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Kyle Rittenhouse trial

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Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Lol...he was there alright armed with a semi-auto, did he walk the streets firing at people? nope...people challenged him, looked at him like he was a schmuck with a gun and not willing to defend himself when the going gets tough...they were wrong...
How do you know they were getting tough? The way I see it, He fell down and people rushed over to help him up.
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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Who the fuck takes a rifle to a riot?
You forget that this is the US.

IF the little fucker get's away with nothing watch out what it will be next time there is a riot. And with the level of racism and poverty the country is seeing there will more... The level of violence will be similar to shit hole countries.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
LOL try that in an English pub. Did you just drop your handkerchief? You will need it after your face gets hacked up
But then the people doing the hacking are guilty of assault, and the person with the broken bottle is legally innocent.

Please tell me you understand that

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
But then the people doing the hacking are guilty of assault, and the person with the broken bottle is legally innocent.

Please tell me you understand that
Please tell me that you understand that the person with the broken bottle would most likely be the one doing the hacking. Thus being guilty of assault. In the same way that some cunt carrying an assault rifle where he has no business to be. In a dangerous situation, who shoots three people, is guilty of assault.


Active member
Aug 21, 2001
How do you know they were getting tough? The way I see it, He fell down and people rushed over to help him up.
He rushed over to help KR by pointing a gun at his head .

See we have evidence and proof from the trial as to what happened . Not your fantasy world . Actual testimony from one of the attackers . Yet you are still making stuff up . Thank god there was video of this incident . A innocent kid would have been convicted .
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Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Are you stereo typing now . That the British are inherently violent ? Been to many pubs with no issues .
Well not too many AR 15's but broken bottles and glasses aplenty. As Jim Jeffries said to and English audience. England is the only country where "glass" is a verb.


Active member
Aug 21, 2001
Please tell me that you understand that the person with the broken bottle would most likely be the one doing the hacking. Thus being guilty of assault. In the same way that some cunt carrying an assault rifle where he has no business to be. In a dangerous situation, who shoots three people, is guilty of assault.
You are living in fantasy land . No matter what people point out to you . You can't see they are saying . People are stating facts . While you wallow in " what if " .

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
You are living in fantasy land . No matter what people point out to you . You can't see they are saying . People are stating facts . While you wallow in " what if " .
Right back atcha. Little cunt shoots three people and should go to jail. What part of that can't you see?


Active member
Aug 21, 2001
Most of us have seen the videos . Listened to some testimony . Seen the reaction of the judge to the antics of the prosecutor . Yet many still don't get it . This was a self defence situation . Without the video the kid would have been buried .

You may not like the evidence and not agree with US self defense laws . But the facts were presented . They weren't refuted by the prosecution from what I have seen . Yet many hang on to " what if " .
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Active member
Aug 21, 2001
Right back atcha. Little cunt shoots three people and should go to jail. What part of that can't you see?

The part you can't understand for some reason . It is called self defense . They acted KR reacted to their acts . The facts prove that . Yet you can't understand that . I think you would have been happier if the kid got bashed in and killed .


Aug 23, 2001
Perhaps the defense team was dealt the winning hand and the prosecutors just hold a shitty hand. I'm guessing that the Kenosha DA has been pressured into taking this case and is pushing hard for a guilty verdict to the very end. It would just be conjecture for me to say the DA and ADA thought this would be politically and personally in their interest.

It was quite bizarre for the ADA to start using the line of questioning that Rittenhouse's pre-trial silence was some form of strategy and manipulation. Everyone knows that's his Constitutional right. The judge was correct in scolding the ADA.

The defense team made a good choice putting Rittenhouse on the stand. The ADA's questioning was feeble, but again he has a very bad hand.

PS- I presume you mean the St. Louis County prosecutor in reference to the Michael Brown case.
The outcry about the shooting was so great that the Kenosha PD and DA had to lay the charges and once laid, dropping them would have taken balls that the DA's office just didn't have. So they booked a ride on a train wreck and couldn't get off.

I agree with the rest of your post.

IDK why I said Chicago. I have folks in St Louis and my brat middle niece and her girlfriend drove out to see the riots - without telling her mom and sisters of course. SMH.
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Aug 23, 2001
In the end, you are correct. I'm not sure that everyone understands that a riot is defined by chaos. It is not a peaceful protest. On that night, you had knuckleheads challenging knuckleheads. Who the fuck physically challenges someone with a rifle?
I personally would have liked to have seen Rittenhouse punished in some way other than be convicted for killing two people.
I feel very sorry for KR. He's only 16 yrs old. He has no idea what he got himself into.

