Has it occurred to you that people who do not pay any tax do not make enough to pay tax?
Has it occurred to you that people who do not pay any tax still avail themselves of govt services?
I am not opposed to the basic personal exemption, however 40% of any population getting a free ride is defiantly a problem
By definition people who make more should pay more.
Not by definition. That is the way the tax code is currently structured , it could be altered to a flat rate
I think everyone can agree on that.
In general you will find agreement, however when the top 10% pay 54% of taxes and the cut off for 10% is 96K and we still get lonnies whining about it and demanding more, then there is a defiantly a problem
Posthaste: Canada’s top 10% of earners pay 54% of taxes — but here’s the kicker, many are just middle-class | Financial Post
The top 1% pay 22% of the taxes and the cut off is $234,129
The 1% earn 11% of the total income In Canada. Interestingly, 100 years ago the 1% earned 18% of all income so we have seen some income distribution to that end.
Wolfgang Klein - One Percent
There were at least 1100 names on the Ontario Sunshine list making more than 300K ie in the 1% (it could be a much higher number -but the database crapped out after 1100 names )
Sunshine List - Comparative Public Sector Salary Disclosure Data | Ontario
That is just the Ont govt , how many fed govt paid 1% ers are there running around in Ottawa ?
And then there are the government contractors , advisors and consultants aka Gerald Butts
the issue is what is an equitable rate of actual tax paid not just the posted marginal rates.
no the issue is irresponsible government spending and the loonie ideology that somebody else can pay for what you want
The tax system is designed to favor wealthier people and facilitates the accumulation of wealth by the wealthy.
Hardly, the system appears to favor those that get their snoot into the government trough
That is not a bad thing but the growing disparity in income and wealth creates inequities.
Actually it appears like government and the public sector unions creates inequities, rather than productive fellow citizens who create real economic value, put their capital at risk and employ lots of people