Answer: Worf, when he participated in Alexander's wild west holodeck program.Who said "I am beginning to find the appeal of this program!!"
Answer: Worf, when he participated in Alexander's wild west holodeck program.Who said "I am beginning to find the appeal of this program!!"
Answer: James Worthy as a KlingonCarel Strucyken who is 7" tall played Mr. Homm.
MIck Fleetwood is 6' 6"tall.
Who was the tallest non actor celebrity at 6' 9" to make an appearance on TNG?
BoothbyWhat was the name of the groundskeeper at Star Fleet Academy?
Kurn is his Klingon brother. Nikolai Rochenko is his adoptive brotherWhat was the name of Worf's brother?
Correct, (it's Rozhenko)Kurn is his Klingon brother. Nikolai Rochenko is his adoptive brother
His chadiichWho stands with the accused, in Klingon Court?
Correct!, (one i in Cha'DIch)His chadiich
The poem is called the Epic of Gilgamesh. This was a weird episode for me growing up. I couldn't get my head around the aliens speaking in metaphors.What ancient Mesopotamian poem did Captain Picard summarize for Captain Dathon on the planet El-Adrel?
Correct!The poem is called the Epic of Gilgamesh. This was a weird episode for me growing up. I couldn't get my head around the aliens speaking in metaphors.