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A Modest Wealth Tax Would Raise$36.3 B over 10 years


Well-known member
May 13, 2013

So what are they waiting for ? I know I know permission from the billionaires lol
With no downside I guess?

Why not double it then? Or raise it tenfold, its all good, right, no unintended consequences.....

Why is that money better in the government's hands than staying in the private sector?


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
With no downside I guess?

Why not double it then? Or raise it tenfold, its all good, right, no unintended consequences.....

Why is that money better in the government's hands than staying in the private sector?
O-o-o-o-o:oops: What ever would we do if the trickling stopped? Some of the coupon clippers might have to actually find gainful employment...


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
We will have no choice but to get to a point to get back much more from the rich. The inequalities are getting insane. Yes they provide jobs but will also need to understand that they need to provide even more.

Beside having to piss in a bottle to meet your productivity ratio at a shitty salary is not providing jobs in my book. It's providing slavery.

I really pity the younger generation. How in hell a couple of teacher, nurse, mechanics.. any regular folks will afford to ever buy a house? Their salary has not change in years... They are paying 2k a month on a shitty renting while being refused a mortgage of... 3k a month...

But the worst problem is that at some point the poor will be pissed tired of being poor.

We are all humans we need to take care of each other. Going on the moon or your private island can wait.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
We will have no choice but to get to a point to get back much more from the rich. The inequalities are getting insane. Yes they provide jobs but will also need to understand that they need to provide even more.

Beside having to piss in a bottle to meet your productivity ratio at a shitty salary is not providing jobs in my book. It's providing slavery.

I really pity the younger generation. How in hell a couple of teacher, nurse, mechanics.. any regular folks will afford to ever buy a house? Their salary has not change in years... They are paying 2k a month on a shitty renting while being refused a mortgage of... 3k a month...

But the worst problem is that at some point the poor will be pissed tired of being poor.

We are all humans we need to take care of each other. Going on the moon or your private island can wait.
Teachers and Nurses are paid by benevolent government, right?
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Here's what a wealth return looks like.

CRA: Ms. Apples, what is your wealth?
Ms. Apples: My wealth is negative $1mm.
CRA: We don't believe you. Prove your wealth is negative $1mm.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Teachers and Nurses are paid by benevolent government, right?
Inconvenient facts! Don't you know all the rich people could go on strike and stop working altogether? :oops: No, wait!!!...


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Teachers and Nurses are paid by benevolent government, right?
These professions should deserve better. But my point is not that. It's that the riches should be paying the same % ratio of taxes as they do. Simple.


Active member
Jan 23, 2014
Never a mention from you about reducing government expenditure. Just take from someone else.

Money is liquid and easily transferable around the world. Excess tax on the uber rich is a negative sum game. Apply a punishing tax, the money moves somewhere else; increase business taxes excessively and the business and attendant employment moves somewhere else; the result (which has been proven time and time again) is lower tax revenues and reduced employment.

Foreign investment in Canada in falling because of distrust of our government (see energy investment). We are viewed as high risk for venture capital.

Simple answers (tax the rich!!! Defund the police!!!) are for simple minds. Global taxation and monetary policies are complex and vast.

So what are they waiting for ? I know I know permission from the billionaires lol


Active member
Jun 13, 2019
Hey! We’re throwing money at escorts as fast as we can over here.

Maybe implement a CIM/COF/Greek surcharge half of which goes to the government?

Let’s get creative.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
I'll support (partial) confiscation of wealth from the filthy
rich provided that all the money seized from them goes to
payment of our national debt.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
I'll support (partial) confiscation of wealth from the filthy
rich provided that all the money seized from them goes to
payment of our national debt.
I have an easier solution: fuck the debt (i.e., do not pay it at all) and fuck the reach (i.e., take it all and divide among the poor). It works wonders: in just 44 years it turned a completely agrarian country to one of the science and industrial leaders who was able to send the first man into space. It seems that ultra-left really want to repeat that wonderful social experiment. (normally I would have stopped here but it seems that half of people here cannot recognise sarcasm unless it is explicitly stated so)

Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
Hey! We’re throwing money at escorts as fast as we can over here.

Maybe implement a CIM/COF/Greek surcharge half of which goes to the government?

