And what "sports leagues" are lined up with antifa thugs in Seattle?!I forgot to mention major sports leagues are lined up behind these groups too.
If I am so wrong why was Dr. Seuss canceled?
Or why were police in Kenosha told to stand down in the first place?
Again, you're confused. Large corporations aim to offend the fewest people possible. It's simply good business. It's not "Marxism" when Ford puts a mixed Black-Asian couple in one of their ads. It's a business decision. If you can't see that or understand it, then you've got some serious intellectual processing problems.
Ditto MLB takes the All-Star game from Atlanta and gives it to Denver. It's a PR decision to boost the product's acceptance in the domestic market.
These organizations have nothing to do with the far less than 1% who support nihilistic political philosophies.