Ashley Madison

rightie anti-LGBTQ campaigner now himself charged as a pedophile


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Reminiscent of the UofT prof involved in developing Ontario's
sex ed curriculum who was convicted of child pornography.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Reminiscent of the UofT prof involved in developing Ontario's
sex ed curriculum who was convicted of child pornography.
That would Ben Levin, former right hand man of Wynn's sex education curriculum and close personal friend of Kathleen Wynn and Justin Trudeau.

He was handed a tiny 3 year sentence for destroying countless lives of children, thanks to intervention by Kathleen, Justin and friends.

Lucky for us Ben is out and back on the streets. No doubt he will continue his hunt for young children to relieve his sexual tension as these types of leopards will never change their spots.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
That would Ben Levin, former right hand man of Wynn's sex education curriculum and close personal friend of Kathleen Wynn and Justin Trudeau.

He was handed a tiny 3 year sentence for destroying countless lives of children, thanks to intervention by Kathleen, Justin and friends.

Lucky for us Ben is out and back on the streets. No doubt he will continue his hunt for young children to relieve his sexual tension as these types of leopards will never change their spots.
Almost as appealing as the sweetheart deal trumps guy gave his buddy epstein
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Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
My God hypocrisy and favoritism in our government and courts
I'm shocked😏


Aug 23, 2001
That would Ben Levin, former right hand man of Wynn's sex education curriculum and close personal friend of Kathleen Wynn and Justin Trudeau.
He was handed a tiny 3 year sentence for destroying countless lives of children, thanks to intervention by Kathleen, Justin and friends.
Lucky for us Ben is out and back on the streets. No doubt he will continue his hunt for young children to relieve his sexual tension as these types of leopards will never change their spots.
3 years is a pretty solid hit for kiddie porn. He probably got hit harder because he was high profile.

And he was friends with Trudeau and Wynn?.... How many friends do you have who might be secretly pedophile? Do you look deeply into the eyes of all your casual social and business acquaintances and look into their soul to see if they have a pedophile soul or a non-pedophile soul? If one of your friends is charged and convicted of possessing kiddie porn, should the news item about his conviction and sentence include the words "and he attended 3 business conferences with Ref and they chatted for 3 minutes over coffee at one of them?" Is that how it should work?

Or are you being a little holier-than-thou?
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Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
3 years is a pretty solid hit for kiddie porn. He probably got hit harder because he was high profile.

And he was friends with Trudeau and Wynn?.... How many friends do you have who might be secretly pedophile? Do you look deeply into the eyes of all your casual social and business acquaintances and look into their soul to see if they have a pedophile soul or a non-pedophile soul? If one of your friends is charged and convicted of possessing kiddie porn, should the news item about his conviction and sentence include the words "and he attended 3 business conferences with Ref and they chatted for 3 minutes over coffee at one of them?" Is that how it should work?

Or are you being a little holier -than-thou?
I respect your opinion on many things however I think we are all missing the big picture.

Sick fucks like Levin cozy up to politicians to protect themselves. In turn they provide services or contributions to support said politician to provide a shield. Instead of politicians rallying against this type of behavior they run and hide then leave it up to their propaganda machine to smooth it over, pretend it didn't happen, and refuse to impose sentences that would fit the crime.

Politicians have the platform to be able to initiate change on this issue, yet they refuse to use it.

Democrat, Republican, Conservative or Liberal, it does not matter. The circle of this bullshit continues.

Per your reference to me in the scenario above? if I was a politician, then I would make damn sure that we start taking pedophilia seriously and use public cases like this as an example to make change instead of waiting for it to go away and allowing the problem to continue.

So, no I am not being holier than thou, I am stressing that our system does not take this issue seriously. Three years for destroying the lives of countless children? Many of those kids died inside when they were molested. The only difference between them and someone being murdered is that they have to live with already being dead. In my opinion, three years is not enough for people like Ben Levin and politicians who cannot see this, especially when it happens in their own house, are just as guilty by not taking the steps required to deal with it in a more serious manner.


