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Why are there no massage parlours for women?


🦇🖤 niagara social engagements 🖤🦇
Jun 30, 2021
St catharines
I can definitely answer this question ♥

I have a male duo partner who lives in London who was more than willing to provide duos outside of just escorting at the spa .. also to see women solo too. The problem is that I was made aware of in the spas is this

- women are there all day they see male clients. Sometimes even interacting outside of their own appointments with potential clients at the door or in the line up.

in between they like their own space to just chit chat as women. Be themselves and ground themselves until their next call. Whether that means jumping fresh out of the shower with no makeup on and being able to feel comfortable with just women getting dressed and undressed, eating, watching shows, or taking personal calls. Understandably so a lot of women would feel uncomfortable with a male lingering around in the lounge.

- it opens the door for predators to pose as male escorts or massage attendants to try and get free sex, take our money etc . Why would I want some random man hanging out I don’t know knowing how much I made that night. Wouldn’t feel safe

Also there’s also a potential of drama. A bunch of girls and one or very few males hanging out all day. Jealously, competition. Hooking up outside of work, maybe even possibility him having jealously issues. Most spas and strip clubs don’t allow girls to have their boyfriends, or play things too involved for a reason.

There’s also not really a market there for it. So a spa owner would be taking on the financial responsibility of hoping to have some sort of kick back when there isn’t really any there
Best to offer duos with a male you know personally for it be lucrative in my humble opinion
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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2017
From time to time over the years, I've seen massage parlours that have one guy on their roster that is available on an on-call basis. I have no idea if they get any business and they are quickly dropped from website. I am guessing there just isn't enough (if any) demand for many reasons including the ones already mentioned.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
in between they like their own space to just chit chat as women. Be themselves and ground themselves until their next call. Whether that means jumping fresh out of the shower with no makeup on and being able to feel comfortable with just women getting dressed and undressed, eating, watching shows, or taking personal calls. Understandably so a lot of women would feel uncomfortable with a male lingering around in the lounge.

- it opens the door for predators to pose as male escorts or massage attendants to try and get free sex, take our money etc . Why would I want some random man hanging out I don’t know knowing how much I made that night. Wouldn’t feel safe

Also there’s also a potential of drama. A bunch of girls and one or very few males hanging out all day. Jealously, competition. Hooking up outside of work, maybe even possibility him having jealously issues.
This would be a great idea for a TV show and/or a Netflix movie. Drama, jealousy, theft, money, female nudity, maybe a couple of physical confrontations, etc. I love it.
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🦇🖤 niagara social engagements 🖤🦇
Jun 30, 2021
St catharines
This would be a great idea for a TV show and/or a Netflix movie. Drama, jealousy, theft, money, female nudity, maybe a couple of physical confrontations, etc. I love it.
Lmao right ??? Better than jersey shore

Does any client actually want to deal with this
Guaranteed it would happen. I seen it over the phones 😂

“With a pit bull lock” 😂😂
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2021
There are some problems women have with sex that men do not have, like wondering if their date is going to murder them. The main reason women are not having sex with every man is she has to do alot of screening to see if he is a murderer. Do you ever put the location on your phone, tell people where you are, send people details of your date if you go missing, my thoughts, a woman could wonder about a male escort if they are going to rob her, offer her no service or beat her up. I also was looking for a male MPA or male escort in the GTA for a woman, there are simply far too few, and the ones I found charge more than the women with 400 an hour, and one of them I did not find attractive, he was 5'7 and in his 40s, I have no idea why most male MPAs or male escorts for women are all in their 40s to 50s. Women escorts and MPAs most are not middle aged.
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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2011
There are some problems women have with sex that men do not have, like wondering if their date is going to murder them. The main reason women are not having sex with every man is she has to do alot of screening to see if he is a murderer. Do you ever put the location on your phone, tell people where you are, send people details of your date if you go missing, my thoughts, a woman could wonder about a male escort if they are going to rob her, offer her no service or beat her up. I also was looking for a male MPA or male escort in the GTA for a woman, there are simply far too few, and the ones I found charge more than the women with 400 an hour, and one of them I did not find attractive, he was 5'7 and in his 40s, I have no idea why most male MPAs or male escorts for women are all in their 40s to 50s. Women escorts and MPAs most are not middle aged.
The main reason women are not having sex with every man is she has to do a lot of screening to see if he is a murderer

This is proof that even the puzzle factory, like the newspapers, can experience a misprint.


