The source is Kristen Clarke and her racism was raised several times over the years. This is not new and rather well known. Had this been a Trump appointment, you, along with your fellow hypocrites, would have filled a half dozen of threads with the "Trump's a racist" I told you sos. Hint? Don't defend racists and antisemites- it's no longer socially acceptable.
Dude. You linked to a thing that has one letter she co-authored in the 90s which she now repudiates.
She also invited someone with some fucked up views to speak then. Something she seems to have said was a mistake at the time.
Both bad. Does her continued professional history show lots of hotep/melanin-centric nonsense? Lots of anti-semitic moves?
Show me.
I don't know her from Adam, if she's got a long history of weird afrocentric pseudoscience and anti-semetic bullshit, I'm happy to toss her.
But your own link doesn't show that.