only foolish fans believe Wrestling is real, but in raw numbers many do. Football baseball and hockey have many games that are fixed in some way the most common is losing on purpose - sometimes for beating or could drama but usually the practice of tanking which is social acceptable way of fixing the game. Yet people think that these guys are not acting.
Politicians tell there supports they hate each other, but privately but not even secretly they hang out at clubs and play games together and there children hang out. Secretly they go to the same cat houses and share the same drug dealers, they are tied by connections of mutual destruction in there secret lives.
Anti gay pastors have homosexual affairs - we learn about it after the fact and they disappear for a while.
Sure I think the balance is that it is real from Occams razor, just the same way that I think its not going to rain or snow today. But would I bet my life that its not going to snow or rain today - no way.