This is so sad and here I my thoughts when I read this if I could talk to him. One should never bring family into politics.
Bro, don’t allow ideology and politics to destroy and divide your family like that. Think to yourself if it’s worth it. Look what happened to dmx when his son wanted to change him. You never want to change families. Don’t ever bring your family into this and take their bait. This is exactly what they want. Just tell them it’s a private matter or say nothing because she is responsible for her self and an adult. Look beyond your paradigm lock. Is politics really this important? Life is so short. Will anyone care about what you accomplished if you are laying on your final bead. They will care about how you made the feel, how you valued them and their choice the connections in life you made and their humanity and being. Look around you around the world. They have figured out how to take the scientists and doctors paradigm lock and turn it against them. They know their limits and bounds and responsibilities of their paradigm lock of their
profession and are exploiting it for their gain. Most of the world is seeing this and they are standing up for what is morally right and not being obedient.