Companies and Corporations all use the same script in their covid 19 ads


Active member
Mar 10, 2021
what kind of a "Pandemic" that have companies all using the same script?
what kind of a human being with a brain would believe in this garbage video?
Now, you are blaming the Pope?
So all the doctors, nurses and dying patients in every country in the world somehow colluded together spontaneously to fake a "Pandemic"? Seriously?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
what kind of a human being with a brain would believe in this garbage video?
Now, you are blaming the Pope?
So all the doctors, nurses and dying patients in every country in the world somehow colluded together spontaneously to fake a "Pandemic"? Seriously?
PCR tests are unreliable and cannot used to diagnose covid 19

Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what do the MSM do? They ignore it — RT Op-ed

Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be. - The New York Times (

Coronavirus: Tests 'could be picking up dead virus' - BBC News

Public Health Physician Dr. Yaffe Explains the No-Test Order for Ontario Teachers. She Admits to a 50% False-Positive Rate for COVID Tests.

No Mandatory Testing for Ontario Teachers Due to 50% False-Positive Rate - YouTube

Manitoba Chief Microbiologist and Laboratory Specialist: 56% of positive “cases” are not infectious
POSTED ON: MAY 11, 2021

Manitoba Chief Microbiologist and Laboratory Specialist: 56% of positive “cases” are not infectious | Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (

The Justice Centre’s expert medical witnesses, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, world-famous epidemiologist and Professor of Medicine from Stanford University, and Dr. Thomas Warren, infectious disease specialist and medical microbiologist, both provided evidence that the PCR test is unreliable in determining whether a person is infectious with the actual Covid-19 disease.

Chief Microbiologist and Laboratory Specialist Dr. Jared Bullard is a witness for the Manitoba government in this hearing. Questioned under oath by Justice Centre lawyers on Monday May 10, Dr. Bullard acknowledged that the PCR test has significant limitations. The head of Cadham Provincial Laboratory in Winnipeg, Dr. Bullard admitted that PCR test results do not verify infectiousness, and were never intended to be used to diagnose respiratory illnesses.

Dr. Bullard testified that PCR tests can be positive for up to 100 days after an exposure to the virus, and that PCR tests do nothing more than confirm the presence of fragments of viral RNA of the target SARS CO-V2 virus in someone’s nose. He testified that, while a person with Covid-19 is infectious for a one-to-two week period, non-viable (harmless) viral SARS CO-V2 fragments remain in the nose, and can be detected by a PCR test for up to 100 days after exposure.

Dr. Bullard testified that the most accurate way to determine whether someone is actually infectious with Covid is to attempt to grow a cell culture in the lab from a patient sample. If a cell culture will not grow the virus in the lab, a patient is likely not infectious. A study from Dr. Bullard and his colleagues found that only 44% of positive PCR test results would actually grow in the lab.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
PCR tests are unreliable and cannot used to diagnose covid 19

Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what do the MSM do? They ignore it — RT Op-ed

Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be. - The New York Times (

Coronavirus: Tests 'could be picking up dead virus' - BBC News

Public Health Physician Dr. Yaffe Explains the No-Test Order for Ontario Teachers. She Admits to a 50% False-Positive Rate for COVID Tests.

No Mandatory Testing for Ontario Teachers Due to 50% False-Positive Rate - YouTube

Manitoba Chief Microbiologist and Laboratory Specialist: 56% of positive “cases” are not infectious
POSTED ON: MAY 11, 2021

Manitoba Chief Microbiologist and Laboratory Specialist: 56% of positive “cases” are not infectious | Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (

The Justice Centre’s expert medical witnesses, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, world-famous epidemiologist and Professor of Medicine from Stanford University, and Dr. Thomas Warren, infectious disease specialist and medical microbiologist, both provided evidence that the PCR test is unreliable in determining whether a person is infectious with the actual Covid-19 disease.

Chief Microbiologist and Laboratory Specialist Dr. Jared Bullard is a witness for the Manitoba government in this hearing. Questioned under oath by Justice Centre lawyers on Monday May 10, Dr. Bullard acknowledged that the PCR test has significant limitations. The head of Cadham Provincial Laboratory in Winnipeg, Dr. Bullard admitted that PCR test results do not verify infectiousness, and were never intended to be used to diagnose respiratory illnesses.

