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I think the Freedom Convoy may have already accomplished something…


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
You missed the point of the post - or at least are pretending to, in order to deflect the thread a few more posts.

The point was that the Tories are wasting time debating minor shit that happened 30 years ago, instead of dealing with the business of government.
Justin.brough racism into the conversation. What's fair is fair. Hint? Don't defend or try to explain away racist behavior. That's low, even for you.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
The point was that the Tories are wasting time debating minor shit that happened 30 years ago, instead of dealing with the business of government.
Hold on for a minute. Most Canadians are OK with that. That and the leadership crisis will keep them occupied for a while.


Aug 23, 2001
Justin.brough racism into the conversation. What's fair is fair. Hint? Don't defend or try to explain away racist behavior. That's low, even for you.
Aah, the deflection continues.

What's the title of this thread, JC?...... The Freedom Convoy.

How does JC deal with embarrassing topics?.... He finds another hobbyhorse, unrelated topic and he posts again and again and again about it until he kills the thread or derails it.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
🤦‍♂️ it means your irresponsible and a lazy fuck.
Deciding what gets injected into your bloodstream is irresponsible?
No actually demanding that other people do not have that right is irresponsible.

Lazy Fuck?
Well then you must have a lot of experience driving 18 hours through nasty weather and amongst shitty drivers only to arrive to find the loading dock is backed up for 3 hours you will not get paid for
Every god dam thing you eat , use or own likely spent time on a truck and was delivered for you by a trucker

I am pretty sure the mods would love to advise you about insults , believe me I know and thus am restrained from replying in kind
Not to worry though I detest the thought of ratting anyone out

Do not tell me to listen , I do not take orders from someone who has just insulted me

I would do whatever it takes to put food on the table
Including defying your moron prime minister on a matter concerning your bloodstream?

instead of occupying the streets and wasting time.
do you not BLM had the right to peacefully protest?
I do and really wish their protest had been peaceful like the truckers protest

You got 2 hands and 2 legs, stop the crying and man up
I also have 2 vaxx shots with the docs to prove it, awaiting the call for the booster & have not missed a day of work during the pandemic

No that your have fully embarrassed yourself you might start to think about the bigger issue
The govt does not have the right to mandate what gets injected into your bloodstream

Stupidity can not be blackmailed....
I guess your golden in the blackmail department then and it could not possibly happen to you


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]With that logic, you can delete your account anytime you like.
You do not like the others playing in your sand box so you want them to get out of your sandbox?
Grow up

You have the right to get lost, but not the right to tell others to get lost

It’s not the the rest of enjoy your suedo science.
You want to debate the science of Atmospheric physics ?

a word of advise , don't bring a knife to a gun fight, it will end badly for you
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Post whatever deflections you can dream up.

You are on record advocating the use of fictitious invoices, which is fraudulent.
And exactly which specific aw am I supposedly breaking
If you had a clue you would know we do not live in the police state you dream off

Re the tax code
Violations only occur once you sign and then summit the tax return
We are free to discuss hypotheticals until the cow come home, even if they offend your self-righteous views on what is fraudulent or not
Get a grip on reality


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
You do not like the others play i your sand box so you want them to get out of your sandbox?
Grow up

You have the right to get lost, but not the right to tell others to get lost

You want to debate the science of Atmospheric physics ?

a word of advise , don't bring a knife to a gun fight, it will end badly for you
I have been able to refute every claim you have ever made with scientific articles from people with actual credentials… shown court cases where the oil companies openly admit climate science is real and and climate change is man made…. And used the sources you yourself have brought to the “gun fight” who openly say climate change is real and man made. You could not be more of a joke.

I never asked you to leave. I pointed out your hypocrisy.

I once told you to get your shine box. You called me immature, and said it didn’t end well for Batts. Guess you forgot it didn’t end well for Tommy either.
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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2021
For anyone new to this thread and not wanting to read 9 pages so far, allow me to provide to a quick recap of the debate:

Those against this convoy..... "Organizers have nothing to do with trucking, have a history of alt right and racist views, affiliated with past events calling for execution of PM, and have documents calling for the overthrow of the Canadian government."

Those for this convoy....... "Justin Trudeau is faking covid and wore blackface to a party 30 years ago and here's some clever memes of him cowering like a chicken."

Against..... "Protesters hung Trudeau in effigy, branded swastikas, harrassed retail and hotel staff, beat up a homeless guy and hurled racist slurs at a security guard who tried to help the homeless guy, they stormed a shelter demanding food meant for those in need and that's just a few questionable actions, there are more."

