So first off, what was refreshing was that she matched the pics, she is super hot and sexy but dresssd down, no ligerie or makeup like the ad. This seemed Minor at first but it is part of her strategy. She is one of those girls who, despute what the ad says, she did everything she could to seem disinterested leading to the moment that she asks me if I'm gonna cum (covered bj, not even naked) and informs that hh is just covered bj FS is for one hour.
This realization is enough to kill it, realizing that i am not here to see an escort but a con job. Compared to other times girls have tried this hustle, she was very nice about it but she is just a hustle and doesn't plan for anything to touch her pussy.
Don't fall for it.
This realization is enough to kill it, realizing that i am not here to see an escort but a con job. Compared to other times girls have tried this hustle, she was very nice about it but she is just a hustle and doesn't plan for anything to touch her pussy.
Don't fall for it.