Dr. Bullard testified that PCR tests can be positive for up to 100 days after an exposure to the virus, and that PCR tests do nothing more than confirm the presence of fragments of viral RNA of the target SARS CO-V2 virus in someone’s nose. He testified that, while a person with Covid-19 is infectious for a one-to-two week period, non-viable (harmless) viral SARS CO-V2 fragments remain in the nose, and can be detected by a PCR test for up to 100 days after exposure.

Dr. Bullard testified that the most accurate way to determine whether someone is actually infectious with Covid is to attempt to grow a cell culture in the lab from a patient sample. If a cell culture will not grow the virus in the lab, a patient is likely not infectious. A study from Dr. Bullard and his colleagues found that only 44% of positive PCR test results would actually grow in the lab.

Get your head out of the clouds or stop sniffing glue!
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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Get your head out of the clouds or stop sniffing glue!

squeezer have covid derangement syndrome. he failed to realize that it is admitted in court UNDER OATH that the PCR tests are unreliable and cannot be use for diagnosis


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
squeezer have covid derangement syndrome. he failed to realize that it is admitted in court UNDER OATH that the PCR tests are unreliable and cannot be use for diagnosis
NO NO NO, I have reality syndrome, you have looneyville disease which if I were you I would definitely get some help.
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
StevieRay;13505974 said:
lots of deaths and side effects are being suppressed

one number has over a million from vaccine
SportsBookData;13506059 said:
The number is already well into the 7 figures.

We are talking death, comas, paralysis, miscarriages and still births as some of the most common.

The same people that pumped up the covid numbers to drive fear are the same people hiding the truth of the deadly shots.
These guys from another forum need help too. Maybe even more than C-M, if that's possible!
Last edited:


Jun 23, 2017
Trying to stay in a Happy Place
So Canada-Man - thanks for providing such compelling, incontrovertible, definitive, ground breaking, earth shattering, mind blowing, uncontestable, beyond the shadow of a doubt proof that you are completely delusion, incapable of forming a rational thought, beyond the pale, conspiracy theory believing, addled, confused, demented, bewildered, muddled, and generally just plain messed up person to believe the Pope is behind COVID-19 when everyone knows for an absolute fact that it is the shape shifting Lizard beings from the neighboring galaxy of Reticulum II - led by their Grand Chief Lizard aka his Supreme Lizardness - William Henry Gates the Third !!!!!!!

P.S. what happened on your Victoria Day weekend date at the beach with the lovely and like-minded Rummy ?? - she has not posted anything in a while. Inquiring minds would love to know.


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2021

what kind of a "Pandemic" that have companies all using the same script?

Any PR and marketing people would tell you that it's critical to have the same message with something like a vaccine where there is some hesitancy and also to avoid delays caused by preference. In fact, I would wager that health bodies insisted on such an approach because those who are hesitant would just become confused by differing messages from suppliers.
Deliver the same message because what is important to get across is that the vaccines are safe and everyone should take whichever it available to them. What you want to avoid is people putting off because they want to wait for one over another.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Nope. Must be a conspiracy.
It also can't be because trends in ad and ad styles happen.
It's like the conspiracy to make action movie trailers look the same.



Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
So Canada-Man - thanks for providing such compelling, incontrovertible, definitive, ground breaking, earth shattering, mind blowing, uncontestable, beyond the shadow of a doubt proof that you are completely delusion, incapable of forming a rational thought, beyond the pale, conspiracy theory believing, addled, confused, demented, bewildered, muddled, and generally just plain messed up person to believe the Pope is behind COVID-19 when everyone knows for an absolute fact that it is the shape shifting Lizard beings from the neighboring galaxy of Reticulum II - led by their Grand Chief Lizard aka his Supreme Lizardness - William Henry Gates the Third !!!!!!!

P.S. what happened on your Victoria Day weekend date at the beach with the lovely and like-minded Rummy ?? - she has not posted anything in a while. Inquiring minds would love to know.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The Silurians don't shape-shift.
They are very proud to be lizard people.
They are also earthlings, don't be implying they are aliens now.
That's rude.
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