.........................a roll of film that you had to develop?
My kid, 21 yo still shoots film as an adjunct to mostly digital.
He also uses a successor to Polaroid.
The film he get processed only, no prints then used an app on his phone to reverse the neg , and if he likes what he sees he progresses the image .
Helps that I have a darkroom in the basement, and when his pile of unprocessed film gets unsightly we tackle it.
But when he was away working a summer camp he sent the film out through the drug store in town.
There are still niche processors that develop and scan and mail you back the negatives and a CD of your scanned images too.
Apparently film still modestly popular with wedding photographers, as an adjuct to digital. But some find the lack of post processing with film a liberating experience compared to gobs of photo editing in their digital image work flow.