So that means you are incapable of refuting their report on PFLP members running that organization?
You stand by NGOMonitor as a legit source and continue to say that the charity, Defence for Children International, is a terrorist organization?
That's your metric for terrorism?
That makes you worse than contact or cantaro.
How do your lies about Israel releate to your refusal to hold Hamas accountable for their actions?
Do you have to only rely on straw man arguments where you lie about what I say, is that an admission that you do think Israel is apartheid and you really do support shooting children?
So much so that you have to call a charity that reported accounts of that shooting 'terrorists' as well?
Is your racial supremacy even more than phil, jcpro and contact's?
Yes, people like you don't like it when their antisemitic claims get criticized and try to pretend they aren't antisemitic. You have repeatedly claimed that a Canadian Jew shouldn't talk about rights of our Indigenous people because you don't like what a completely different group of Jews in another country are doing. It is no different than demanding Canadian Muslims include a condemnation of ISIS in any statements.
'People like you'
Is that some kind of racial trope, basketcase?
Here's an example of a really well done land acknowledgement statement by IJVCanada, where they state they stand against colonialism's actions against Canada's Indigenous community and Israel's colonial acts against Palestinians. Your anti-semitic trope against this rabbi, where you assume that all Jews feel the way you do, is nonsense.
June 21st marks National Indigenous People’s Day in Canada. It is a day to celebrate the cultures and contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples across these lands. However, we know that this date is also being marked with renewed resistance and pain this year, following the horrific
Utter bullshit. Show me one place I referred to you or anyone as savages. Sadly you still feel the need to defend Hamas, PIJ, or PFLP from being called terrorists and because you know they are terrorists, your only tactic is to pretend it is racist to say so.
You don't use the word directly, instead you refuse to use the word 'Palestinian' where you can use 'Hamas' or 'terrorist'. Its the same colonial language as calling our Indigenous community 'savages', and as long as you refuse to name them as 'Palestinians' I'm going to call you out as labelling them in colonial, 'savage' language.
Now you're saying militant settlers aren't terrorists?
I agree with you and B'tselem, that militant settlers are terrorists. The difference is that you defend to those terrorists repeatedly, while I call them and Palestinians who commit terrorism to be investigated and charged.
Sorry but your excuses are weak. Even though there are specific settlers who are terrorists, there is no justification to target random Jews. If you really feel that a small group of terrorists makes the entire population terrorists ...
I agree, targeting 'random' settlers is a crime as is targeting civilians.
But how about 'armed' settlers, are they there as militants or as 'random' settlers who just happen to be committing war crimes on behalf of Israel.
How do you tell the difference between 'random' settlers and the 'terrorist' settlers, basketcase?
Do they have different hats?
You keep saying that if you think someone is a terrorist you can shoot them, even if they are a 13 year old just protesting.
Does that apply to Palestinians in the West Bank if they think an armed settler is a terrorist, or is that one of your racist rules that only applies to 'settlers'.
Questions like that are why I support brining in the ICC and charging both sides, so both sides stop attacking civilians.
More of your idiotic accusations to try and distract from your immorality. Peace involves both sides agreeing to it. You recently condemned Israel because you say they aren't willing to negotiate while making excuses for Hamas who has never been willing to be involved in peace talks.
Israel is the occupying force. Only they can end the military occupation. And they are refusing to even talk about it and instead stating that they will use their military force to steal more Palestinian land.
How is that the fault of Palestinians?
Why do you keep defending these war crimes?
Canada never listed Mandela as a racist and you can keep on dreaming of a day where Canada removes Hamas and adds Israel to the terror list.
I love how you tried to replace 'terrorist' with 'racist' as if nobody would notice.
Mandela and Ghandi were labelled as terrorist by their colonial rulers, the same way you use the word 'terrorist'.
Everyone is calling for a negotiated peace. unless you want Israel to try and impose peace, it requires the Palestinians to agree. Hamas refuses to talk, the PA keep finding excuses, and 70% of Palestinians oppose returning to negotiations.
Not the Israeli government, they said they will not talk peace, establish a Palestinian state, end apartheid or stop stealing more Palestinian land by military force.
They are the occupying military power, if they say no there is nothing Palestinians can do.