For....... "There wasn't THAT MUCH nazi symbolism, it was an acceptable amount of swastikas as far as I am concerned. Do you count the number of rainbow flags at the pride parade? I didn't think so..... None of us actually want the PM to die, it's just theatrics to make a point...... that we want him to die. As for the shelter, are you saying the BLM protesters didn't accept any free food?"

For....... "These wonderful protesters represent truckers across the country and in fact all Canadians! We're tired of the oppressive regieme that has taken away all of our rights. I would gladly leave Canada but they won't let me! It's exactly like the holocaust."

Against..... "Actually the trucking associations and trade media had disavowed the event and urged truckers not to participate. 85%+ of truckers are vaccinated, same for eligible Canadians. No actual rights have been taken away from unvaccinated, just privileges. And you can leave Canada anytime you want, you just can't do so on commercial plane, train or boat. When you compare the plight of the unvaccinated to the holocaust, you do realize that was about the systemic murder of 6 million jews, don't you?"

For....... "CBC is a joke and here's a tik tok video to illustrate why."

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Right. An individual who doesn't even remember how many times he.played Mr. Dressup when asked directly has a perfect excuse- it happened years ago! Was in the 1920s when he was on the road with Al Jolson? What's his excuse for dressing up as a Hindu while being the Prime Minister and embarrassing the whole country?
I wouldn't be surprised if the reason Trudeau likes isolation so much is so he can continue to dress up to this very day!

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
And exactly which specific aw am I supposedly breaking
If you had a clue you would know we do not live in the police state you dream off

Re the tax code
Violations only occur once you sign and then summit the tax return
We are free to discuss hypotheticals until the cow come home, even if they offend your self-righteous views on what is fraudulent or not
Get a grip on reality
False and fictitious invoices and tax audit
Blog evasion, false, fictitious, invoice, taxes 0 Comments
False and fictitious invoices can be obtained in a number of ways. Nowadays it is very easy to produce invoices that appear genuine with new generation printers and personal computers. Invoices can be purchased on the Internet. Companies that want to buy invoices and those which sell invoices get in touch either through a mutual acquaintance or through word of mouth.

A false invoice is, in the first instance, a false document. Most countries have a definition of a false document in their criminal legislation.
In this way, can be defined a false invoice as an invoice on which incorrect information has been put intentionally.
Some countries make a distinction between two kinds of false invoices. This distinction is made to differentiate between the uses that the false invoices are put to.
A fictitious invoice is an invoice where the transaction did not take place and the main purpose is to extract money from the business possibly for funds for the directors. A fictitious invoice could also simply be used to reduce the VAT liability in countries where no reverse charge system is in operation. This would include invoices from missing traders.
A false invoice is an invoice where a transaction took place but it was not the transaction that is on the invoice. An example of this is where the false invoice is for the supply of goods whereas the money allegedly paid for the goods is actually used to pay the wages of workers who are not on the payroll.

