Oh my, has Johnny been busted? LOL
I have Valcarez on ignore, I had to figure what you were referring to
well done for him, Valcarez can read through and understand a very technical paper
credit is due, where credit is due
It is kind of ironic to find an alarmist using William Happer's paper to try and discredit me
William Happer has been repeatedly attacked and all efforts made to smear him by alarmists
William Happer's position on CO2 is that we are currently in a Co2 drought and CO2 is plant food and will help feed a growing population,
William Happer's position is Co2 is not a problem and there are lots of other environmental issues which are more pressing
Alarmists quoting William Happer's paper ?????.....Too funny
That paper confirms the logarithmic relation between concentration and absorbance ie diminishing returns with each incremental increase in Co2,, i.e. saturation
as I have stated many time's
Co2 does absorb infrared radiation, I have been quite clear about that
The Stefan - Boltzmann law, is important because it
1. shows CO absorbs at only 16% of the wavelengths in he infrared spectrum
2. shows almost all the wavelengths at which CO2 absorbs are also absorbed by water vapor,
Water vapor is 10 to 100 times more abundant than CO2,
Wijngaarden & Happer paper's climate sensitivity estimate is half of the RCP 8.5 scenario
, which makes all the difference in the world
This confirms why the IPCC models have constantly overshot reality
as I have stated many time's
The RCP 8.5 scenario estimate is the one used for all the doom and gloom propaganda projections which have been force feed to the world
The RCP 8.5 scenario estimate also predicts the
- acceleration of third world economic activity
- while also predicting the same countries become uninhabitable wastelands at the same time. A physically impossibility
Here is a little tidbit Valcarez left out about the models' including l
Wijngaarden & Happer,. As they state:
These calculations considered the case of a clear sky one dimensional atmosphere in radiative-convective equilibrium.
No clouds !
Clouds can not be modeled properly
Have you ever felt suddenly cooler when clouds float by?
The jet stream, ocean currents, and wind turbulence are just few of the other parameters which can not be modelled properly
CO2 is not the control knob for climate