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ERIC CLAPTON reveals paralysis for 3 weeks after second jab


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Does the vaccine cause many of the after vaccine side effects, or the fear of the vaccine - and related stress - that has anti vaxers hiding under their beds from a jab.

"stress can cause paralysis":

"stress can cause illness":

"stress can cause death":

"men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth,..."
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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
Does the vaccine also cause racism?


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
Does the vaccine cause many of the after vaccine side effects, or the fear of the vaccine - and related stress - that has anti vaxers hiding under their beds from a jab.

"stress can cause paralysis":

"stress can cause illness":

"stress can cause death":

"men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth,..."
The vaccine fixes Liberalism. Nothing else.

What do you expect an experimental drug with no long term testing to do to a virus with over 99% AT HOME recovery???

You should feel very fucking stupid to be afraid of such a virus with high recovery rate.

Do you bring an umbrella to a picnic with 99% chance of sun?

Do you not buy a lottery ticket with a 99% chance of winning??

Simple questions idiots like yourself, and during this plandemic has shown there are millions of you, should be asking yourself.

There is a small chance of catching a STI/STD in this hobby and you still do it. Why do you continue to put yourself in such harms way??? Shouldnt you lock yourself up and never have SP sex ever again???????

Gee, there was once a time when men were men..... :confused:


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
The vaccine fixes Liberalism. Nothing else.

What do you expect an experimental drug with no long term testing to do to a virus with over 99% AT HOME recovery???

You should feel very fucking stupid to be afraid of such a virus with high recovery rate.

Do you bring an umbrella to a picnic with 99% chance of sun?

Do you not buy a lottery ticket with a 99% chance of winning??

Simple questions idiots like yourself, and during this plandemic has shown there are millions of you, should be asking yourself.

There is a small chance of catching a STI/STD in this hobby and you still do it. Why do you continue to put yourself in such harms way??? Shouldnt you lock yourself up and never have SP sex ever again???????

Gee, there was once a time when men were men..... :confused:



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
What do you expect an experimental drug with no long term testing to do to a virus with over 99% AT HOME recovery???

You should feel very fucking stupid to be afraid of such a virus with high recovery rate.
When did i ever say i was afraid of anything? Never. Being informed re dangers, how to avoid them & acting sensibly does not require one be afraid.

If anyone should be afraid, it's the covidiots. But, evidently, they are too idiotic even to do that.

A 99.9% recovery rate means you die 1 in 1000 times. Who's stupid enough to act irresponsibly in gambling with one's life at those odds?

Do you bring an umbrella to a picnic with 99% chance of sun?
If there's a 1% chance of rain, why not? Is it too heavy for you "small" hatchet types to carry in your purses?

Do you not buy a lottery ticket with a 99% chance of winning??
Since when has there ever existed such a thing?

People buy lotto tickets with hopes of winning even though the chance of NOT winning the grand prize of millions of dollars is over 99.99999%. Yet you think it's ok to gamble with your - LIFE - when the chance of NOT dying is, way less, merely 99.9%? How stupid is that. Duh.

There is a small chance of catching a STI/STD in this hobby and you still do it. Why do you continue to put yourself in such harms way??? Shouldnt you lock yourself up and never have SP sex ever again???????
There's a much bigger chance of getting a STI if you don't use protection (just as there is re a covid19 infection if people around you are not wearing masks & social distancing).

A STI is much less likely to kill a person ever, let alone in a couple weeks, unlike covid which kills & kills quickly.

So the risks re STIs in the hobby are far less than the risks re covid19 taken by those who are irresponsible (e.g. those not wearing masks, not distancing, partying against the health rules, deep French kissing anything that moves, etc)
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The bottom line is that quite a few people did have adverse reactions and quite a few died as the result. Trying to sweep it under the rug helps no one.


Well-known member
May 23, 2005
The bottom line is that quite a few people did have adverse reactions and quite a few died as the result. Trying to sweep it under the rug helps no one.
Nothing compared to the death toll from actual Covid, not to mention the long term health problems by a significant percentage of people who contracted Covid and survived, including those who had mild symptoms or were even asymptomatic.

I recently posted a thread in this forum quoting a New York Times article on that long haul Covid issue. Check it out...


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
The bottom line is that quite a few people did have adverse reactions and quite a few died as the result. Trying to sweep it under the rug helps no one.

"450 people per year die after falling out of bed;
150 people each year are killed by falling coconuts;
24 people each year are killed by champagne corks;

If you're going to post news of everyone that dies from AZ vaccine, I hope you will do the same for all other causes of deaths, lest anyone suspect you have an agenda."

Get vaccinated - Trump

I did - Trump

Vaccines will save millions of lives - Trump

Get the Trump vaccine - Trump

Vaccines ending the pandemic



Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Nothing compared to the death toll from actual Covid, not to mention the long term health problems by a significant percentage of people who contracted Covid and survived, including those who had mild symptoms or were even asymptomatic.

I recently posted a thread in this forum quoting a New York Times article on that long haul Covid issue. Check it out...
Sure. On the other hand we live(or suppose to, at least) in a free and open society. In Canada, for example, there isn't even a conversation on the necessity of vaccinating those with antibodies. Wouldn't it be wiser to use the short supply of vaccines to give BOTH shots to those most at risk? Isn't it what triage is all about in the times of emergency? Last year it was all about testing, testing and more testing. As soon as the vaccines arrived, testing was forgotten except for those exhibiting symptoms. We have discarded, before even it was established, one tool that would have enabled us to stretch our vaccine shortages in the spring. And where are we now? The American example clearly shows that you don't need 80% of the population with one shot. You need about 50% with BOTH shots and go from there. Be that as it may. Going to the original point; how many deaths are acceptable to justify saving the greater number? Why are we not allowed to ask that question? Why all the opposition? I've seen numbers as high as 5 000 deaths for US alone. Statistically it's pretty insignificant, but we have gone to wars over smaller numbers. And try to explain to the families how trivial the death of their loved one is in the greater scheme of things. I simply would like those issues addressed because we live in the free and open society and the matters of ethics are very important.
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