Even the members of his own party are not believing his lies anymore so why do you keep regurgitating the same none sense and drivel that makes little sense to what is actually happening and hoping for a different outcome ?
It’s clear what needs to happen is step down and let some else take over from the liberal party that will honour and stick to the ideas and promises of the election and what this party stands for.
It doesn’t matter if you see it or not because reality will still happen and his own party are starting to hold him accountable for abdicating his responsibilities.
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You can’t keep ignoring reality and what is actually happening and hope that your illusions fed by JT are somehow connected to reality.
Let me guess the left wing media now going crazy trying to dig up dirt on Joel and try to paint his a white supremacist extreme rightist. Got it, we all now the procedure by now. But guess what the narrative is already crumbing and provinces starting to give in and want nothing to do with Justin authoritarian and tyrannical government tendencies.
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It’s over. You can try to distract this thread with your drivel and nonsense however people already see what’s happening especially the ones on the left who don’t want to be associated with the left extreme.