Any recent info on Alma. Just curious if anyone has seen her recently or has updated pics of her.
I thought it was just me...She's super flakey when it comes to communication
Her ads say she cuts/colours hair as wellWhat is with the hair colour bottles? Is that a gift request from her, or something that she does by request?
I know somebody exactly the same as you. He tried to setup something with her 3 times, and each time she ghosted him. He finally tried a 4th time, and managed to see her. Unfortunately his experience seemed to be underwhelming, but he did finally get to see her. She seems to be distracted these days.To me, she's a mystery
I don't know why but I was always unlucky with her.
3 tries, 3 times the same thing.
I work both days and evenings atm. I'm advertising for early mornings now like 6:30am til about 3:30/4 as I won't be available in the evenings much longer bc of my other job, I also won't be available on weekends either anymore.She advertises as being around during the morning. Are people having a good experience seeing her during the day or night?
I hadn't seen her for years but thanks for the memories. She does give a phenomenal blowjob!...the blowjob was off the charts.