What is Your Purpose Our Lives? Lets get Philosophical


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
To Reproduce

The purpose of life is to live.

No matter how you look at it, the purpose of your existence is to maintain and preserve your existence.

The ultimate form of self maintenance and preservation is reproducing, since the original form (yourself) will expire.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
42 years later. .. I'm still working on snatching the pebble . Once I do, I can leave my parent's basement and tell u the meaning of life. ok?


Lotsa things to think about
Jul 19, 2021
The purpose of our lives should be the betterment of all mankind.

But it does not always pay back to you.

Over the week end I heard that a fellow Scout leader, a really great guy I know pretty well, is very ill. .

He is one who had stayed with the Scout movement for more than a decade after his youngest aged out and went off to uni.

He has just been operated on for brain cancer.

He is about to start radiation treatment to try to get the cancerous bits that surgery could not get all of.

Success at that might leave him breathing, but with no ability to do much more than breath


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Well i was raised to do well in school and graduate then land a full time job. buy a house buy a car have a few kids and live the perfect life.
Then i started feeling down about my job i i thought it was meaningless,,,my husband left me for another woman i could barely make ends meet. I was a mess then i went to counselling and she said whats your passion and i said well art. She says do what makes you feel a purpose im thinking well i wont be able to survive and live off the money being an artist. So when i became an escort i realized listening to people and giving suggestions or advice to them was sometimes helping out people. Then my grandma got sick so i had her live with me and i took care of her that was a purpose the time my dad needed me teaching him how to cook that was my purpose and teaching my kids the meaning of love and helping them in any way i can that is my purpose.

everyones life has purpose in life besides making money imo its about giving your time to others to teach to listen to love to like or to help this weed is really good guys lol
I love your answer…. I would offer, that is a purpose you had to find. I just don’t believe we were put here with any grand purpose, as many would have us believe. And I tried to believe that…. I mean, I really tried. And they may be something out there beyond my comprehension… but it has not been explained in any texts that I have ever read…
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I love your answer…. I would offer, that is a purpose you had to find. I just don’t believe we were put here with any grand purpose, as many would have us believe. And I tried to believe that…. I mean, I really tried. And they may be something out there beyond my comprehension… but it has not been explained in any texts that I have ever read…
Once you realize there is no purpose you are free to do whatever you want.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
No one defined it better then ex footballer Eric Cantona

The first time you listened to it you think what in shit hell brussels sprout did he smoke!!! But then you listened to it again and realize the fucker is quite wise actually ;)
I though Carlin had a unique take on it…

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Kingston Gem
May 17, 2019
If I could pull the pants down and eat the vagina and ass of any woman I please I would be happy, having my face soaked in pussy juice is my calling. Having a fresh vagina in my face, preferably in a 69 is my purpose in life.

Any guy who disagrees with this is lying. There's nothing we would rather do in life other than sex.
I am sure maybe a few guys can relate minus the being able to pull down the pants and force oral on any woman you please part.
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Do you ever wonder what is the purpose of your life?

Do you ever think theres more to it than working making money and paying bills?

Lets hear it from everyone what is your purpose of life? iI'll answer after i smoke a fat joint i seem to get phisosophical from pot

Ok…. Grab your favourite alcohol or recreation drug… get yourself comfortably numb, and try wrapping your head around this…

Our Universe consists of Space, Time, and Matter. If a god created this, that’s what he made. Space time and matter.

So… if there is no creator, when did time begin, where did the matter come from?

How much space is there?
And what’s beyond it.

Who created the creator?

If you create and ant farm, do you care if each individual ant sins? And you keeping track for ant judgement day? Will you reward any ants?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Ok…. Grab your favourite alcohol or recreation drug… get yourself comfortably numb, and try wrapping your head around this…

Our Universe consists of Space, Time, and Matter. If a god created this, that’s what he made. Space time and matter.

So… if there is no creator, when did time begin, where did the matter come from?

How much space is there?
And what’s beyond it.

Who created the creator?

If you create and ant farm, do you care if each individual ant sins? And you keeping track for ant judgement day? Will you reward any ants?
You created the creator and every single one of us. So did everyone else.

It all came from absolute nothingness which is also absolute everything. Absolute nothingness projected everything into existence.

When existence realizes it self through awareness and achieves a state of nirvana it starts again and again and again in a never ending infinite fractal.

At the end of it all nothingness is everything and everything is nothingness. It’s just trying to experience all possibilities over and over again through all of us, everything around us and our limited awareness and perception.

When someone can resize what this actual nothingness is I think this is when it breaks and cycle starts again because if you can become conscious enough of everything you realize you are everything and nothing and this is all one.

If this is true it means it’s a pretty lonely existence and you are just trying to fool yourself with all this projection and experience that you are unique and special when you are just lonely and this is all an illusion or projection.



Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Selflessness instead of Selfishness.
So far we've all got it wrong.
In tandem with the fact that we are all peas in one big pod.:)


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
Ok…. Grab your favourite alcohol or recreation drug… get yourself comfortably numb, and try wrapping your head around this…

Our Universe consists of Space, Time, and Matter. If a god created this, that’s what he made. Space time and matter.

So… if there is no creator, when did time begin, where did the matter come from?

How much space is there?
And what’s beyond it.

Who created the creator?

If you create and ant farm, do you care if each individual ant sins? And you keeping track for ant judgement day? Will you reward any ants?
Maybe the universe was always here, the idea of a beginning or end could be a false concept invented by humans.
Maybe time is also an illusion, we aren’t really going forward and there is no past.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
An old answer from a book.

Seek Justice.
Love Mercy.
Walk Humbly.
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
An old answer from a book.

Seek Justice.
Love Mercy.
Walk Humbly.

May I add…

Dance like it hurts
Love like you need money
Work when people are watching
- Scott Adams
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