Ashley Madison

The storm is coming - will you be ready?


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
At some point we will simply not be able to feed everyone in the world. Agricultural land is disappearing at a rapid pace and the world’s population is increasing so something has to give.
World population growth has been decelerating. Large countries like China and India can foresee a future with a shrinking population.

Countries with slow or no population growth generally see a rise in productivity. Productivity is what drives a nation's wealth.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Yeah ok. nationalizing an oil pipeline and oil developments is not a subsidy.
not when the damn fool government painted itself into corner it is not
the fool Justin killed three fully privately funded pipelines and you have the nerve to call that purchase a subsidy?
what is wrong with you?

exploration and development is not subsidized
capital allowance depreciation is available to all businesses in Canada who make investments in their business
it is not a subsidy
the ff industry delivers billions in royalties to all levels of government
raising the question why are efficient profitable business subsidizing inefficient government

this has been explained to you many times, yet you continue to promote this lie
what is wrong with you

The govt billions to clean up orphan wells are not a subsidy.
the plan to kill the industry will create many more orphan wells

I dunno what you are smoking but its good stuff.
i dunno who taught you logic, but it is not working

2.5 Trillion dollars to provide 5% of the worlds energy is peanuts.
it is not peanuts , it is a massive amount of money and it is other peoples money
what is wrong with you?

Do you have ANY idea how much energy that is?
an insignificant fraction of what is required
what is wrong with you?

If you were to build new plants to deliver 5% of the worlds energy what do you suppose it would cost if they were natual gas or coal?
nothing as that infrastructure is already in place
depletion is greater than 5% so the industry builds new capacity in excess of 5 % annually and there is no way they spend 2,5 trillion

what you do not understand greatly exceeds what you do
what is wrong with you?

AND just to be clear the green plants are mainly wind and solar so the don't pay for fuel, just maint. which is lower then gas turbines and steam plants.
wrong again
Wind turbine blades are piling up in landfills - Los Angeles Times (

they are being replaced after 10 years and filling up land fills
the leading edges are getting unexpectedly pitted
you could melt them down to recycle
but that would likely require more energy than they ever delivered
what is wrong with you?

What was the 1.5B your idol Kenney boy just wasted? A subsidy, a gift or a bribe?
i would call it a response to non market forces looking to destroy his provinces economy
ie our own federal government
it would have worked had Biden not bowed to special interest groups and cancelled keystone
what is wrong with you?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Oh so now we are being selective about what parts of the extraction process is being subsdized? Govt loans for oilsands upgraders, refinaries in AB. Why did Jason Kenny have to waste 1.5B on a pipeline to nowhere? You are very selective in what you bitch about. So the blades need to be replaced after 10 years, the new blades will last longer and ways will be found to repair them. How much carbon will they have saved in 10 years and how much carbon have they sequestered by sitting in a landfill harmlessly for a looooooong time? Blades are maint items. And you don't think steam and gas turbine plants don't consume parts and materials? How many billions does a Nuke refurb cost?(answer 3x what was estimated lol).

2.5T to provide 5% of global electical generation is not expensive at all. That is about 1250 TWH, a massive amount of power.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]Oh so now we are being selective about what parts of the extraction process is being subsdized?
How can you be selective when there is no subside ?

Now pay attention:
The flow of money is one way. Royalties
provided $10 billion in average annual revenue to governments for the period 2017 to 2019.
This cash flow has been filling up govt coffers for decades

Govt loans for oilsands upgraders, refinaries in AB.
A loan is not a subsidy
you do know a loan is commitment to repay the principal,, with interest don't you ?
A loan is pretty clearly defined and most adolescence have figured out a loan requires repayment
Hey repayment , so therefore A loan is not a subsidy

Besides they will be loan guarantees rather actual loans of taxpayers money to oil companies
given some operate internationally Federal loan guarantees support access to capital for overseas operations

Why did Jason Kenny have to waste 1.5B on a pipeline to nowhere? You are very selective in what you bitch about.
What part of the Federal government is working to shut down the primary industry in his province did you not understand?

So the blades need to be replaced after 10 years,
So half as efficient as the 20-25years promised

Again twice as much energy to mine, refine and fabricate, ...............more energy than the blades will produced
and you do not see the problem????

the new blades will last longer and ways will be found to repair them.
You do not even know why they are getting pitted yet you predict new and improved

Wind farms are also now starting to crowded each other out , with the down wind farms having much lower output from the up wind farm
This will end badly

How much carbon will they have saved in 10 years
back of the envelopelets say they will have saved one half as much as planned and as promised

and how much carbon have they sequestered by sitting in a landfill harmlessly for a looooooong time?
the blades are made out of composites which are not going to decompose, indestructible industrial garbage

Blades are maint items.
Sort of like disposable razor blades in your world ?
Do not be ridiculous, they are massive and difficult to transport

And you don't think steam and gas turbine plants don't consume parts and materials?
They last a whole lot longer than 10 years and they keep running when the wind stops blowing

How many billions does a Nuke refurb cost?(answer 3x what was estimated lol).
There are lost of far less expensive & safer nuke systems
France has a couple which do not require high pressure
France is well positioned

2.5T to provide 5% of global electical generation is not expensive at all.
Do not be ridiculous

The problem with socialist is they are always running out of other peoples money

That is about 1250 TWH, a massive amount of power.
Too bad it is unreliable and requires FF back ups
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Well-known member
May 14, 2008
The cashflow is not one way. I have cited many cases where the govt has provided grants and funds. Saying that orphan oil wells are not part of the E&D is BULLSHIT. Its part of the lifecycle. Thats like saying nuclear fuel is not the problem of Bruce Power and they can just dump it in the forest.