Most countries agree with these definitions.
In France, false invoices are categorized as either false (convenience) invoices or fictitious invoices. A false invoice is where the transaction has taken place but was not performed by the company whose name appears on the invoice. A fictitious invoice, on the other hand, is an invoice where the transaction on the invoice did not take place and the invoice was only used to extract money from the business. The tax penalties differ between false and fictitious invoices. In relation to false invoices, the penalty applies to the supplier and user of the invoices while it only applies to the supplier where the invoice is deemed to be fictitious.
In Hungary, the Ministry of Finance has issued a policy on false/fictitious invoices. It defines false and fictitious invoices as invoices that fulfill the legal requirements but have significant content deficiencies and includes false information regarding the transaction or the participants. An indication of a fictitious invoice could be if the transaction between the participants on the invoice did not take place at all or the contract between the participants is bogus. An indication of a false invoice could be if the real economic event is not the same as the transaction outlined on the invoice. Generally, if the issuer of the invoice is not tax registered or the registration was based on false or stolen documents, there is a case of false/fictitious invoices.
In Italy, there is a different definition:
– Objectively non-existent: A transaction which is non-existent in the absolute sense. A VAT deduction is not allowed because the supply of goods or the services has not taken place.
– Subjectively non-existent: A transaction between other participants than those who appear on the invoice or the acquisition for goods or services, illegally, with participants other than the company that had issued the invoice. The tax consequences are also that a deduction of VAT is not allowed.
The reasons why false and fictitious invoices are used are often the same in different countries.
False and fictitious invoices are used to take money out of the company in order to:
  • Pay workers (illegal immigrants or otherwise) who are not on the official payroll;
  • Pay hidden dividends to the manager or other connected persons.
Sometimes these invoices are used to:
  • Finance criminal or corrupt activities;
  • Hide the illegal origin of goods.
The tax implications of using false and fictitious invoices are often the same in the different countries. They can reduce tax payments by:
  • Reducing corporate tax by increasing deductible expenses;
  • Obtaining a VAT refund;
  • Decreasing the VAT payable by increasing the input credits;
  • Altering the VAT rate applicable;
  • Paying wages that have not been subjected to payroll taxes or social contributions.
The following initiatives are being considered by various tax administrations or have already been introduced to combat false and/or fictitious invoices:
But, what are the initiatives of different countries in Europe?
The initiatives include:
  • Development of risk analysis systems (i.e. a data mining model) to assist in the detection of fraud through the use of false or fictitious invoices (various countries including Belgium).
  • National construction projects to tackle risks quickly and consistently (various countries including Slovenia).
  • Introduction in Poland of the Plan of Tax Discipline based on the main tax risk areas. This plan identifies how audits should be selected and provides guidance on how to lead and to address specific issues of interest during an audit. This information was based on problems identified and experiences gained during audits.
  • Introduction of the Reverse Charge System of accounting for VAT.
  • The MT-database was established in Slovenia. This contains information on missing trader companies discovered during audits, those traders receiving invoices, the value of the invoice and period during which false/fictitious invoices were issued.
  • Introduction of a Single VAT Deposit Account in Azerbaijan in 2008. This is the first tax administration in the world to introduce this initiative and has resulted in an increase in VAT receipts of 74.7% above the 2007 figure. It is an automated process where taxpayers transfer the VAT amount from their bank account to the VAT deposit account by showing the sellers TIN (Tax Identification Number). The amounts per TIN are reflected on the sub-accounts of those taxpayers. From their VAT sub-account, the taxpayer can pay their tax liabilities.
  • Preventative controls. These are deterrent controls introduced in Italy to discourage tax evasion and are carried out before the deadline for the submission of tax returns. They are short visits to taxpayers to verify certain information to be included in the returns, checking for the existence of workers not on the payroll (for future inquiries relating to social security) and, among other things, for checking invoices and receipts. These checks, which are primarily for VAT purposes, give rise to fines and sanctions for any breaches found. The taxpayer also has the opportunity to correct the tax return to be submitted.
  • Targeted Access controls have also been introduced in Italy. These are checks carried out after the submission of the tax returns (as distinct from preventative controls which take place prior to the submission of the tax return) and are a way of establishing whether a more in-depth tax audit is required.
  • Creation of fraud detection cells in Belgium. One to two persons have been appointed in each of the 10 local directorates to gather information received from inspectors and auditors relating to tax frauds whose impact extends beyond the local area. This information is then passed on to a central unit who determine which tax frauds must be tackled.
  • Joint and several liabilities. This has been introduced in a number of countries and is being considered in Norway.
  • Introduction of a procedure in France to enable the tax administration to react quickly when a fraud is uncovered in a letterbox company. The procedure, which only applies to a period where a return submission date has not passed, involves swift action against a company (e.g. on the bank account), where fictitious invoices are found or where the company has issued them. This procedure does not require the permission of a judge and can result in a penalty of up to EUR 20,000. It can also result in an audit covering a period of 6 years rather than the normal 3-year period.
Measures from tax administration to make the feasible all initiatives are based on:
  • Unannounced visits/checks (various countries including Spain, Romania and Germany);
  • Effective sanctions, including imprisonment and confiscation of assets in FYR of Macedonia;
  • Joint actions involving police, customs, tax auditors and labour inspectors (various countries including Denmark and France);
  • Establishment of specialized teams for carousel fraud in the Netherlands;
  • Crosschecking of bi-annual returns regarding invoices issued and received in Romania (audits are then undertaken on the riskiest cases identified);
  • Interrogation of financial networks (e.g. linking connected parties) in various countries including Latvia;
  • Reorganization of the unit responsible for the detection of criminal and tax frauds in Croatia;
  • Highlighting of specific legislative measures in Portugal to collect the correct tax due or tax improperly reclaimed;
  • Introduction of identity cards for all persons engaged on a construction site in Norway;
  • Amendment of the relevant legislation is currently underway in Croatia;
  • Exchange of information between various authorities regarding illegal employment, illicit work, unlawful social benefits, reimbursement of social benefits, temporary employment and immigrant workers from other countries, and Tax authority and fiscal police. This occurs in a number of countries including Germany.
When a false or fictitious invoice is discovered during an audit it is necessary to confirm the validity of the invoice and all documentation supporting it. The supplier and purchaser documentation is usually crosschecked.
When it is proven that the invoices are false or fictitious the audit is stopped in some administrations and a report is compiled and the case referred to the police. In some other tax administrations, the investigation/audit continues while the prosecution commences as a separate procedure.


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2021
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