BBC Jimmy Savile drama branded ‘disgusting’ and sparks hypocrisy accusations
‘Who needs to see this misery?’ asked one TV fan
This was a major scandal that shows how big stars could do horrible things and nobody did a thing. Even when it was a fairly open secret. I mean, Harvey Weinstein was well known for some of the shit he pulled, but saying anything would derail or destroy a career.BBC Jimmy Savile drama branded ‘disgusting’ and sparks hypocrisy accusations
‘Who needs to see this misery?’ asked one TV
R. Kelly got convicted today, but all thus after his career dried up.This was a major scandal that shows how big stars could do horrible things and nobody did a thing. Even when it was a fairly open secret. I mean, Harvey Weinstein was well known for some of the shit he pulled, but saying anything would derail or destroy a career.
I don't know how Savile's victims feel about this. If they keep it realistic, it could offer incredible insight into how celebrity and power can protect evil...
Hmmm. where to start?Haven't seen it, but if someone is going to do something like this it should concentrate on the people around him. Those who knew and let it go on, those who aided and abetted. We know that Saville, Epstein, and others like them, were complete fuckwads, and also that they didn't do it alone. Don't examine the person, examine the culture that allowed it.