Modern Asian spas are a mere remnant of their former lofty origins. In the past Asian women were well-trained in the art of prostitution and sexual pleasure and massage. Visiting a "house of pleasure" had so many components as a build-up before the final performance of sexual acts. It was a whole production, starting with a waiting room relaxation with drink and conversation and then being assigned your courtesan and getting to know her and elaborate steams, saunas, bathing and her training in massage and her slowly disrobing from more elaborate dress, almost Geisha-like.
Sex and pleasure was considered too sacred and too important to be to be relegated to what the industry has become today, rub and tug fast houses with bad attitude. The eastern-way prolonged the pleasurable act and engaged slow anticipation and the patron enjoyed and engaged himself in this long, drawn-out journey of pleasure.
Even in NYC, back about four or five decades, the Japanese and Korean houses still maintained this type of demeanor. The ladies were so skilled in the art of pleasure and when you left her pleasure garden, you felt as though you visited another dimension and now returned to earthly existence so refreshed and renewed and transformed.
But I am amazed that this sexual training and huge sexual repertoire existed up until a few years ago that is called
Dongguan. In recent times from what I have seen in Asian countries, it does not exist. I do not see girls with that type of training and discipline. The women of course are still beautiful and irresistible and they use that feature alone to drain as many customers as she is able to within her workday.