First, one crypto has alreay been attacked by a 51 attack with a few dozen programes - bitcoins harder so a team of a 1000 is an estimate. With robots its not that hard. And 51 attacks are the hardest of the attacks. However, at the moment its in my financial interest for you to ignore my warning so I will ad more to the BS as you say so you will not believe me. Its google. But what I call boat attacks are the easiest. Safe attacks with cyrpto is hard and the windows are narrow.
However it anyone wants a lesson on basic crytpo attacks and what needs to be done to hack (in theory) any currency I have paid discussions on said topic. But here a free one - all cypto are on the clock - when quantam computers are put to the task it will be child play. Google invented there version in 2017 and it can already decrypt "impossible" crpto sequences. When they put the prototype to market this gen of crpto is over.
Has Google achieved quantum supremacy?
And I am an idiot with this stuff so If I am aware of it, the google egg heads are more than aware of it. But its to there advantage to pretend that cypto works as well. The irony is like any ponzi scheme, the more I warn you the more you jump in. Thanks for the cash.
For those interested in anti-cyto , the q-bit here some heavy back round reading - this was purly mind games at the time but now its reality
PDF | The paper consists of two parts. The first part begins with the problem of whether the original three-valued calculus, invented by J. Łukasiewicz,... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
PS Forbes gives the quantum approach ten years. Its from 1 to forever so we shall see. IBM got one two. I have the vaccine 2 years and 1 at the very best. It was done in less than year. So science predictions are crap shoots.