Hoping to get some perspective from some of you a little more experienced with this sort of thing - apologies if this is in the wrong place and needs to be moved, please let me know.
Need some advice on where to go if hoping to see a couple of ladies who are very very in to each other - but the guys present would be in a look-but-don't-touch-too-much kind of scenario (think Brass Rail rules). On the one hand this seems like the sort of thing Toronto stripper agencies geared towards bachelor parties make sure to advertise, but I'm suspecting their show may be more R than X rated. On the other hand, service providers would probably expect to be providing services that the guys wouldn't be taking advantage of and so may be a waste of their time. Anyone here have any experience with this sort of thing and have suggestions of which way to lean?
Need some advice on where to go if hoping to see a couple of ladies who are very very in to each other - but the guys present would be in a look-but-don't-touch-too-much kind of scenario (think Brass Rail rules). On the one hand this seems like the sort of thing Toronto stripper agencies geared towards bachelor parties make sure to advertise, but I'm suspecting their show may be more R than X rated. On the other hand, service providers would probably expect to be providing services that the guys wouldn't be taking advantage of and so may be a waste of their time. Anyone here have any experience with this sort of thing and have suggestions of which way to lean?