Let’s get creative.
Well I welcome sarcasm, however I don't understand what people don't seem to understand the filthy rich are only paying 10% in taxes while the struggling middle class are paying triple that . Now even a 5th grader would tell you who ever screwed this math up.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Well I welcome sarcasm, however I don't understand what people don't seem to understand the filthy rich are only paying 10% in taxes while the struggling middle class are paying triple that . Now even a 5th grader would tell you who ever screwed this math up.
For one thing, a "modest wealth tax" is not enough. There would also need to be a tax on OSTENTATIOUS wealth. It would raise money and improve the scenery at the same time...


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Well I welcome sarcasm, however I don't understand what people don't seem to understand the filthy rich are only paying 10% in taxes while the struggling middle class are paying triple that . Now even a 5th grader would tell you who ever screwed this math up.
The solution is not a wealth tax. A wealth tax is a regressive, punitive tax. Those "filthy rich" folk are following the systems our government made. The system needs to be corrected, but don't punish people who followed the law. They have every right to pursue the most favorable tax rate they can get.

The actual solution is to close the loopholes, and then make our tax rates more progressive.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004

So what are they waiting for ? I know I know permission from the billionaires lol
Even Karl Marx would not approve of the irresponsible delusional NDP half assed proposition at playing Robin Hood . Every school boy knows that the ultra rich and the corporations can and do choose where to park their finances and increasingly it doesn’t seem to be Canada, so why encourage further exodus? Canadians are examples of low productivity when compared to other nations and it is catching up. The government functioning as perpetual CERB slumlords is perilously not the answer .
Why doesn’t Singh and Horvath offer to take pay cuts to show their solidarity with the “common man” ? They will not because they are hypocrites. Confuscating the rich man‘s wealth is not a solution to financing the generous social programs of the Canadian nanny state and is a non starter. Trying to present a balanced budget with such a cockamaming communist idea would be laughable and pathetic and instantly drop Canada’s credit rating.
Socialist states like Cuba and N. Korea at least force every to work having long since confiscated the wealth of the rich or driven out and murdered the rest of them.

“Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.”
“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”

Winston Churchill


Active member
Jan 23, 2014
Wrong again ... like usual. Here's an excerpt from a report by the Fraser Institute along with the link to the entire article, which you won't read because, well, you can't be bothered to be informed. I welcome sarcasm too, but I despise the willfully ignorant. Stop pulling numbers like "10%" out of your ass and do some actual research.

"When examining all taxes from all levels of government in Canada, the paper finds that the top 20 percent of income-earning families is the only group that collectively pays a greater share of total taxes than their share of total income earned. Speci cally, the top 20 percent earns 49.1 percent of the nation’s income but pays 55.9 percent of total taxes—a di erence of 13.9 per- cent. By contrast, families in the bottom 20 percent earn 4.1 percent of the nation’s income while collectively paying just 1.8 percent of all taxes.

The top 1 percent of income earners is often targeted as the group that should pay higher taxes, so this group warrants special focus. However, the top 1 percent’s collective share of total taxes paid (14.7 percent) is greater than its share of total income earned (10.7 percent). is amounts to a gap of 36.9 percent between the share of taxes paid and the income earned by the top 1 percent. Notably, over time, the top 1 percent’s share of total taxes paid has increased from 11.3 percent in 1997 to 14.7 percent in 2017.

When looking at a subset of total taxes, namely personal income taxes, the imbalance between taxes paid and income earned is even larger for both the top 20 and top 1 percent. The imbalance is larger primarily due to the progressivity of Canada’s personal income tax system, which taxes higher levels of income at higher marginal tax rates.

Specifically, the top 20 percent pays nearly two-thirds of all income taxes (64.4 percent) while earning approximately half of all income (49.1 percent). Put differently, the share of income taxes collectively paid by the top 20 percent is 31.2 percent larger than the share of income earned. Meanwhile, the bottom 20 percent pays 0.6 percent of all personal income taxes even though its share of total income is nearly six and half times larger (4.1 percent). The share of income taxes paid by the top 1 percent (17.9 percent) is more than two-thirds (67.1 percent) larger than the share of total income earned (10.7 percent) by this group.

Canada’s top income earners currently pay a disproportionate share of taxes relative to the share of income that they earn. Those who advocate higher taxes on top income earners are, in effect, arguing that top earners should be paying an even more disproportionate amount of taxes. This raises the ques- tion of how much is enough in terms of taxes paid by top income earners."

Well I welcome sarcasm, however I don't understand what people don't seem to understand the filthy rich are only paying 10% in taxes while the struggling middle class are paying triple that . Now even a 5th grader would tell you who ever screwed this math up.
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