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Buying sex, are you part of problem?


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
I remember posting this back when it came out.

If women have better job options, there will be less sex workers. Most are only in this for money. Younger women tend to be grossed out by having to sleep with older out of shape men.

Full legalization of sex work will decimate the underground market.


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
I remember posting this back when it came out.

If women have better job options, there will be less sex workers. Most are only in this for money. Younger women tend to be grossed out by having to sleep with older out of shape men.

Full legalization of sex work will decimate the underground market.
that's what the liberals said about legalizing weed that hasn't worked either


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
Legalizing weed has worked fine, nobody is going to jail for simply getting high.
Better jobs won’t prevent illegal trafficking of people.
the liberals claimed it would wipe out the illegal market it did not it has grown


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
ya no its federal illegal weed is a problem Canada wide legalizing it did not kill the illegal market it enlarged it
Grammar please.

Anways, it was suppose to be done with an LCBO type model. Prices would compete with the illegal market. Nobody ever said it would totally eliminate the illegal market.
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New member
May 5, 2020
You felt? Wtf does what you feel have to do with anyone's else's reality?

I see it different. Yes legalizing it for women who want to go down that road willingly is great. However... becausenit legal, does that not take laws eyes away from the industry? Does that not make it easier for guys to traffic women? Remember... a good trafficker makes the girls believe this was their decision, and often puts them in positions where they feel they, or loved ones will be harmed if they don't go along. And lets be honest... once the toothpaste is out of the tube... there's no putting it back in. That's now a reality on her life.

Once you legalize it, the industry will be flooded with strippers and sex workers who "nudged" into it by boyfriends and straight up pimps who take their money.

It's a really grey and I don't think there's a perfect decision or law that can solve this, but maybe I'm wrong. The way I see it, getting persuaded by a "good trafficker" into a regulated business is really different from being abused/forced to working in that business. What legalization will do is remove the dark underworld of sex trafficking without necessarily removing adults personal choice to be in that business. The smarter girls in this industry generally decide to make their money as fast as possible and plan for a swift exit to complete their higher education or other life plans that they need this money for.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
The fundamental problem is that people think they have a right to tell a person what to do with their bodies. People support this, make laws but it’s okay to pay people to have sex on video for film because it lines pockets. Yet people from here support this fcked up view that paying for sex is part of the problem when it’s one of the worlds oldest professions. These people enjoy depowering women and taking away their right to choose if they want to sell their body for sex.

What I find so fucked up is that some people support this backward regressive ideology but then call themselves progressive on the left, in support of woman’s rights the power to choose bs and all this other bullishit they say they are for but enable the opposite.

you are part of the problem for being an enabler to this toxic ideology that strips a woman of her rights to choose what to do with her body and you don’t even see it because you are so far brainwashed to think and believe what they tell you when it contradicts your core principles.

Fucking crazy...hypocrisy at its highest


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
The fundamental problem is that people think they have a right to tell a person what to do with their bodies. People support this, make laws but it’s okay to pay people to have sex on video for film because it lines pockets. Yet people from here support this fcked up view that paying for sex is part of the problem when it’s one of the worlds oldest professions. These people enjoy depowering women and taking away their right to choose if they want to sell their body for sex.

What I find so fucked up is that some people support this backward regressive ideology but then call themselves progressive on the left, in support of woman’s rights the power to choose bs and all this other bullishit they say they are for but enable the opposite.

you are part of the problem for being an enabler to this toxic ideology that strips a woman of her rights to choose what to do with her body and you don’t even see it because you are so far brainwashed to think and believe what they tell you when it contradicts your core principles.

Fucking crazy...hypocrisy at its highest
The left mostly supports sex workers. The ones who don't support it, are not in favor of prohibition.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
She is not too smart and I expect, a very rare case. She got no money? She was 15 and afraid of being exposed? Her pimps should have been afraid for trafficking a minor and she should have figured that out .

Sonic Temple

Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
Feb 14, 2020
I constantly wonder if the SP's I see are doing ok, I truly hope they are as I would not want to be a problem as I appreciate the service they provide. I started in 2018 and I absolutely love this hobby and always make sure to my best abilities to make the SP comfortable and respect the boundaries. Now, I understand the business and its no means of telling myself that this is ok, I do hope though the session is enjoyed and the the service provided is because they truly love it. Naive..maybe, but the reality is just that. Articles like these though do shine a light of the industry even if we sometimes forget the harsh realities and we truly never know what their true stories are.


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2021
Many countries legalized sex work and do just fine. Why can't Canada copy and paste what works so well in countries like Germany and Netherlands?

There will still be illegal part no matter what. It's as old as the profession itself. Strong pray on weak.


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
A tale of two addictions:

Drugs: drug addicts are generally seen as victims, they have a voracious habit that consumes a huge amount of money. The suppliers are seen as the ultimate problem, the criminals.

Sex industry: the addicts are seen as the criminals, even though they spend huge amounts of money, like any other addiction. The suppliers are seen as victims.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
One solution would be to take all the money they raise for "rescue" and put it into fighting trafficking (not prostitution). In addition to decriminalization, which is different than legalizing.

It's a really grey and I don't think there's a perfect decision or law that can solve this, but maybe I'm wrong. The way I see it, getting persuaded by a "good trafficker" into a regulated business is really different from being abused/forced to working in that business. What legalization will do is remove the dark underworld of sex trafficking without necessarily removing adults personal choice to be in that business. The smarter girls in this industry generally decide to make their money as fast as possible and plan for a swift exit to complete their higher education or other life plans that they need this money for.
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