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GOP, businesses torched AOC for doubting existence of smash-and-grab robberies


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
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Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
.Yeah OJ Simpson was acquitted
David Milgaard spent 23 years in prison hell labeled as a rapist and murder

Make sure you understand the difference between a scientist and an activist wearing a lab jacket

So guesswork based on what is presented or not presented or ignored

My guess is this will not be presented

How many times do you need to be told consensus does not determine science !!!!! ???????!!!!!!
Why do you fail to understand this?

Bullshit science??
The Bear Lambert Law is a scientific law which has stood the test of time
Absorption of infrared radiation is logarithmic wrt concentration and the absorption is saturated @ the 15 micron wavelength

The bullshit science is believing in models which have consistently been wrong while ignoring the physical laws of nature and the fact our climate is a chaotic system with many independant inpts

again "discredited" ??? WTF ???
Sorry cancel culture does not work when it comes to scientific truth
Galileo was discredited , so was David Milgard

Simple question why have Michael Mann / Phil Jones not been cancelled/ discredited ?
They only perpetuated a fraud and corrupted the peer-review process

and yet the polar bears are doing just fine, acres burnt by wild fires is down in the last 100 years, the Antarctic ice is not melting away, it is colder yesterday in Northern Europe , Russia and Australia than decades ago and the satellite dats shows next to no warming over the past 30years

All of which is inconsistent with the continue rise in CO2 levels and inconsistent bullshit "consensus" / "settled" science promoting CO2 as the control knob for climate

If you truly believe the courts can settle scientific questions, you have absolutely zero business commenting on any scientific matter
Mandrill adheres to the curious, and unsubstantiated, idea that judges have a superior understanding of everything, so whatever they decide about any subject must be correct. Of course, the reality is that the role of judges is just to determine disputes between litigants - for the simple social value of resolving the disputes, which is a very different role than being the final arbiter of truth (scientific or otherwise). Odd that a lawyer would have such a fundamental misunderstanding of the legal system.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Getting into Boston College automatically means high IQ? Doubt it....
C'mon. How many people with sub university IQ's have you dealt with and how many university grads??.... Sure, you get kids who don't want to go to university and are smart as heck. But most kids who don't go to university these days can't get in academically. And there's a huge fucking difference.

My sister teaches community college and deals with sub university kids all the time. Many are dumb as fuck and lazy to boot. MTG and Boebert fall into that category. Cawthorne might be a little smarter, but is such a corrupt, grifting little turd that it makes scant difference.

If someone has university level smarts - especially a known school like Boston College - they can handle political issues and political reasoning. AOC is really young and that's why her solutions are sometimes impractical. That's lack of life experience, not dummz. You deal with smart 20-somethings, that's what they're like. Just like AOC.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Mandrill adheres to the curious, and unsubstantiated, idea that judges have a superior understanding of everything, so whatever they decide about any subject must be correct. Of course, the reality is that the role of judges is just to determine disputes between litigants - for the simple social value of resolving the disputes, which is a very different role than being the final arbiter of truth (scientific or otherwise). Odd that a lawyer would have such a fundamental misunderstanding of the legal system.
Point taken, Dutch. Next time we have multi-billion $$$ environmental / resource business litigation, we'll let the counter dude at Subway make the call.

Judges aren't that smart and they don't really have a lifetime of experience in processing and assessing information and coming to a decision. I was mistaken.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
C'mon. How many people with sub university IQ's have you dealt with and how many university grads??.... Sure, you get kids who don't want to go to university and are smart as heck. But most kids who don't go to university these days can't get in academically. And there's a huge fucking difference.

My sister teaches community college and deals with sub university kids all the time. Many are dumb as fuck and lazy to boot. MTG and Boebert fall into that category. Cawthorne might be a little smarter, but is such a corrupt, grifting little turd that it makes scant difference.

