I've read through this entire thread and just laughed my ass off at the ridiculousness of almost every argument in here.
First off, why any guy would complain about the fact that women, he doesn't even know, are dressing revealing is hilarious in and of itself.
But the hypocrisy of the women to that complaint is just as hilarious.
The whole "I can dress anyway I want, and you don't have the right to judge me" argument is rich.
I have the right to judge anyone I want in my own head. Forming an opinion on someone based on a first impression is not only the biggest right someone has, it is also an evolutionary trait that has kept us alive. Our ability to form opinions based on first impressions of people and events is what helps keep people out of dangerous situations, and navigate social interactions.
And Women demanding that Men cease doing so to them, while they are free to do so to Men in return is the height of hypocrisy.
Women judge Men just as much by what they wear, as Men do to Women.
Women don't want to be judged a slut for wearing revealing clothes, yet when Women see an unshaven man, dressed in dirty jeans, a stained white tank top, and an old ball cap, they immediately judge him as a "Wife Beater". Not some skilled trade worker coming home from a hard days work. Shit, that judgment has even been applied to the name of the shirt itself.
Or what about a guy that is looking at the woman who is dressed revealingly. If he is older, dressed disheveled and unkempt, he is judged by Women to be a creep, or a stalker. If he is in his prime, well dressed and well groomed, he is far less likely to be judged this way by Women.
Ladies, you want to wear what you want? Go ahead. But demanding that Men don't have the right to judge you for it, and form opinions based on what you wear, while you go about doing so to Men? Get off your high horses.
And to those who even complained about what women are wearing? Shut the fuck up and just enjoy the view.