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
*Power dynamic - men are physically stronger and pose a safety risk to women
*Acting dynamic - female attendants can fake orgasms, men won't get hard if they're just not into a woman let alone orgasm
*Supply/demand - while not all women can have sex with the type of men they desire, they can all get sex for free
*Gender dynamic - women only invest (i.e. spend money on) in guys that they like; men invest in women that they like as well as women that are able to get them off; and getting a man off is a much easier task
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
This would be a great idea for a TV show and/or a Netflix movie. Drama, jealousy, theft, money, female nudity, maybe a couple of physical confrontations, etc. I love it.
At the Spa... they have a name for all that. Tuesday.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2021
Why do male escorts and male MPAs for women never post naked pictures like female escorts and female MPAs do. If a woman is paying $400 an hour, she can not even see what is under his clothes.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
You're right, we need a review board for chicks so we can safely research and review! 😘

*Power dynamic - men are physically stronger and pose a safety risk to women
*Acting dynamic - female attendants can fake orgasms, men won't get hard if they're just not into a woman let alone orgasm
*Supply/demand - while not all women can have sex with the type of men they desire, they can all get sex for free
*Gender dynamic - women only invest (i.e. spend money on) in guys that they like; men invest in women that they like as well as women that are able to get them off; and getting a man off is a much easier task

Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
I have wondered same thing. How much of the reason is societies attitudes about "good girls do not do that" being ingrained into women

At least massage spa for lesbians. They could go there if they have no partner just to experiment to see if their same gender attraction is for real.

For the life of me, I cannot see anything wrong with that

If not a spa, then some incall or outcall services

Some of the Asian spas do offer such HE services for woman to woman release and it is talked about women's
magazines like Cosmopolitan along with going to see a male attendant

Tantric providers accommodate females so there is a small market for it, just not a big enough market for a spa. Maybe some day

VIPhunter made a good observation and then MUSE chimed in ....
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
There are Asian ”acupuncture “ places in Markham and Richmond Hill were Asian women go to get serviced discretely by male attendants. Brothels for women would no work in Western culture for many reasons.

Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
Simple explanation...No demand.
1. Hot women can work at an MP, get the same service/attention, and get paid for it.
2. Your average middle aged woman who maybe doesn't fit the type to work, would not feel comfortable being groped by a man with abs and 2% body fat.
3. Every man asks this question and envisions themselves as the attendant and a bunch of babes as the clients. Lol. Thats not how MPs work.
4. Its been tried a few times by folks in denial of the above, and failed fast for the above reasons.
5. Curious women do go to the existing MPs. Y'all just don't know about it.
6. In general, mixing the sexes of the attendants can be a deterrent to those who haven't come out of the closet yet, or are simply curious and don't want people to know.


2 They would not be groped by a quality male masseur well trained in tantra massage . Unlike a female masseuse, they would need to be well trained in more than a HE in order to satisfy clientele

3 Not me LOL. I would not accept such a job. Hard work and I would soon lose any desire to touch a nude woman even if they were all hot which would certainly not be the situation .
I would lose my libido.

4 good point

5 They come to your establishment? How frequently?

6 I can see that. So, do not mix the sexes
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The CEO's of MPA-ing
May 9, 2009
MUSE Toronto

2 They would not be groped by a quality male masseuse well trained in tantra massage . Unlike a female masseuse, they would need to be well trained in more than a HE in order to satisfy clientele

3 Not me LOL. I would not accept such a job. Hard work and I would soon lose any desire to touch a nude woman even if they were all hot which would certainly not be the situation .
I would lose my libido.

4 good point

5 They come to your establishment? How frequently?

6 I can see that. So, do not mix the sexes

To further note...
Many women struggle with orgasm, can't reach orgasm, or have never orgasmed.
Tantra is extremely different than a rub'n'tug experience.
Your average woman struggles with body issues, body dysmorphia, low self esteem, etc. Being completely naked and intimately touched by a handsome fit man is dreadful for many.
A designated lesbian spa could potentially be intimidating for someone who is simply curious, perhaps not out of the closet, or unsure what it would be like to be intimate with a woman.

To answer your question, they do. I'd say 5-10 per year. And half the time, they want to work at MUSE after one session.

Try as you might, gentlemen, there simply isn't demand.
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