If someone has university level smarts - especially a known school like Boston College - they can handle political issues and political reasoning. AOC is really young and that's why her solutions are sometimes impractical. That's lack of life experience, not dummz. You deal with smart 20-somethings, that's what they're like. Just like AOC.
C'mon, MTG and Boebert are definitely dumb, no doubt about that. I'd go out on a limb and say Cawthorne is too...but don't make it out like AOC and her credentials a testament of her being some type of menza...she isn't...in paper yes, but IRL she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed...


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
C'mon, MTG and Boebert are definitely dumb, no doubt about that. I'd go out on a limb and say Cawthorne is too...but don't make it out like AOC and her credentials a testament of her being some type of menza...she isn't...in paper yes, but IRL she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed...
I've seen her. She strikes me as smart, but not seasoned or practical. That's being young. Hey, I was young once too.

I'd like to claim that I was once the male AOC, but I wasn't anything as fuckable!
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Again…. You are arguing with memes.
Again.....Get use to it (memes)

This is factual information as the Urban Heat Island effect has been ignored for decades
It is quite possible a large portion of the "1.0" c" rise in the surface data set is due to ongoing urbanization, to go along with the inadequate coverage, data errors and the fiddling of data

So I doubt anyone at the IIPC has made a public statement saying “we were wrong”.
Well since the IPCC did not recognize Phil Jones / Michael Manns fraud, they will continue to ignore the Urban Heat Island effect
Spin. That’s all your meme is, spin. Please stop posting spin.
Nope the Urban Heat Island effect is real
If you want spin go listen to Catherine McKenna or AOC

Now… I am not a scientist.
That is obvious
However, when scientists at oil companies (and the legal teams), agree with experts (please note I did not say activists in lab coats… I said experts) that the climate science is real, and humans are causing the climate to change…. Then I tend to believe them over you.
Once again

A court does not determine science
Just like an opinion poll does not determine science
Scientific theory is determined by experimental observation.
Taught to you in your first high school science class

They are experts, you are not.
You know nothing about my scientific training or understanding

Do not confuse activists with scientists
Scientist do not prevert the peer review process, ,publish fraudulent hockey stick graphs , refuse to share data or fiddle with the data

You can post formulas, memes, and say 15 microns until your head explodes. It does not change the proven fact that humans are burning fossil fuels at an alarming rate, and that has environmental consequences. That is so painfully obvious that I should not have to explain it to a grown up who professes to understand the science. Yet here we are again.
And it should be so painfully obvious that a change of 0.01% of atmospheric composition can not possibly drive a physically process capable of creating the catastrophic disasters being promoted
I should not have to explain this to a grown up

Secondly when I state the absorption is saturated at 15 microns wavelength, it is not spin
This is a fact , backed up by numerous recent studies

In science one does not get to ignore facts simply because you do not understand them or worse because you do not like these facts

I don’t know why the cognitive dissonance has such a hold on you… mind you, most of the GOP still believe the election was stolen (even when the media and Trumps lawyer said they were not responsible for fact checking fraud claims, and courts shot them down)… so the fact the righties hate the left so much that they can’t bring themselves to see the burning Forrest through the trees should not surprise me.

I think your Politics has blinded you.
I think you do not think
This is a scientific issue which has sadly become a political issue

BTW I do not hate lefties
I do wonder why they are incapable of processing simple logic

BTW I noticed you completely avoided/ ignored the logarithmic dependency of concentration for absorption as well as the saturation

Ignoring the physical laws of nature to spread propaganda is "Spin"
Do not ever accuse me of spinning anything
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
New catchphrase on repeat!

This is a good one though. LaRue admitting his understanding of science is stuck at the high school level is clarifying.
Yeah right
I have forgotten more science than you will ever understand

You did not like the same message as described by Dr. Richard Feynman

So which should I use ?
and "neither" is not an acceptable response


A court does not determine science
Just like an opinion poll does not determine science
Scientific theory is determined by experimental observation.
Taught to you in your first high school science class
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Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Point taken, Dutch. Next time we have multi-billion $$$ environmental / resource business litigation, we'll let the counter dude at Subway make the call.