Aug 23, 2001
I respect your opinion on many things however I think we are all missing the big picture.
Sick fucks like Levin cozy up to politicians to protect themselves. In turn they provide services or contributions to support said politician to provide a shield. Instead of politicians rallying against this type of behavior they run and hide then leave it up to their propaganda machine to smooth it over, pretend it didn't happen, and refuse to impose sentences that would fit the crime.
Politicians have the platform to be able to initiate change on this issue, yet they refuse to use it.
Democrat, Republican, Conservative or Liberal, it does not matter. The circle of this bullshit continues.
Per your reference to me in the scenario above? if I was a politician, then I would make damn sure that we start taking pedophilia seriously and use public cases like this as an example to make change instead of waiting for it to go away and allowing the problem to continue.
So, no I am not being holier than thou, I am stressing that our system does not take this issue seriously. Three years for destroying the lives of countless children? Many of those kids died inside when they were molested. The only difference between them and someone being murdered is that they have to live with already being dead. In my opinion, three years is not enough for people like Ben Levin and politicians who cannot see this, especially when it happens in their own house, are just as guilty by not taking the steps required to deal with it in a more serious manner.
3 years is what it's worth in the system. It's very much against the law. It's prosecuted rigorously.

What else do you want?
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Depraved world view of Ben Levin continues on parole

Michele Mandel
Publishing date:Nov 15, 2017

Convicted child pornographer Ben Levin, the former bigwig in Ontario’s ministry of education, is on parole — but he is busy online, trolling academic studies on porn and leaving comments that suggest the disgraced educator still doesn’t think he did anything wrong.

If he remains so clueless, why isn’t this registered sex offender still behind bars?

Levin, 65, was sentenced to three years in prison in 2015 after pleading guilty to creating and possessing child pornography and counselling others to commit a sexual assault.

Caught by undercover officers online, the world-renowned educator, UofT prof and former member of Kathleen Wynne’s transition team was a frequent visitor to an incest chat room where he counselled single moms on how to sexually assault their daughters for his pleasure and theirs, a site where his profile listed his sexuality as “nothing is taboo.”

In one disgusting sampling read out in court, the depraved Levin told one London “mom” he’d like to “f— all 3 (of her children) in front of you with your help…would they submit or would I need to tie them?”

Levin was denied full parole in August 2016 after the National Parole Board found he still lacked insight into his crimes. This past January, he somehow convinced them otherwise and was granted full parole.

Yet Levin still appears to blame everyone but himself. In his online comments, he suggests we’re the ones with the problem, that as a society, we’re overreacting to “harmless” fantasies.

Since his release, Levin’s Internet footprint is all over ResearchGate, a kind of Facebook for academics to post and review studies.

“Research Ben” identifies himself as “retired from the University of Toronto” with a newly-developed interest in criminal justice “where the link between evidence and policy seems especially wide in many countries.”

While his parole conditions state he can’t “possess or access pornography or sexually explicit material in any form or type of media,” he seems to be getting his kicks by reading and commenting on scholarly articles about the dark world in which he once lurked. Levin lists 84 papers of interest with the vast majority dealing with studies around child pornography and pedophiles.

In his most recent contribution to the site, Levin commented on an article in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, entitled, “What exactly is an unusual sexual fantasy?”

“Given the tendency to panic over sexual behaviour and sexual fantasy, it’s very helpful to have some data in this area,” he wrote Oct. 29. “Sex seems to be an area where there is a common belief or assumption that people want to act out their fantasies, whereas it seems likely (I say this without knowing the evidence) that one main purpose of fantasy is precisely the opposite — to avoid having to act out certain events or activities which nonetheless provide psychological pleasure.”

On the same day, he was commenting on “Sexual Scripts and the Sexual Behaviour of Men and Women Who Use Pornography,” suggesting the authors should have noted that “associations between pornography use and behaviour were generally small.”

