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The logic behind trumpism


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
After posting in other threads I believe that this deserves it’s own. Let’s examine the core principles of trumpism and the arguments which support them or prove they are wrong


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
#1 the MSM dislikes trump and paints him in a negative light rather than recognizing his accomplishments

True that trumps negative actions are well portrayed in the media. How can you blame them when what he says and does is sensational news ? It’s not just trump but all media reports much more on murder, corruption, loss etc than feel good stories. This is nothing new and has been the way since I can remember. What do you think draws more readers, a kids lemonade stand made $50 in a day or the president of the United States paid off porn star to keep her mouth shut. I do not feel trump has received any more undeserved negative press than Trudeau or Biden,he just has a lot more newsworthy deeds to report. Virtually all of the damaging reports came from insiders whom he hired himself, so why would the news sources not report this ? Very few of any of these stories were ever disproved and virtually all of them were hidden by the GOP under the cloak of national security. The GOP refused to participate in all investigations against trump and threatened those who might. This is hardly proof of no wrongdoing, it fully implies the opposite.
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Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Trumpism is a fantasy construct created by people who dislike Trump. You'll have to explain it to those who don't share a belief in it.
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
#2 - the election was stolen

Joe Biden did not hold as big of rallies as Donald trump therefore this proves that Biden must have stolen the election. - this in no way proves that. It is a falsely inferred argument. This argument is completely u reasonable.

several hundred people gave sworn affidavits that there were voting irregularities and voter fraud. - this is all heresay and no actual physical evidence has ever been given to prove any of this. This argument is completely illogical and trumps own lawyers said that there is no evidence to support their claims. How hundreds of thousands of votes could be trucked in in the middle of the night and the GOP vote counters would not notice is ludicrous. How the Democrats could compile a list of dead people and people that moved Out of state, somehow break into their mail boxes, fill out the votes and send them back is borderline insane. Trumpers claim this and also corrupted voting machines - another thing there was absolutely no evidence of. How would the GOP get votes on rigged ballots ? Makes 0 sense and 0 proof.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
so you agree everything trump tucker and the boys say is pure horseshit ? Finally seem to be getting somewhere
Er, no. The concept of "Trumpism" was developed by, and largely discussed by, political opponents of Trump with Trump Derangement Syndrome. The vast majority of Trump supporters backed him because of his policy positions, not out of some cult of personality. If you still don't know that in 2021, you should abandon this thread until you do.
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Belief # 3 - climate change is not man made.

I do not pretend to be a climatologist. In fact I know so little about the testing that I cannot prove Or disprove this one way or another and I highly doubt that anyone on here is qualified enough to prove or disprove either theory. When I do not know I choose to accept the most popular view and logic dictates that the scientist pushing man made global warming have very little reason to lie. What benefit does it serve other than if you believe that all mainstream scientists are directed by China so that China can have an unfair advantage over the United States. This is possible but completely implausible. For the Chinese government to have this control over a whole body of science seems ridiculous. I cannot refute the possibility that global warming is a natural event unrelated to carbon emissions, but the reason why the majority of scientists would refute this seems silly
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Er, no. The concept of "Trumpism" was developed by, and largely discussed by, political opponents of Trump with Trump Derangement Syndrome. The vast majority of Trump supporters backed him because of his policy positions, not out of some cult of personality. If you still don't know that in 2021, you should abandon this thread until you do.
so you do not agree with any of the beliefs of trumpism ? What if I renamed it conservatism then could you argue a point ?


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
For me Trumpism is the end of democracy within the GOP.

Think about it.

No lie is big enough. If it seems to big a lie it becomes an alternative facts.

Trumpism is wining at all cost. No matter the means. No matter illegality. But winning is not enough. You need to destroy and insult your enemy (because in Trumpism everything is black or white. If you are not with me you are a less than shit enemy). In Trumpism if you somehow lose it's because it's rigged. A Trumpist can't be wrong. A Trumpist does not care about anyone's opinion but other Trumpist.

Trumpism is demanding respect instead of earning it.

Trumpism is a total and complete cult (dangerous one).

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
so you do not agree with any of the beliefs of trumpism ? What if I renamed it conservatism then could you argue a point ?
Start a thread when you're not so confused about the topic.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Er, no. The concept of "Trumpism" was developed by, and largely discussed by, political opponents of Trump with Trump Derangement Syndrome. The vast majority of Trump supporters backed him because of his policy positions, not out of some cult of personality. If you still don't know that in 2021, you should abandon this thread until you do.
What policies?

