Canada's Only Black-Owned Radio Station Ordered To Be Sold By An Ontario Court


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
White supremacy, you mean?
Black people are still excluded from quite a bit.
Depends how you define that. By exclusion do you mean barred from or do you mean not represented? The former is a straight up wtf, but the latter is far too complex, with a myriad of possible factors, to automatically cry white supremacy.


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
I wonder who will get to buy the license?
I think it's this guy here.


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
Depends how you define that. By exclusion do you mean barred from or do you mean not represented? The former is a straight up wtf, but the latter is far too complex, with a myriad of possible factors, to automatically cry white supremacy.
Or maybe they use the latter to cover up the former to make things seem complex for some?

it wasn't until 2001 Canada got a dedicated "Urban" program on radio.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2006
Or maybe they use the latter to cover up the former to make things seem complex for some?

it wasn't until 2001 Canada got a dedicated "Urban" program on radio.
Wait, when did "Urban" start to mean black? Does "Ghetto" automatically mean black to you as well? I've always associated it with poor and living in subsidized housing, which probably isn't completely accurate either. Ghetto that is. Urban has always meant city as opposed to rural or country living. Or maybe I'm racist because I'm resistant to appropriation of commonly used words?

I'm definitely racist because I feel discriminated against as a middle aged caucasian male. True story: many years ago I had to apply for legal aid and I had the audacity to tick the box that asked if I was a visible minority. When I got into the interview room the woman, who was not caucasian, tried to change my answer. My response to her was simple. I asked if she would like to accompany me back to the waiting room where I filled out the questionnaire and if I wasn't a visible minority I would happily allow her to change it.

I wish people would stop playing the race card. Wealth inequality is a much more important issue and affects all races but it seems to be easier to equate wealth inequality to systemic racism as it generally fits the narration. I guess I'm just being 'triggered' though so I'll just move along.
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I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
Wait, when did "Urban" start to mean black? Does "Ghetto" automatically mean black to you as well? I've always associated it with poor and living in subsidized housing, which probably isn't completely accurate either. Ghetto that is. Urban has always meant city as opposed to rural or country living. Or maybe I'm racist because I'm resistant to appropriation of commonly used words?
Ghetto = slum areas of the city.
Urban contemporary, or "Urban" for short = Rap, Hip-Hop, RnB etc.

Don't play stupid. If you guys don't know what you are talking about, you shouldn't be talking.
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I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
I'm definitely racist because I feel discriminated against as a middle aged caucasian male. True story: many years ago I had to apply for legal aid and I had the audacity to tick the box that asked if I was a visible minority. When I got into the interview room the woman, who was not caucasian, tried to change my answer. My response to her was simple. I asked if she would like to accompany me back to the waiting room where I filled out the questionnaire and if I wasn't a visible minority I would happily allow her to change it.

I wish people would stop playing the race card. Wealth inequality is a much more important issue and affects all races but it seems to be easier to equate wealth inequality to systemic racism as it generally fits the narration. I guess I'm just being 'triggered' though so I'll just move along.
Wealth inequality doesn't explain why Black Radio programming was shutout through the 90's?

You say wealth inequality is a problem, but support the station being sold to the highest bidder? Are you sure you know what you're saying? :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2006
Wealth inequality doesn't explain why Black Radio programming was shutout through the 90's?

You say wealth inequality is a problem, but support the station being sold to the highest bidder? Are you sure you know what you're saying? :ROFLMAO:
Please show me where I supported the station being sold to the highest bidder.

You're absolutely right that wealth inequality doesn't explain why black radio programming was shutout through the '90's. But I won't claim that is the case. Better question would be, why didn't anyone invest in black radio programming in the 90's or before? Were black people not listening to the radio back then? Were there rules preventing people of colour from opening or owning radio stations? If there weren't, don't claim racism is the cause of it.


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
Please show me where I supported the station being sold to the highest bidder.
Then who should it have gone to?

You're absolutely right that wealth inequality doesn't explain why black radio programming was shutout through the '90's. But I won't claim that is the case. Better question would be, why didn't anyone invest in black radio programming in the 90's or before? Were black people not listening to the radio back then? Were there rules preventing people of colour from opening or owning radio stations? If there weren't, don't claim racism is the cause of it.
There were black investors looking to get a black broadcast.
I'm pretty sure black people had radios in the 90's. I will double check for you.
The Canadian Government controls the radio airwaves. They had many opportunities and passed on all. But you had all other genres on broadcast.

Does this suffice your checklist for racism Mr. White Man? Or is there another hundred hurdles I have to jump to convince you?


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2006
Then who should it have gone to?
I would imagine that it should go to the highest bidder. Same as what would happen if I put anything up for sale. Of course there are always the conspiracies that an 'insider' was able to buy it for less than the highest bid because of connections but that happens in every market. There isn't a perfect fix or if there is I'm not bright enough to discern it.

There were black investors looking to get a black broadcast.
I'm pretty sure black people had radios in the 90's. I will double check for you.
The Canadian Government controls the radio airwaves. They had many opportunities and passed on all. But you had all other genres on broadcast.

Does this suffice your checklist for racism Mr. White Man? Or is there another hundred hurdles I have to jump to convince you?
Without fact checking your assertions I will take them at face value. But have you considered the possibility that it had more to do with censorship than racism? Most of the hip hop and rap I remember was all about misogyny towards women, gun violence, or general violence with a lot of profanity sprinkled in. Lately society has been opening the flood gates to that type of content. Try watching vintage television and then watch something recent and see if you notice a difference. I'd imagine that radio is similar.

But I'd hate to detract from the obviously racist reasons that you are trying so hard to prop up.
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I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
Please show me where I supported the station being sold to the highest bidder.
I would imagine that it should go to the highest bidder.
So there you go.

Without fact checking your assertions I will take them at face value. But have you considered the possibility that it had more to do with censorship than racism? Most of the hip hop and rap I remember was all about misogyny towards women, gun violence, or general violence with a lot of profanity sprinkled in. Lately society has been opening the flood gates to that type of content. Try watching vintage television and then watch something recent and see if you notice a difference. I'd imagine that radio is similar.

But I'd hate to detract from the obviously racist reasons that you are trying so hard to prop up.
I'm glad you equate black music to only violence and misogyny loaded Rap.

If they are obviously racist, why do I need to still trying so hard? They are obvious right?


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
Stop trying to play the race card it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with not paying your bills
You can die holding on to that wishing, because I won't stop pointing it out.

Because one man failed to make a payment doesn't mean you weren't mistreated or sabotaged in the process.
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