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Gavin Schmidt, NASA admit their Climate models are running too hot


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]So you knowingly posted about an article that refutes your oft-repeated claims?
No it did not
No mention in that article of the satellite record ,which again, shows a marginal cooling
I have been very consistent in claims about the satellite record

If you can not keep up, that is your problem and certainly it is not leave to just make shit up about what I claim

the satellite temp graph was pretty big
you are not very observant,
You can continue to misrepresent yourself , but do not misrepresent me

The big issue here is the admission by your so called experts that their climate models are flawed and they do not understand why
Odd how you avoid that like it is the plague

And of course followed by your usual spamming of diversional attempts to pretend you understand science.
Well, I did correctly state the models were flawed a long time ago and many times since and guess what?
I was right
I hate to say, "I told you so", but.... I told you so (actually that felt pretty good)

you are annoying, intentionally deceitful and incapable of thinking for yourself
Slither away now,
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yeah like I did not expect that
Odd how the alarming headline is already known before the report is released. Almost like it was preordained / pre-determined. (That happens when you start off looking for only one answer)
The thousands of volunteer scientists have been working on this report for years using the latest papers and measurement numbers.
Anybody who is unaware that the earth has already warmed that much is clearly out to lunch.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Which means you don't like what they say.
Validation of a model must be based on reliability
and accuracy of the model as a predictive tool not
one's preference of the outcome of the predictions.

When models closely correlate past measurements they make pretty good science. But yes, as with all science our conclusions improve as we get more data.
To determine whether it is in close correlation with past
measurements you have to define the quantity measured
first. You also have to ascertain that the correlation is rooted
in correct implementation of the physical basis underling the
climate change process in the model. If the prediction is precise
enough it is a very good sign
even if researchers cannot fully explain results of
climate simulation based on the model. For instance
a climate model that correctly predicts that hurricanes in
the Gulf of Mexico were more intense and frequent in 2000s
than in 2010s would be very impressive. You still have to
be sure the factors causing change of the pattern of
hurricanes are real to rule out the possibility that the
prediction success is fortuitous.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Validation of a model must be based on reliability
and accuracy of the model as a predictive tool not
one's preference of the outcome of the predictions.
Then they are doing fine, showing that the products you push are causing massive change to the climate of this planet.



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Validation of a model must be based on reliability
and accuracy of the model as a predictive tool not
one's preference of the outcome of the predictions.

To determine whether it is in close correlation with past
measurements you have to define the quantity measured
first. You also have to ascertain that the correlation is rooted
in correct implementation of the physical basis underling the
climate change process in the model. If the prediction is precise
enough it is a very good sign
even if researchers cannot fully explain results of
climate simulation based on the model. For instance
a climate model that correctly predicts that hurricanes in
the Gulf of Mexico were more intense and frequent in 2000s
than in 2010s would be very impressive. You still have to
be sure the factors causing change of the pattern of
hurricanes are real to rule out the possibility that the
prediction success is fortuitous.
you appear to be level headed and you are trying to be open minded and objective
you certainly do not deserve to attacked by a dishonest ideologue like basketcase
i would interested in your opinions on the following

So would you agree that since the current models are producing implausible predictions (ie can't predict the future) and can not replicate the past (see below) then they are fundamentally flawed?

From the original link
The models were also out of step with records of past climate.
Honestly, if these models can not predict the future and can not replicate the past, can they even provide an accurate picture of the present ?
Realistically the present conditions should be the input values
But it would not surprise me if the model "adjustments" even alter the present

and these are the models which are the basis for
  1. radical and very dangerous public policy changes
  2. the propaganda intentionally used to scare the living shit out of a whole generation of children.
do you perceive a problem with how these faulty models are being used?

“It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.”

― Richard P. Feynman
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So would you agree that since the current models are producing implausible predictions (ie can't predict the future) and can not replicate the past (see below) then they are fundamentally flawed?
See chart above.
Oh right, you have to ignore my posts because you can't debate actual science or facts.

larue's pet claim that the satellites don't show warming in the atmosphere so therefore there is no heating on the surface, followed by his claim to nobel worthy infrared radiation theories are debunked by a recent NASA study. The study looked at the satellite data and infrared absorption and found that there is a less than 1% chance that the warming we are experiencing is not human caused. It also confirmed the heat imbalance we created that is warming the planet, showing that his claims about satellite data and infrared are incredibly stupid and wrong.



Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Modelling is employed in pretty much all disciplines of natural
science and social science as a tool to characterize systems
not amenable to experimental measurement or for prediction of
quantities that are prohibitively difficult or too costly to measure in
laboratory. Depending on the complexity of the systems studied
modelling is not hard science. Considering that climate modelling
is aimed for prediction of a quantity that is not even uniquely defined
I am inclined to call it soft or very soft science.
The model is not the reality.
Every modeller knows this.
It's part of the reason why you have things like the consensus model approach where you have to look at a bunch of different models and see where they are converging.
It's a tool. Like all tools, it has strengths and weaknesses and what comes out of it needs to be checked.
The idea that this isn't happening is silly. The article Johnny Larue cites came out this week but it is discussing an ongoing analysis of the models that has been going on for over two years, in public, in the journals.

Oh so it is not worth your effort to check
So much easier for you to just I am lying
I don't believe you are lying about this. I am pointing out that it is not worth the effort to check.
Whether or not the Canadian model was an outlier isn't really important to me and since even you can't remember where you saw it I don't feel like hunting for it.
It doesn't matter much.

Your mistake for assuming the matters
I read both, the article and the magazine quickly
The news article happened to be the first link handy
Then how did you not notice the cloud discussion?

Skeptics have been calling out the model failures for at least 13 , maybe 20 years
Through that time frame predictions just kept getting worse and more sensational
So they were not constantly iterating and checking the models to refine them and make them better
You're just wrong about this.

Two types of models?? One for experimental results and one for policy????
Again, this is discussed in the article you claimed to read. How did you miss it?

The only difference between predictive models' should be differences in the input assumption, constrained by the theory hypothesis
and if model results do not match experimental data , then there is something wrong with the theory or the modeling of that theory
Yes, we agree. That's why there is constant discussion and iteration of the models as data comes in.

Then you really should question why climate scientist like Gavin Schmidt refuses to participate in open debate/ discussion
Only to admit 13 years on that there is a problem with the models which he does not understand
You know these are new models and not the ones from 13 years ago, right?

2 years?
There is no deadline for arriving at scientific truth

Science with a 2 year deadline??
You may believe in science, but you understand it?
It seems I do a great deal more than you.
The problems with the models under discussion in the article have been actively discussed and debated in the literature for at least 2 years. I am not saying there is a 2 year deadline on science, that would be ridiculous.

Now back to the question you avoided

Once again these are the models used to produce the RCP8.5 scenario which has been used to intentionally and deliberately to scare the living shit out of a whole generation of children
Do you honestly think that is acceptable?
Yes, I honestly think that modelling is acceptable.
That you don't understand what is going on in this article isn't my problem.

Here read , learn and understand this:
Why you post a quote that is an attack on your own position eludes me.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
WTF are you talking about.
it is clear enough
My "oft-repeated" claims are that the satellite records show no net warming while the CO2 has increased significantly

Neither article made any reference to the satellite records , thus neither article refuted my claims

Try to keep up and and maybe think about why you need simple things explained to you multiple times
Is a comprehension issue for you or are you not paying attention??

Seriously, instead of reading climate denier blogs, try reading the referenced article.
Both provided the admission that the climate modals are flawed and they do understand why
That is the headline issue in both

That is pretty arrogant, you using the term "denier"
Nobody I know is denying the climate models are flawed

I did state many times the models had to be flawed , especially when they predicted rapid economic growth in third world countries and simultaneously predicting those same countries becoming uninhabitable wastelands.
Can you say logic failure or internally incompatible?

It is hardly my fault they are flawed

Perhaps instead you should be taking your frustrations out on "the scientists" who have been feeding you propaganda based on "Flawed Models'"

Oh, yeah this is the same group who form your "oft-repeated" scientific consensus.
Well that' is another problem for you now isn't?
That was you go to ..... when you were confronted with scientific issues you did not understand

I hate to say I told you so, but I did tell you so
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
it is clear enough
My "oft-repeated" claims are that the satellite records show no net warming while the CO2 has increased significantly
Your oft repeated claim is a lie.
Its a fabrication based on bait and switch, comparing troposphere temperatures with surface temperatures.
Its as fake as fake can be.

This is the latest on the data from satellites, it says there is less than 1% chance you are not full of crap.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Which is why the rest of us make fun of your claims to understand science.
The rest of us?...... You and the science / logic challenged Frankfooter???
Ha Ha
you two don't have a clue between you
you really should have asked more questions when upon determining you and he were of the same mind
incidentally who has that mind now?