Tax breaks for billionaires?
Attacking minorities and immigrants?
Save our 'Karens'?
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
#3 Fauci is a liar

let’s examine the facts:

the CDC changed guidelines as they learned more about the virus. Some of the earlier recommendations were recanted then reinstated. Trumpers claim that this is all part of a cast conspiracy against Donald trump. Trumpism believes that people should not wear masks, but then trump wore a mask then didn’t. Trumpers believe that this proves that Fauci was wrong and trump was right. What they don’t realize is fauci uses scientific data while trump pulls this stuff out of his ass and uses gut instinct rather than rigorous scientific testing. How someone can listen to a politician over a doctor is unfathomable. All of the Trumpists claims have been disproven
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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
The vast majority of Trump supporters backed him because of his policy positions, not out of some cult of personality.

They backed him because of his racism and fuck you all personality. Trump knew all along that being the anti-potus would win over ALL who despised the government (and that they are many!). He was lead into that thinking by none other then Steve Bannon (who openly admitted he wanted to 'destroy' the WH and start it all over).
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Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
rule#4 when confronted by logic attempt to discredit the person that disproved you
Rule #5 When people start ignoring your posts because they are too confused for intelligent dialogue, claim victory.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
#3 Fauci is a liar

let’s examine the facts:

the CDC changed guidelines as they learned more about the virus. Some of the earlier recommendations were recanted then reinstated. Trumpers claim that this is all part of a cast conspiracy against Donald trump. Trumpism believes that people should not wear masks, but then trump wore a mask then didn’t. Trumpers believe that this proves that Fauci was wrong and trump was right. What they don’t realize is fauci uses scientific data while trump pulls this stuff out of his ass and uses gut instinct rather than rigorous scientific testing. How someone can listen to a politician over a doctor is unfathomable. All of the Trumpists claims have been disproven
Exactly. Also Trumpist do not understand the concept of being apolitical. Fauci, as he mentioned many times, does not based his decision on politics.


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
Er, no. The concept of "Trumpism" was developed by, and largely discussed by, political opponents of Trump with Trump Derangement Syndrome. The vast majority of Trump supporters backed him because of his policy positions, not out of some cult of personality. If you still don't know that in 2021, you should abandon this thread until you do.
It is surely a cult of personality. It has all the characteristics. Trump's follower depict him as some sort of hero or god (gold statues, pictures of his head photoshopped on Rocky's body), he acts like he's tough, but if push came to shove, he'd turtle or run. His cabinet fawned over him in what looked sickeningly like the Dear Leader scenes you would see in North Korea. Right-wing media ignored a lot of his crazier shit, or basically tried to downplay it or explain it away. He tells the BIG LIE all the time, says he is more popular than his numbers actually show.

His popularity isn't about a political view point as much as it is about him acting like a messianic figure telling the rubes its alright to be an asshole to people who don't look like you. To be not only ignorant, but proud of it.

Dutch, you don't see it. You drank the Kool Aid and believe any criticism against him is Trump Derangement Syndrome. You can't help but defend him. You can't admit he did anything wrong. But if Trudeau or Biden do a 0.01% of it, you scream bloody murder.

Bbw hunter

Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
The term "Trumpism" is nonsense. It's just the looney Left trying to demonize people who disagree with their agenda by making them seem like pathological brainwashed cultists. Is there such a thing as Obamaism or Bidenism? No. Funny how that double-standard works eh? What's even funnier is the Left trying to pretend they are the ones practicing independent thought and not succumbing to group think.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
I would like Dutch to try to refute any of my facts using factual arguments. I believe he knows he’s no match so he will resort to childish nonsensical insults instead of backing his claims
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
The term "Trumpism" is nonsense. It's just the looney Left trying to demonize people who disagree with their agenda by making them seem like pathological brainwashed cultists. Is there such a thing as Obamaism or Bidenism? No. Funny how that double-standard works eh? What's even funnier is the Left trying to pretend they are the ones practicing independent thought and not succumbing to group think.
actually that description perfectly describes trumpists use of the words socialist and Marxist.None of them have any idea of their actual meanings or if it is a true representation of democrats and their beliefs but they think it sounds cool
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