If he wants a normal life, then he should go far, far away and change his name. But it's going to be almost impossible. Someone will always recognize him There will always be a redneck yahoo offering to buy him a beer. There will always be a leftie wanting to call him out and telling him he's a killer. Add in that I believe KR really does have PTSD because it's unusual not to have it after a "combat situation", let alone one where you stood trial for murder afterwards.
Getting far away from the rightie media grift-circus?... He could make some $$ if he plays it right for a year or two. After that, he's old news. He has to talk the talk "I killed the libtards for Jesus and America and cuz I hate them commies!" bullshit. Because that's what that circus demands.
If he runs the circus for a few years and makes his money then he is a pretty cynical piece of shit.
But as Oracle is pitching him, he isn't.
In which case good.
If what we have here is a dumb 17-year old kid who idolizes the police and has these visions of " good men standing with guns against anarchy" or whatever and then meets reality fine.
Maybe the story is the following:
Dumb kid above gets talked into doing this and ends up in a nightmare night where he kills two people and almost kills two more.
Gets swept up in people claiming he is a hero just like he wanted.
Being not a monster he is actually troubled by it, and quickly finds out the people praising him as a hero are pieces of shit using him for publicity and scamming money right, left, and center.
Manages to survive his trial and just wants to tell people the whole thing was fucked up and don't trust the Lin Woods and other shit-peddlers.
Tries to go live his life as best he can.
If that's the story, then fine.
Let him disappear like a decent person.
That's an awful story and two people dying is a shitty price to pay for him to have his learning experience but haranguing the kid gets no one anything better.
I don't really think it is the story but I'm willing to extend the benefit of the doubt for now, especially since if it isn't he will prove it isn't pretty damn quick.