His life is now fucked. I am pretty sure that he has severe PTSD. He will spend the rest of his life re living that 15 minutes that he spent when he was a teen and having nightmares about it. He will be either reviled as a "fascist" or lauded as a "patriot" by various people until he dies and in fact he was just a dumb kid who made a series of mistakes and who shot well enough to survive those mistakes.

I'm glad he's likely to be acquitted. Not for the reasons that the righties in this thread applaud - that he was some kind of American hero - but just because he's a teen-aged, dumb kid who didn't deserve what happened to him that night.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
The part you can't understand for some reason . It is called self defense . They acted KR reacted to their acts . The facts prove that . Yet you can't understand that . I think you would have been happier if the kid got bashed in and killed .
Well, it would have meant two less people dead. It's not self defense when you provoke a reaction by grandstanding down main street with an AR 15 slung over your torso. It is an act of provocation, intended to get a reaction. Either subdued awe, or righteous indignation. He got the righteous indignation . Quite understandably. Now he should pay for his miscalculation by decades in the slammer.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I feel very sorry for KR. He's only 16 yrs old. He has no idea what he got himself into.

His life is now fucked. I am pretty sure that he has severe PTSD. He will spend the rest of his life re living that 15 minutes that he spent when he was a teen and having nightmares about it. He will be either reviled as a "fascist" or lauded as a "patriot" by various people until he dies and in fact he was just a dumb kid who made a series of mistakes and who shot well enough to survive those mistakes.

I'm glad he's likely to be acquitted. Not for the reasons that the righties in this thread applaud - that he was some kind of American hero - but just because he's a teen-aged, dumb kid who didn't deserve what happened to him that night.
I drove drunk on several occasions when I was a teenager. Luckily for me, I didn't kill anyone. Had I done so, I would have quite rightly expected to pay the price. I didn't consciously drive down a crowed street of MADD protesters to challenge them on my right to drive drunk.
As far as his life being fucked. Far from it. He looks pretty damn pleased with himself and he is getting the folk hero treatment from all and sundry. He won't be having PTSD or nightmares. Put down the fucking violin.


Active member
Aug 21, 2001
Well, it would have meant two less people dead. It's not self defense when you provoke a reaction by grandstanding down main street with an AR 15 slung over your torso. It is an act of provocation, intended to get a reaction. Either subdued awe, or righteous indignation. He got the righteous indignation . Quite understandably. Now he should pay for his miscalculation by decades in the slammer.

So you are saying they had no choice but to attack KR .

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Please tell me that you understand that the person with the broken bottle would most likely be the one doing the hacking. Thus being guilty of assault. In the same way that some cunt carrying an assault rifle where he has no business to be. In a dangerous situation, who shoots three people, is guilty of assault
Only if the person with the broken bottle made a threatening gesture at the patrons. If he is just walking around with the bottle, then no

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
Little cocksucker should go straight to jail. He chose not to get away from this shit as he possibly could. Fuck him. He can get his grade 12 in jail. As a talking head/ Harvard Law Professor just pointed out, the self defense claim is null and void when you provoke the situation. She also pointed out that she had never seen a judge castigate a lawyer like that in her life. Clearly the judge is on the side of the little brat.
Smug little cunt chose to be there. So it was quite avoidable. He was parading down main street with a long gun. Trying to send a message. To the protesters. I am not on your side. I am on the side of vigilante law and order. Look at me. I am John Wayne. Red flag to a fucking bull. And now it's Boo hoo hoo. Poor me. He killed 3 people.
We're not gonna get any where with you if you keep holding tell us how you really feel.

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014

I agree Jeannie Pirro here. Kyle knocked it out of the park today. He was just a great witness. No matter how the prosecutor tried he couldn't get him to unravel. Even Geraldo believes that there is going to be a imminent acquittal on the major charges.

This is however the first I've heard that the D.A.'s office laid the charges against Rittenhouse only 48 hrs after the events took place. How could they possibly weigh all the massive evidence in that short of a time span? Answer. They couldn't. They were just all caught up in the post George Floyd uproar.

Tucker was on fire tonight.......
Five on Fox and Tucker Carlson eh...well, they are all known for their fair non-biased opinions.
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