In another recent posting, he commended the researcher for an explicit study entitled “Schoolgirls and Soccer Moms: A Content Analysis of Free ‘Teen’ and ‘MILF’ Online Pornography:”

“Thanks for sharing this,” he wrote, “It’s important to open up the world of pornography in a non-emotional way if we are ever to understand it’s (sic) place in human life and its effects on sexual behaviour.”

While praising a 2016 article, “The Prevalence of Paraphilic Interests and Behaviours in the General Population: A Provincial Survey,” Levin complained the definition of paraphilia as a psychiatric illness “was won by people who seem to want to restrict what counts as acceptable — or ‘normal’ — sexual activity; the same kinds of provisions that were used in past to criminalize homosexuality.”

Is he really suggesting a deviant consumer of violent child porn is “normal” and unfairly stigmatized?

Levin also complained those psychiatric definitions have been “used to justify harsh penalties in areas where it is not clear there has been any significant harm.”

No significant harm? Tell that to the poor kids violated, raped and posed for photos to satisfy the disgusting cravings of adults around the world.

Levin did not respond to a request for comment.

A York University PhD student who came across his posts is horrified.

“The more I think about his research of these deviant areas after his previous conviction, the more I think about his audacity,” explained the academic, who didn’t want to be named. “It’s really disturbing. He’s coached himself through his own dark side, he’s justified it by saying he hasn’t acted on it.”

According to Levin, people like him aren’t monsters. They’re simply misunderstood.

Commenting on another paper, “How Common is Men’s Self-Reported Sexual Interest in Prepubescent Children?” Levin laments the “current view that any person with a sexual interest in children must be a ‘monster.'”

He commends the authors for noting “a considerable number of men have a sexual attraction to children but never act on it, or would seek therapy if they could do so without exposing themselves to prosecution — acting on this finding would very likely protect more children from harm.”

In answer to a researcher question about the role of porn in sexual assault, Levin again downplayed the effects of pornography on actual behaviour and compared it to the “furor” 30 years ago over the link between video games and violence.
“Yet what we’ve seen is that although these games have become more violent and more widely available, there is no evidence that they have led to an increase in actual violent behaviour; if anything, the opposite seems to have occurred,” Levin argued seven months ago. “To me this suggests that we should be very cautious in making assumptions about the effects of fantasy or imagination on subsequent behaviour.”

But what about the incest fantasy we heard about in court that involved the horrific photo he himself shared — that of a young girl gagged, her ankles and hands bound, a leash hanging down the front of her semi-nude body? There was a real victim here and it’s shocking Levin still doesn’t seem to understand that.

No, he still doesn’t get it at all.

“I would say that putting people in jail is one of the most useless but expensive social policies we have,” he wrote to one researcher.

Yet that’s where Levin still belongs.



Aug 23, 2001
Depraved world view of Ben Levin continues on parole

Michele Mandel
Publishing date:Nov 15, 2017

Convicted child pornographer Ben Levin, the former bigwig in Ontario’s ministry of education, is on parole — but he is busy online, trolling academic studies on porn and leaving comments that suggest the disgraced educator still doesn’t think he did anything wrong.

If he remains so clueless, why isn’t this registered sex offender still behind bars?

Levin, 65, was sentenced to three years in prison in 2015 after pleading guilty to creating and possessing child pornography and counselling others to commit a sexual assault.

Caught by undercover officers online, the world-renowned educator, UofT prof and former member of Kathleen Wynne’s transition team was a frequent visitor to an incest chat room where he counselled single moms on how to sexually assault their daughters for his pleasure and theirs, a site where his profile listed his sexuality as “nothing is taboo.”

In one disgusting sampling read out in court, the depraved Levin told one London “mom” he’d like to “f— all 3 (of her children) in front of you with your help…would they submit or would I need to tie them?”

Levin was denied full parole in August 2016 after the National Parole Board found he still lacked insight into his crimes. This past January, he somehow convinced them otherwise and was granted full parole.

Yet Levin still appears to blame everyone but himself. In his online comments, he suggests we’re the ones with the problem, that as a society, we’re overreacting to “harmless” fantasies.

Since his release, Levin’s Internet footprint is all over ResearchGate, a kind of Facebook for academics to post and review studies.