Lets be clear, I forgotten more about science than either of you propaganda peddlers will ever understand

Still avoiding the real issue of the thread I see?
Let me remind you
Your climate scientists activists have admitted their models are flawed and they do not understand why or they are unwilling to say why?

No one for you to hide behind from now on
as I recall other than a chart based on "Flawed surface temp data" and a supposed consensus all you had was insults

You have been shown a consensus in science is irrelevant

So if the models are flawed could it be the root cause for this failure is
  1. inputting "Flawed surface temp data"
  2. the underlying theory (ie CO2 is the control knob for climate)?
  3. Climate is far to complex and chaotic to be modelled
So time to perform an autopsy on the failed models & the role the modeler's activists played in creating these failures

Perhaps they should revisit the input surface temp data considering the facts that it is
incomplete ,
error filled,
fiddled with and
biased by the Urban Heat Island affect
Your surface data set is actually a better indicator of urban growth than the impact of a few extra parts per million of an inert gas on climate
perhaps the climate models can be salvaged and used by geography departments or urban planners

And they should also revisit the absurd assumption that water vapor is only a feedback. after all it is the dominate greenhouse gas responsible for 90% of the relevant absorption
This fundamental modelling flaw can be traced back to the modellers activists pre-determined objective of needing to prove AGW. rather than attempting to achieve scientific truth

Your climate models are flawed and the activists do not understand will not explain why

I told you so

And now all you are left with is insults

Slither away now
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The rest of us?...... You and the science / logic challenged Frankfooter???
Ha Ha

Slither away now
Dude, you were embarrassed so totally and repeatedly that all you could do is put me on ignore.
So now I just have to post a quick debunking for the board to show how incredibly dishonest and moronic your claims are.
So much easier.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
This would be the same Gavin Schmidt who ran away from a debate on the subject

(2) Climate Scientist Gavin Schmidt runs in fear from a debate - YouTube

so now after admitting his model is a piece of junk. perhaps this arrogant activist should start acting like a real scientist and be willing to participate in open and public debate ?
The refusal of climate activists to debate the subject is pretty telling
This admission of model failure produces so many new debate questions they must now answer

He does not understand what is wrong with the models which are the source for all the climate doom propaganda and foolish climate change policy
Perhaps Roy Spencer might help him understand what is wrong with the models
after all the pursuit of the truth is far more important for a scientist than any public embarrassment Gavin might experience in a debate
the pursuit of the truth is also far more important for a scientist than any agenda Gavin might have as an activist

Time will tell what Gavin Schmidt really wants to be when he grows up
  1. a scientist in pursuit of the truth or
  2. an activist in pursuit of a political agenda
Ain't news to me. I've been saying for years Schmidt is a charlatan. His PhD is in mathematics. He's not a trained climate scientist.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Ain't news to me. I've been saying for years Schmidt is a charlatan. His PhD is in mathematics. He's not a trained climate scientist.
Climate scientist is not the holy grail either
I checked out the curriculum for a climate science degrees at one of the Canadian universities
Very short on chemistry, physics , with lots of policy courses and computer simulation training

My guess is Gavin Schmidt has seen very few absorption spectra if any at all and does not have a clue how to interrupt them. And the GHG theory is all about absorption of infrared energy
He has spent the best part of his career number noodling with a computer trying to predict a non linear chaotic system ... and apparently failed . No big surprise
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The rest of us?...... You and the science / logic challenged Frankfooter???
And pretty much anyone on the planet with even a slight understanding of science. When your argument always boils down to claiming that there is some conspiracy among scientists to hide the 'truth'....

p.s. Even the article you mentioned in the OP states that the Earth is warming which is something you keep denying.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Yet here you and John-boy are crowing about what you claim Schmidt said.
what he said is quoted on both the gwpf document and Science magazine in reference to the models being flawed, producing predictions which are implausible and unable to replicate the past.
Do you deny these as the facts of the matter ?

there is no claim, it is crystal clear, he runs NASA GISS and was Frankfooters go to refence when faced with logic and real science.
He & the other modelers were the ones you "oft-repeated" as the unassailable "Scientists" who you unconditionally trusted when you faced logic and real science.
Gavin Schmidt was 'your guy"

Now if you want to throw "your guy" Gavin Schmidt under the bus because he is not a climate scientist, and was unable to perpetuate your lie , then you will need to be upfront about it and not pussy foot about.
That would of course illustrate a rather slithery, back stabing , zero ethics and disloyal nature

Odd how intentional misleading others can put people in untenable positions isn't?

The climate models are flawed and they do not understand why
I told you so
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