A loan at favorable interest rates IS a subsidy

A quick look at the failures you mentioned indicates you got them completely wrong. The pitting is in the mechanism, not the blades. This can be dealt with as part of maint. The blades do fail on occasion, but more commonly are replaced by more efficient and advanced designed that generate more power.

You have no idea what it costs to generate power do you? OPG estimates a cost of 7-8/KWh cents from a REFUBISHED nuclear power station. Solar is 6 cents in 2019 the cost of wind power was 5.1 cents. New wind turbines are poised to drive that even lower.

Its not unreliable, that is why people are POURING money into it.

Its good the blades will take a long time to decompose, the carbon will remain trapped for centuaries.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The cashflow is not one way. I have cited many cases where the govt has provided grants and funds
you quoted loans . a loan is not a subsidy
grants & funds ?? give specific examples and let us know when it gets within a rounding error of the $10 b in royalties

What part of $ billions annually into royalties did you not understand?

Your logic is akin to saying a taxpayer who receives a $400 tax filing return is subsidized by the government despite the fact he/ she paid $30K in taxes at the source deduction

Saying that orphan oil wells are not part of the E&D is BULLSHIT. Its part of the lifecycle. Thats like saying nuclear fuel is not the problem of Bruce Power and they can just dump it in the forest.
I never said that
the orphan wells will get much worse if the federal governments liberal policy of shutting down the industry continues to be implemented
A healthy industry can address the orphan wells, a bankrupt industry can not

A loan at favorable interest rates IS a subsidy
They are loan guarantees , the interest rate is negotiated with the bank, by the corporate borrower
The amount you really understand is miniscule relative to what you do not understand

A quick look at the failures you mentioned indicates you got them completely wrong. The pitting is in the mechanism, not the blades. This can be dealt with as part of maint. The blades do fail on occasion, but more commonly are replaced by more efficient and advanced designed that generate more power.
10 years vs the expected 20-25 years, again, more energy to make than they produce

You have no idea what it costs to generate power do you? OPG estimates a cost of 7-8/KWh cents from a REFUBISHED nuclear power station. Solar is 6 cents in 2019 the cost of wind power was 5.1 cents. New wind turbines are poised to drive that even lower.
We have seen your power generation estimates before, why do insist on misleading others?

Its not unreliable, that is why people are POURING money into it.
Yeah, the masses cant be wrong when it comes to investing
Did you want to buy some Tulip bulbs @ 17th century prices?
How about some Nortel @ 145 or ?
Want a pet rock?

Its good the blades will take a long time to decompose, the carbon will remain trapped for centuaries.
Congratulation, your trapping carbon into industrial waste that will not decompose for centuries
News flash: There is already millions of tons of that produced already

2,5 trillion to create mountains of non decomposing industrial waste and a useless 5% of what is required ?
That's Ok by you as .... its somebody else' s money

You seem oblivious to the fact you are expending more energy to make something than it will produce (half what was promised) and oblivious to the fact that the waste created does not decompose
The extreme stupidity is only compounded by the fact you do not care at all what the costs are or who pays it[/QUOTE]
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Nun on the streets and a feak in the sheets
Sep 24, 2015
Can-Am Girl
Thomas Malthus's theory was published more than two centuries
ago. Were it not for fossil fuel food production would not be able to keep
up with growth of population long before it reached one half of what
it is now.

Fossil fuel production will never be shut down by even the most green political
leaders. Norway and the UK will continue producing oil from the North Sea until
it is squeezed to the last drop. New Zealand notwithstanding Jacinda Arden's
bogus climate emergency declaration will not stop let alone reduce its share of
livestock methane emission. It is the politically correct thing for world's political
leaders to pledge zero emission and to blame climate change on the oil industry.
In reality they will attempt to restraint production and consumption of crude oil
and gas only up to certain point to win votes.

Fossil fuel production will be gradually shut down not by government
intervention but by geological constraints in the coming years. The good
news is carbon emission will go down as well.
Bumping this thread. Wondering if anyone had any change of thought considering everything that's going on now with the energy wars going on between various countries. Their stopping all drilling in the USA and Canada yet getting oil from Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. Europe wants off Russian energy dependence and has recently signed contracts for American LNG. Also, does anyone have any info on UEC stock? I see it being pumped online, I'm almost about to bite. It looks like it could be a good stock. It was literally at zero and now it's at 3.15 a share.
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