“Research Ben” identifies himself as “retired from the University of Toronto” with a newly-developed interest in criminal justice “where the link between evidence and policy seems especially wide in many countries.”

While his parole conditions state he can’t “possess or access pornography or sexually explicit material in any form or type of media,” he seems to be getting his kicks by reading and commenting on scholarly articles about the dark world in which he once lurked. Levin lists 84 papers of interest with the vast majority dealing with studies around child pornography and pedophiles.

In his most recent contribution to the site, Levin commented on an article in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, entitled, “What exactly is an unusual sexual fantasy?”

“Given the tendency to panic over sexual behaviour and sexual fantasy, it’s very helpful to have some data in this area,” he wrote Oct. 29. “Sex seems to be an area where there is a common belief or assumption that people want to act out their fantasies, whereas it seems likely (I say this without knowing the evidence) that one main purpose of fantasy is precisely the opposite — to avoid having to act out certain events or activities which nonetheless provide psychological pleasure.”

On the same day, he was commenting on “Sexual Scripts and the Sexual Behaviour of Men and Women Who Use Pornography,” suggesting the authors should have noted that “associations between pornography use and behaviour were generally small.”

In another recent posting, he commended the researcher for an explicit study entitled “Schoolgirls and Soccer Moms: A Content Analysis of Free ‘Teen’ and ‘MILF’ Online Pornography:”

“Thanks for sharing this,” he wrote, “It’s important to open up the world of pornography in a non-emotional way if we are ever to understand it’s (sic) place in human life and its effects on sexual behaviour.”

While praising a 2016 article, “The Prevalence of Paraphilic Interests and Behaviours in the General Population: A Provincial Survey,” Levin complained the definition of paraphilia as a psychiatric illness “was won by people who seem to want to restrict what counts as acceptable — or ‘normal’ — sexual activity; the same kinds of provisions that were used in past to criminalize homosexuality.”

Is he really suggesting a deviant consumer of violent child porn is “normal” and unfairly stigmatized?

Levin also complained those psychiatric definitions have been “used to justify harsh penalties in areas where it is not clear there has been any significant harm.”

No significant harm? Tell that to the poor kids violated, raped and posed for photos to satisfy the disgusting cravings of adults around the world.

Levin did not respond to a request for comment.

A York University PhD student who came across his posts is horrified.

“The more I think about his research of these deviant areas after his previous conviction, the more I think about his audacity,” explained the academic, who didn’t want to be named. “It’s really disturbing. He’s coached himself through his own dark side, he’s justified it by saying he hasn’t acted on it.”

According to Levin, people like him aren’t monsters. They’re simply misunderstood.

Commenting on another paper, “How Common is Men’s Self-Reported Sexual Interest in Prepubescent Children?” Levin laments the “current view that any person with a sexual interest in children must be a ‘monster.'”

He commends the authors for noting “a considerable number of men have a sexual attraction to children but never act on it, or would seek therapy if they could do so without exposing themselves to prosecution — acting on this finding would very likely protect more children from harm.”

In answer to a researcher question about the role of porn in sexual assault, Levin again downplayed the effects of pornography on actual behaviour and compared it to the “furor” 30 years ago over the link between video games and violence.
“Yet what we’ve seen is that although these games have become more violent and more widely available, there is no evidence that they have led to an increase in actual violent behaviour; if anything, the opposite seems to have occurred,” Levin argued seven months ago. “To me this suggests that we should be very cautious in making assumptions about the effects of fantasy or imagination on subsequent behaviour.”

But what about the incest fantasy we heard about in court that involved the horrific photo he himself shared — that of a young girl gagged, her ankles and hands bound, a leash hanging down the front of her semi-nude body? There was a real victim here and it’s shocking Levin still doesn’t seem to understand that.

No, he still doesn’t get it at all.

“I would say that putting people in jail is one of the most useless but expensive social policies we have,” he wrote to one researcher.

Yet that’s where Levin still belongs.

So you live in a world where Michele Mandel is a criminal law expert, huh?

