Ashley Madison

Thoughts on our new ndp government?


Active member
May 26, 2015
History, doesnt repeat itself, but it does rhyme ! (Mark Twain).....
From 1972 to 1974, David Lewis of the NDP supported the minority PM of the day (old Trudeau), and they had the same deal then they have today.
The NDP "got tired" of running the country (old political cartoon of the day has Lewis going to talk to the GG to drop a writ) and voted with the conservatives on a non confidencce motion.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
History, doesnt repeat itself, but it does rhyme ! (Mark Twain).....
From 1972 to 1974, David Lewis of the NDP supported the minority PM of the day (old Trudeau), and they had the same deal then they have today.
The NDP "got tired" of running the country (old political cartoon of the day has Lewis going to talk to the GG to drop a writ) and voted with the conservatives on a non confidencce motion.
And then what happened?

Sapere Aude, Carpe Diem
Jul 21, 2004

You conveniently skewed your numbers -- I referred to the "electorate", and of the 38 million people in Canada there are lots of people under 18 as well as immigrants who can't vote.

And even if we use the numbers you provide, the number of people who voted for the Conservative Reformist Alliance Party (CRAP) is STILL less than the number that voted Liberal.
I guess it’s time for JT and the Libs to stop saying they represent all Canadians and correctly say they only represent the 1/3 that voted for them


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2010
NDP are broke and cannot afford another election .

Plus JT will probably screw over Mr Singh like Wynne did to Horwath .

Captain Bly

Nautical Nasty
Feb 9, 2002
History, doesnt repeat itself, but it does rhyme ! (Mark Twain).....
From 1972 to 1974, David Lewis of the NDP supported the minority PM of the day (old Trudeau), and they had the same deal then they have today.
The NDP "got tired" of running the country (old political cartoon of the day has Lewis going to talk to the GG to drop a writ) and voted with the conservatives on a non confidencce motion.
Again we can only hope that happens sooner rather than later!

Captain Bly

Nautical Nasty
Feb 9, 2002
NDP are broke and cannot afford another election .

Plus JT will probably screw over Mr Singh like Wynne did to Horwath .
The latter is a thought I could do without.😁
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Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
It’s an electoral rusty trombone!

I would let Candice give me a handjob and toss my salad.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And then what happened?
It was the end of Canada as we know it of course.
That's what everyone thinks will happen now, right?

Me, I'm looking forward to dental being covered by OHIP.
Unless Dougie won't let that happen like federal daycare....

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Actually, the left is the side that respects democracy and accepts the results of elections.

The right instead tries to change results and their heads explode
When did the conservative party either federally or on the province level do this.

Also The Bloc is also complaining about the situation and they are basically the NDP with the haccent.

Facts of the matter is, if the shoe was on the other foot, say in an alternate reality where the Cons and the PPC did this than the people who are like "brah democracy, not cool" would be responding the same way and those who are currently complaining would be like "Brah democracy, chill"

Also one does get that attitude from the left than a vote for the right is unacceptable.

The Liberal NDP alliance is fair play within the traditions and rules of our system. The complaints of the Conservative and BQ leaders are standard and would apply no matter who was on the losing end... and have no merit.

Also I saw Murphy Brown comment on the alliance, she didn't blow her top. If someone accused a leftist female leader of blowing her top like JeanGray for complaining at that level for something any leader would do would be accused of the sexisms and the patriarchies. Throw in something about suppressing diverse thoughts.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
As for a capital gains tax on homes. I don't see it, at least not for homes held for a period of time. Harper tried to bring in a tax change and old people freaked and he walked away from it. I am sure folks still remember this. Such a tax would really piss off people in Toronto and Vancouver, liberal strongholds. If you want to lose the next election, that would be a good way to do it. Unless of course the Conservitives do something special needs and bring in a hard right leader like Pierre Poulet. Regardless of where you stand on his policies, if the other parties are going to go hard left, the best way to take advantage is not to go hard right.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
It was the end of Canada as we know it of course.
That's what everyone thinks will happen now, right?

Me, I'm looking forward to dental being covered by OHIP.
Unless Dougie won't let that happen like federal daycare....
So, Justin had 4 years of majority. He could have passed anything he wanted, what stopped him?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
It was an NDP goal, not liberal.
Low we get the best of both.
Let me make a prediction... so you can prepare yourself. By the time this "partnership " is over, we'll have the CPC government probably headed by Pierre Poilievre. Why? Because our people and the country is facing some very real problems and none of them are on the agenda for this "coalition ".


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
Have read some of the things that are done to keep trudeau in power and not against all of them, but now trudeau gets to do whatever he wants even tho he has a minority. The checks and balance has gone with ndp agreeing to support ALL things.
I am enjoying all the hot takes on this because it really shows how a lot of people don't have a clue how our government works. This is not anti-democratic. It isn't a power grab. It really isn't even going against the norms of parliament. It is also not a power sharing agreement. What it means is the NDP will support the Liberals on a bunch of things, like healthcare and housing. However, if Trudeau does some dumb shit, the NDP can walk away and trigger an election.

Basically, either side can sink this agreement if the other wants too much (or not give enough). But, it ensures that we won't have a snap, unnecessary election.

As for the PCs, this will at least give them a chance to get their house in order. They can now select a new leader, get them some name recognition, develop new messaging and policies, and build up their war chest. I mean, if this agreement wasn't in place, we could have another election next year, and would the PCs fare better? Hard to say. I think the majority of those trucker protesters and supporters would be PC voters anyways, so I'm not sure it would have hurt the NDP or Liberals...


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
Let me make a prediction... so you can prepare yourself. By the time this "partnership " is over, we'll have the CPC government probably headed by Pierre Poilievre. Why? Because our people and the country is facing some very real problems and none of them are on the agenda for this "coalition ".
First, let me say that I think we'll see a PC government at the next election, because traditionally we tend to get sick of any party after a few election victories. It happened with Mulroney, the Liberals and Harper, regardless of how good things are going (or bad). So, I don't necessarily think this will be the thing to trigger it. I also don't know if Poilievre will be the leader....

This partnership is actually looking at things Canadians care about. Healthcare is huge, labour and housing are important. And taxation, well, it looks like they want to make sure corporate Canada and the high-network individuals are paying their fair share. Will this help them in the 2025 election? Maybe. But will it help the average Canadian sooner, it is quite possible.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts