There was no reason to protest the election...they were stupid, duped by a dishonest guy...
If you're one of those guys that are still questioning the results with no proof and every issue debunked than you will never be convinced...
The only things debunked were that the election was fixed, or one party cheated.
The fact that it was using practices that normally would not have passed legal mustard if it wasn't for a Pandemic happening was never "debunked". Which means the constitutionality of the way the election was held, would completely have been in question any other time if there wasn't a pandemic happening.
The fact that voting rules were changing in some regions right up to a couple days before voting, alienating older voters from voting was never "debunked".
The fact that the US postal service admitted that they missed the deadline to submit hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots, and thus had to throw them out, because they were not prepared for the volume coming in, was never "debunked".
In an election as close as the previous one was. Any one of these things could have effected the outcome. All three of them most assuredly had an impact. We will never know which side may have benefited or lost from that impact, but we know this was not a fair or accurate election based on these three facts alone, that were never "debunked".
It is no different than the hanging Chad fiasco that Got W. Bush elected. That election was a farce as well.