Levin is a jackass who cut a plea deal for a fairly standard sentence. The sentence would have been tailored and driven by how outrageous and damaging his porn interests were and the extent to which they would have affected real life kids. He served the standard 2/3 hit of that 3-year sentence and was released. Apparently, he is without "insight", but has not re-offended.

It may be news to you that we can't lock people up forever. And while you argue that kiddie porn is uniquely damaging to its victims, I would suggest that women who are raped, men and women who are badly beaten, people whose houses are broken into and ransacked and pensioners who are scammed of their savings are also damaged. In fact, damage is a common coin paid to the victims of crime. And yet, few suggest that rapists or conmen be sentenced permanently to jail or comment that they lack insight when they are released and should be reincarcerated. (And I am guessing that in fact most criminals lack insight because if they ever had that sort of mentality, they would not have committed their crimes.)

So excuse me if I find your second-hand outrage - and its source with Ms Mandel - less than impressive.
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Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
3 years is what it's worth in the system. It's very much against the law. It's prosecuted rigorously.

What else do you want?
I want the politicians who are in power to step and do what is right - Amend the penalties associated with pedophilia.

They have the platform and can speak for the majority of people who not only feel, but know the current penalties are no more than a slap on the wrist.

In the case of Levin both Wynn and Trudeau (especially Wynn) they had an opportunity to use their role as leaders make a stand regarding the lenient penalties for these crimes, however they both hid and purposely distanced themselves from that opportunity.

You may feel that 3 years is a deserving penalty for pedophilia and that is where you and I disagree. I rank pedophilia as serious or worse than first degree murder.


Aug 23, 2001
I want the politicians who are in power to step and do what is right - Amend the penalties associated with pedophilia.

They have the platform and can speak for the majority of people who not only feel, but know the current penalties are no more than a slap on the wrist.

In the case of Levin both Wynn and Trudeau (especially Wynn) they had an opportunity to use their role as leaders make a stand regarding the lenient penalties for these crimes, however they both hid and purposely distanced themselves from that opportunity.

You may feel that 3 years is a deserving penalty for pedophilia and that is where you and I disagree. I rank pedophilia as serious or worse than first degree murder.
You want guys who own pedophile videos to serve life imprisonment. Got it.

No one in the justice system agrees with you, but you're entitled to your opinion. I guess.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
You want guys who own pedophile videos to serve life imprisonment. Got it.

No one in the justice system agrees with you, but you're entitled to your opinion. I guess.
I fully expect that no one in the "Justice System" would agree with me. However the majority of the people outside of that system (general public) would agree with me.

Our justice system is more unjust than just. It puts the rights of the victim below that of the perpetrator, hands outs lenient sentences and further reduces those sentences once someone is imprisoned, allows the rich and famous to receive better legal representation whereas the poorer folk cannot afford such luxuries and in some cases is open to bribery.

Look at the numerous high profile cases involving drunk drivers. Take Marco Muzzo who killed an entire family by driving stone drunk. He took four lives, three of them young children and what did our justice system do? Gave him ten years which was reduced to four and he is now living at a community facility. His money and connections paid off our justice system to get a better deal. How many other politicians, sports celebrities and other famous or rich people received little to no jail time because of their status or ability to afford high priced attorneys who can work the system? Why can't this same level of representation be available to poor people? Where is the justice in that? The justice system is for the 1%.

How many times is there a thread on this board involving pedophiles and the group response (excluding those in the justice system) is calling for castration, death or hoping the offender is placed in general population where "real justice" can be administered (real justice - A good chunk of the population acknowledges that real justice is delivered by our criminals as opposed to our law makers).

What would you do if a pedophile molested one of your children and damaged them for life? I will share my response now - knowing that the pedophile would either receive an unjust sentence or perhaps be let off completely, I would take matters in my own hands on that person and deliver justice on my own. Is it wrong? Yes. Would I care? No. Would the majority of people with common sense and decency support me? Yes.

So, no one in the justice system will agree with me? When they find themselves as a victim of the system they will change their tune.
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