Their sole mode of earning money is to have Far right views and to monetize those views. That's what they do. It's very lucrative.
In fact, I'm not even going to call them "Far Right" views. Those views have nothing to do with actual, legitimate right wing politics, which are about corporate issues and taxation issues for very rich, conservative Power People. I'm going to call the views pushed by Shapiro "white male grievance horseshit" politics.
It's not as though Shapiro is a top notch trial lawyer or stockbroker who happens to have "white grievance" social views. His entire career and his entire business is pretending to have those views and marketing them. Like Candace, or Andy Ngo, or Milo. The views are the product.
So if that's his business / product and that's how he makes his mega $$$$ each year, he's going to push those views.
More to the point, useless, trival, distracting shit like Gina Carano, or Aunt Jemima is how these people grift. None of this stuff is genuinely important. It's not as though anyone's solving COVID, or the energy / climate issue, or foreign policy by talking about Gina Carano or Aunt Jemima. They're nonsense and their purpose is to get gullible people angry and aggressive, so they fight with guys like me and then get angrier. The emotional buzz is addictive and keeps you and Oracle and BBW Lover going back to BS's website and giving him hits for ad payoffs.
In fact, the more trivial and annoying and silly the issue is, the more valuable to Shapiro and Co. That means no one apart from you guys really gives a shit about the issue and that can be used to make you guys frustrated and angry and that increases the addictive emotional hit of reading Shapiro's crap.
You think anyone else out here REALLY gives a shit about a 1" square image of a Black woman on a syrup bottle?! You think there's really a "social justice warrior keyboard army" out there that gives a shit about this?! No one gives a fuck but you people.
All the stuff you people believe is ridiculous. "The Globalist Left fired Carano because they can't deal with the 'TRUTH' and they have to suppress it". Horseshit. She was cut loose by a bunch of multi millionaire, conservative businessmen because she was an annoying twat who had views that offended mainstream people and was probably an obnoxious turkey to deal with on a daily basis.
You guys buy into the BIG Lie that this was some kind of socialist conspiracy. "Socialists" had fuck-all to do with any of this.
Grow up, the whole bunch of you!