Judges aren't that smart and they don't really have a lifetime of experience in processing and assessing information and coming to a decision. I was mistaken.
As slow as our justice system moves, it actually operates too quickly to adequately educate judges in areas outside of their expertise (which would include EVERY scientific question). The courts, after all, have limited time and resources. However, courts deliver the rough justice necessary to dissuade litigants from attempting to kill each other to resolve their disputes, so they accomplish something of value.

In a typical trial involving expert testimony, a judge might hear from such experts for 1- 4 days at most. No one can become fully educated on an area of scientific study in that short a period of time (assuming the judge in question even has the aptitude for such study). In many cases involving COVID measures, Judges aren't even requiring expert testimony, but are rather accepting statements of generally accepted scientific principles as announced by public health officials as if that were irrefutable evidence. Judges just apply convenient rules of thumb to determine which expert evidence they will rely upon. These rules have nothing to do with the rigorous standards applied by science.

Judges are experienced in making decisions - WITHIN THE CONTEXT PROVIDED FOR THEM TO MAKE THOSE DECISIONS. Nothing more.
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Yeah right
I have forgotten more science than you will ever understand

You did not like the same message as described by Dr. Richard Feynman

So which should I use
and "neither" is not an acceptable response


A court does not determine science
Just like an opinion poll does not determine science
Scientific theory is determined by experimental observation.
Taught to you in your first high school science class
You should read you meme… you might learn something.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Point taken, Dutch. Next time we have multi-billion $$$ environmental / resource business litigation, we'll let the counter dude at Subway make the call.

Judges aren't that smart and they don't really have a lifetime of experience in processing and assessing information and coming to a decision. I was mistaken.
Big Oil not only knows judges aren't that smart. They know judges can
be idiots when it comes to climate change.That's why they have reformed
themselves from climate change deniers into climate change believers for
their protection against future climate lawsuits.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You mean that they objected to his model, specifically.
Actually he would have had lots of observational data
but like climate alarmist the 16th century courts/ church was willing to ignore what they did not want to see/ understand


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You should read you meme… you might learn something.
you should read it, you might learn something.
I have always understood scientific theory is not determined by consensus or the courts


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
At this point I don't know why it was even brought up.
you questioned his point and wanted a link to the study he referenced
you know, your standard ploy of trying to undermine others credibility without you bringing anything of value to the table
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
you should read it, you might learn something.
I have always understood scientific theory is not determined by consensus or the courts
No... you choose political bias.

And my example did not have the courts deciding. My example was big oil agreeing 100% with the prosecution's EVIDENCE. There was no court decree as you would like to paint it.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
No... you choose political bias.

And my example did not have the courts deciding. My example was big oil agreeing 100% with the prosecution's EVIDENCE. There was no court decree as you would like to paint it.
Oh boy
This is getting juvenile

argued in a court of law
That evidence did not contain any reference to saturation did it?
That evidence did not contain any reference to water vapor , convection, jet streams deep ocean currents, aerosols, ocean volcanic activity photosynthiesis elevation, the urban heat island effect etc, etc etc did it?

There has been 50 years of failed climate predictions.
How is that for evidence for you ?

re political bias:
scientific facts do not have a political bias
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Oh boy
This is getting juvenile

argued in a court of law
That evidence did not contain any reference to saturation did it?
That evidence did not contain any reference to water vapor , convection, jet streams deep ocean currents, aerosols, ocean volcanic activity photosynthiesis elevation, the urban heat island effect etc, etc etc did it?

There has been 50 years of failed climate predictions.
How is that for evidence for you ?
It didn't have too...


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Oh boy
This is getting juvenile

argued in a court of law
That evidence did not contain any reference to saturation did it?
That evidence did not contain any reference to water vapor , convection, jet streams deep ocean currents, aerosols, ocean volcanic activity photosynthiesis elevation, the urban heat island effect etc, etc etc did it?

There has been 50 years of failed climate predictions.
How is that for evidence for you ?
Your 15 micron argument, absorbing radiation sounds like incoming sunlight and heat... the rest of us are dealing with heat once its hit the earth... it gets trapped. I think you are describing apple's, and the scientists are talking climate change.
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