NOT GUILTY on all charges, Kyle Rittenhouse

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Questions for our in-house lawyer(s). I'm not a real lawyer, just play one on TV.

1)Does "Double Jeopardy" prevent an appeal by the state.
2) Can the feds still file some kind of civil rights charges?
3) Can the families sue for damages in civil court?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
This kid had the balls to protect his city from Godless Commie scumbags who were looking to burn it down.
Was it established in the trial, that the people he killed were communists?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
the ar15 is a semiautomatic sporting rifle its THE most popular rifle in the us and it was 100% legal to open carry that rifle in that state and many other states
Thankfully not in Canada.


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
he get charged for misdemeanor and felony...probably for carrying a gun he wasn't allowed to...
misdemeanor gun charge was dropped as the law says under 18 cant have class 3 rifles his rifle barrel was 16 inches or longer making it a regular rifle
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
KR is like Manson???
Wow you aren't very good at thinking.
This kid had the balls to protect his city from Godless Commie scumbags who were looking to burn it down.
United States is the most heavily policed country in the free world do you believe they need 17 year old idiots running around shooting people to keep it safe ?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
there are over 120,000 ar15s legally owned in Canada and guess what no problems with them no blood in the streets
Have you taken yours to a demonstration in Toronto in order to defend yourself?

Oh, wait, we do not allow open carry in Ontario.

Transporting Non-Restricted Firearms
The regulations for transporting non-restricted firearms depends on the type of weapon and the reason for transportation.

Generally, the firearm needs to be unloaded for transport. However, a muzzle-loading firearm does not need to be unloaded during transport between hunting sites. However, it does require that the firing cap or flint is removed during transportation.

If the firearm is left in an unattended vehicle there are additional restrictions. In this case, they can only transport the firearm if:

  • When the vehicle is equipped with a trunk or similar compartment that can be securely locked, the non-restricted firearm is in that trunk or compartment and the trunk or compartment is securely locked; and
  • When the vehicle is not equipped with a trunk or similar compartment that can be securely locked, the non-restricted firearm is not visible from outside the vehicle and the vehicle, or the part that contains the non-restricted firearm, is securely locked.
Transporting Restricted Firearms
For restricted firearms, you must get an Authorization to Transport (ATT) permit. To receive this permit, you need to apply through the RCMP with “good and sufficient reason.” Acceptable reasons are not clearly outlined and you may not receive a reason if denied.

Transporting restricted guns comes with more strict regulation. You can only transport them if:

  1. It’s unloaded;
  2. It’s rendered inoperable by means of a secure locking device;
  3. It’s in a locked container that is made of an opaque material and is of such strength, construction and nature that it cannot readily be broken open or into or accidentally opened during transportation; and
  4. If it is in a container described in paragraph (c) that is in an unattended vehicle,
    1. When the vehicle is equipped with a trunk or similar compartment that can be securely locked, the container is in that trunk or compartment and the trunk or compartment is securely locked, and
    2. When the vehicle is not equipped with a trunk or similar compartment that can be securely locked, the vehicle, or the part of the vehicle that contains the container, is securely locked and the container is not visible from outside the vehicle.
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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
Have you taken yours to a demonstration in Toronto in order to defend yourself?

strange you continue to answer while you claim to have me on ignore....

never said i had one

I don't go to demonstrations waste of time. also not legal to carry in canada

in the us if I HAD to go through a demonstration/protest I have a CCW permit and a rifle in the trunk


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
Have you taken yours to a demonstration in Toronto in order to defend yourself?

Oh, wait, we do not allow open carry in Ontario.

Transporting Non-Restricted Firearms
The regulations for transporting non-restricted firearms depends on the type of weapon and the reason for transportation.

Generally, the firearm needs to be unloaded for transport. However, a muzzle-loading firearm does not need to be unloaded during transport between hunting sites. However, it does require that the firing cap or flint is removed during transportation.

If the firearm is left in an unattended vehicle there are additional restrictions. In this case, they can only transport the firearm if:

  • When the vehicle is equipped with a trunk or similar compartment that can be securely locked, the non-restricted firearm is in that trunk or compartment and the trunk or compartment is securely locked; and
  • When the vehicle is not equipped with a trunk or similar compartment that can be securely locked, the non-restricted firearm is not visible from outside the vehicle and the vehicle, or the part that contains the non-restricted firearm, is securely locked.
Transporting Restricted Firearms
For restricted firearms, you must get an Authorization to Transport (ATT) permit. To receive this permit, you need to apply through the RCMP with “good and sufficient reason.” Acceptable reasons are not clearly outlined and you may not receive a reason if denied.

Transporting restricted guns comes with more strict regulation. You can only transport them if:

  1. It’s unloaded;
  2. It’s rendered inoperable by means of a secure locking device;
  3. It’s in a locked container that is made of an opaque material and is of such strength, construction and nature that it cannot readily be broken open or into or accidentally opened during transportation; and
  4. If it is in a container described in paragraph (c) that is in an unattended vehicle,
    1. When the vehicle is equipped with a trunk or similar compartment that can be securely locked, the container is in that trunk or compartment and the trunk or compartment is securely locked, and
    2. When the vehicle is not equipped with a trunk or similar compartment that can be securely locked, the vehicle, or the part of the vehicle that contains the container, is securely locked and the container is not visible from outside the vehicle.
nice try and fail neither of those regulations cover the ar15 in Canada shows you know nothing about firearms laws in Canada
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Here’s a genius idea, why doesn’t the us ban taking guns into all public areas and strictly enforce guns only being used for hunting and at shooting ranges ? Let the police do their job
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
strange you continue to answer while you claim to have me on ignore....
Once in a while it amuses me to see what nonsense you can come up with.


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
Here’s a genius idea, why doesn’t the us ban taking guns into all public areas and strictly enforce guns only being used for hunting and at shooting ranges ? Let the police do their job
because the second amendment and the us constitution says we can carry firearms
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Here’s a genius idea, why doesn’t the us ban taking guns into all public areas and strictly enforce guns only being used for hunting and at shooting ranges ? Let the police do their job
This is only going to encourage more shooting now that every right wing heavily armed nut will attend every rally and claim they were threatened by the scary black people and their supporters
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Toronto Escorts