Classic deflection of the facts.......Justin would be proud.Seems like an anti-vaxxer thing to do, to try and drum up support for their "cause".
Classic deflection of the facts.......Justin would be proud.Seems like an anti-vaxxer thing to do, to try and drum up support for their "cause".
Keep in mind, that Twitter account belongs to a Rebel "News" member. They have long been known to torque so-called facts to fit their idealogical spin. So, if you search the Star's website for the words "vandalized" it will not be there....because it never was. But the rubes believe the Star incorrectly reported stuff, which tarnishes its reputation.Not sure “Vandalized” was the word used… I think it was “Desecrated”.
transitive verb
• To violate the sacredness of; profane.
• To divest of a sacred character or office; to divert from a sacred purpose; to violate the sanctity of; to profane; to put to an unworthy use; -- the opposite of consecrate.
• To profane or violate the sacredness or sanctity of something.
• To remove the consecration from someone or something; to deconsecrate.
• To inappropriately change.
• violate the sacred character of a place or language
• remove the consecration from a person or an object
I will agree with you there. There's no specific reason to believe this was antivaxxers, it could very well be maniacal pro-vaccinators. Both sides have their lunatic fringe. Whoever did that should get locked up and have the shit kicked out of them on a daily basis, I don't care their political views. But because a more liberal leaning someone did something stupid and reprehensible is not justification for a conservative leaning to do something stupid and reprehensible, even if one is worse than the other. They're both indefensible and shouldn't be excused by either side.deflection of the facts.......
I think you have actually seen the pictures.Show me pictures of this supposed desecration then........
Oh and by the way I don't consider the Canadian flag to be desecration in any way.
Here's some real life desecration for you to use as a measure'
Just giving you a taste of your own medicine.Classic deflection of the facts.......Justin would be proud.
Careful… he refutes medicine.Just giving you a taste of your own medicine.
Do not be naïveTruck drivers do not drive for 18 hours straight. That would be illegal and dangerous.
Are you that desperate you need to exploit what appears to be a traffic accident?Convoy supporters tried to ram RCMP officers at the border in Coutts.
Are you advocating for people to break the law, again?Do not be naïve
your having a lot of trouble distinguishing between "medicine" and a persons right to decide what gets injected into their bloodstream or their right to earn a livingCareful… he refutes medicine.
Are you monitoring the internet for the "thought police" againAre you advocating for people to break the law, again?
Hours of service requirements
1. Daily requirement*
- A driver must have 10 hours off-duty in a day.
- A driver cannot drive more than 13 hours in a day.
- A driver cannot drive after 14 hours on-duty in a day.
No, just you. LOLAre you monitoring the internet for the "thought police" again
Yes I support the sovereignty of the individual to be able to choose between taking a compound which has no long term data on it or not.Careful… he refutes medicine.
you are still naive I seeHours of service | The Official Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Truck Handbook
The online version of the Ontario truck handbook. Use this book to study for your A and D licence, test your knowledge and prepare for your A and D road
COVID-19 Update: RCMP officers assaulted by people allied with protesters | Restrictions could be lifted by end of February | Alberta reports 69 more hospitalizations
Watch this page throughout the day for updates on COVID-19 in
Who's being naïve? 85%-90% of truck drivers are vaccinated. They are the ones bringing the goods across the border. The majority of unvaxxed drivers are still working city and highway deliveries. They are the ones bringing food to Canadian tables.Do not be naïve
Rather be thankful they somehow ensure you get the food and other products you need
Kenney and the RCMP have called it an attempted ramming. Do you believe them?Are you that desperate you need to exploit what appears to be a traffic accident?
No looting, no arson, no violence
Had the BLM protests been as calm , they might have achieved some credibility
Once again show me the pictures..........I think you have actually seen the pictures.
Terry actually died raising money for medical science. The idiots saying that science is wrong using him is an insult to everything that Terry stood for as a proud Canadian.
There is a petition started this morning to give OPS a message to end this ASAP and is up to almost 7500 signatures with little publicity.FEBRUARY 2, 2022Thought’s on the Freedom Convoy
To begin, I understand the frustration many people are feeling around the world after 2+ years of a global pandemic. It’s justified. I get the anger and fear for livelihoods many have. I get the concern for government mandates and many of Trudeau’s policies. But I decided to listen to several of the speakers at this so-called “Freedom Convoy” in Ottawa and I found that there is an undeniable slant toward far-right, xenophobic and anti-science conspiracy theories. There also appears to be a strain of white nationalism present among a large swath of the protesters. No matter how they spin this, it isn’t just a “few bad apples.” Fascist elements loom large in this group.
But the most important feature of this “movement” are its founders. The leaders of this convoy (and profiteers) include Tamara Lich (Alberta separatist, Wexit Party), Benjamin Dichter (far right People’s Party of Canada), Patrick King (white nationalist). Grifter and peddler of nonsense JP Sears and the weepy chauvinist Jordan Peterson have also thrown in their support. One important thing to note here: not ONE of them is a trucker.
Without a doubt, the far-right has been effective at harnessing the frustrations of the masses. Drumming up support and raising money thanks to a social media ecosystem which often rewards propaganda and disinformation, while disappearing voices of rational discourse. It gives the facade of solidarity, but relishes in manipulating people’s base fears and prejudices which usually leads to scapegoating or worse. We have seen this kind of thing before. In Australia, and Germany, and the UK. And at the US Capitol in Washington a year ago. Is it any surprise, then, that Donald Trump has come out to endorse it?
To be sure, none of this is about support for workers. There are no demands for fair wages for the working class. No demands for more protections or ICU beds. But it has garnered the support of millionaires and billionaires. Elon Musk, Ben Shapiro, Sean Hannity and several more. If that doesn’t speak volumes about the character of this counterrevolution, I don’t know what will.
If there is anything to be learned from this and other demonstrations around the world, it is that the far-right is gaining momentum from the exasperation of ordinary people. It is therefore more important than ever before for the left to come together and respond to it in a coherent way that endorses solidarity with the working class. If we don’t, we will only have ourselves to blame for what ends up happening.
No arguments from me on this post.I will agree with you there. There's no specific reason to believe this was antivaxxers, it could very well be maniacal pro-vaccinators. Both sides have their lunatic fringe. Whoever did that should get locked up and have the shit kicked out of them on a daily basis, I don't care their political views. But because a more liberal leaning someone did something stupid and reprehensible is not justification for a conservative leaning to do something stupid and reprehensible, even if one is worse than the other. They're both indefensible and shouldn't be excused by either side.