Some things to look for before booking a provider.
- Does she have reviews
- Does she have a website
- Social media presence (Twitter , Insta)
- Does she change her phone number often
- Is she available 24/7
- Does she accept all the services you are asking for at a very low rate
- Does she have history of advertising in more than one city at the same time
In my years of been a provider , I’ve heard so many horrific stories.
My suggestion would be to book the well established ones , but if you really want to try someone new , be careful and make your research.
The bad ones are making it difficult for the good ones to conduct their business.
* Asking for deposits doesn’t mean they’re scams. I ask for deposit and I am not a scam.
* No back doesn’t mean she’s a scam. I’ve met girls that refuse to see black gents because the black community is small in Ottawa and they didn’t want to take the risk to run into someone they know. *
Some places to look to find a good provider.
-Ottawa Independent Companions (OIC)
-Terb (here)
- Ask your regular provider who she would suggest. (She knows you and will most probably be able to suggest someone you’ll like).
Good luck and stay safe