Human Rights Violations No One Talks About


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Human Rights Violations No One Talks About
by Khaled Abu Toameh • February 5, 2021 at 5:00 am

  • Last year, the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank revealed that Hamas was planning to confiscate large areas of privately-owned lands in the Gaza Strip. According to the PA, Hamas formed the Palestinian Land Authority in the Gaza Strip to facilitate "land-theft."

  • A recent report by the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights documented the death in 2020 of at least 30 Palestinians in various "internal violence" incidents in the Gaza Strip, including six children and four women. Another 155 Palestinians were injured, including 17 children and 19 women.

  • The ongoing human rights violations by Hamas show that the Islamist movement does not care about reports issued by Palestinian human rights groups such as the Al Mezan Center. The Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip know that they can continue doing anything they want there because the international community only pays attention when there is way to blame Israel.

  • In 2006, the US and European Union made a mistake by allowing Hamas, whose charter openly calls for the annihilation of Israel, to participate in the parliamentary election. If the Americans and Europeans repeat the same mistake, Palestinians in the West Bank will join their brothers in the Gaza Strip and find themselves also living under Hamas's repressive Islamist regime, which has no respect for human rights.

On January 3, 2021, the Hamas-controlled Palestinian Land Authority (PLA) in the Gaza Strip "removed" three houses -- one of which had been inhabited by a family of three -- and bulldozed about 30 dunums (7.4 acres) of agricultural land in the as-Salam neighborhood west of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt.

The decision to bulldoze the houses and fields -- which came on short notice and did not include direct notifications to those affected by it -- inflicted financial damage on farmers and displaced several Palestinians from their houses, according to the Gaza-based Al Mezan Center for Human Rights.

"The decision also sparked public outrage, with some protesters clashing with [Hamas] police," the center said.

"Nine protesters, including three women, sustained injuries after being beaten by the police, and 16 others were arrested. In addition, six police officers, including a chief law enforcement officer, were injured, as the crowd, largely made of up affected persons, threw stones at them."
The PLA also notified several farmers of its decision to confiscate their land for the purpose of expanding the Rafah border crossing.

The incident in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, not the first of its kind, did not attract the attention of human rights organizations and media outlets around the world. Such human rights violations are regularly ignored by the international community because they are perpetrated by Palestinians against Palestinians.

Had the bulldozing of the houses and fields and the confiscation of the lands been carried out by Israel, many human rights organizations and foreign journalists would have shown massive interest in the plight of the Palestinian families and farmers.

It is not uncommon for Hamas to commit human rights violations against the two million Palestinians living under its rule in the Gaza Strip. Since its violent takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007, Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood organization, has been ruling with an iron fist, consistently cracking down on its political opponents and critics and suppressing public freedoms.

In the past few years, Hamas has demolished and confiscated the houses of several Palestinians. Last year, Hamas bulldozers demolished the home of Mohammed al-Astal in the southern Gaza Strip on the pretext that it was illegally built on "state-owned" land.

Last year, the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank revealed that Hamas was planning to confiscate large areas of privately-owned lands in the Gaza Strip. According to the PA, Hamas formed the Palestinian Land Authority in the Gaza Strip to facilitate "land-theft."

After seizing the land, Hamas intends to offer it for sale to the same owners, the PA said. "Hamas will collect tens of millions of [Jordanian] dinars if it succeeds in implementing its plan," the PA added. "Since its violent takeover of the Gaza Strip, Hamas has been stealing land and giving it to its officials and supporters."

The alleged Hamas "land-theft" has been totally ignored by so-called pro-Palestinian groups around the world, as well as the international media and human rights organizations. If human rights abuses do not contain an anti-Israel angle, many in the international community choose to look the other way.

A recent report by the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, also ignored by the international media and human rights groups, details a series of human rights violations in the Gaza Strip during 2020.

The report calls on Hamas to work to control the use of weapons and their spread, prevent the storage of weapons and explosives in densely populated areas and respect the right to form civil societies, and protect the right to peaceful assemblies and freedom of expression.

The Al Mezan Center report also documented the death in 2020 of at least 30 Palestinians in various "internal violence" incidents in the Gaza Strip, including six children and four women. Another 155 Palestinians were injured, including 17 children and 19 women.

Referring to a Hamas ban on public gatherings, the report pointed out that this was a "clear violation of the Palestinian Basic law."

Also during 2020, the report revealed, at least 23 Palestinian journalists in the Gaza Strip fell victim to various incidents of violence and intimidation, including arrests, summons' for interrogation and confiscation of their equipment.

Moreover, two Palestinians reportedly died in Hamas-controlled prisons in the Gaza Strip in 2020 as a result of torture and cruel inhuman treatment, the report noted.

On January 13, Hamas arrested Palestinian journalist Omaya al-Kahlout after he had posted a statement on Facebook in which he criticized Hamas measures against poultry farmers.

Two days later, Hamas detained Palestinian activist Sabah Karibeh for organizing an online protest against a local mobile phone company. Hamas officers seized his mobile phone and laptop before releasing him on bail.

The ongoing human rights violations by Hamas show that the Islamist movement does not care about reports issued by Palestinian human rights groups such as the Al Mezan Center. The Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip know that they can continue doing anything they want there because the international community only pays attention when there is way to blame Israel.

Now that the Palestinians are talking about the possibility of holding new presidential and parliamentary elections -- in which Hamas leaders have indicated their desire to participate -- it is important to pay attention to Hamas's practices in the Gaza Strip. Hamas, which won the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary election, has a good chance of scoring another victory -- if and when the elections take place.

In 2006, the US and European Union made a mistake by allowing Hamas, whose charter openly calls for the annihilation of Israel, to participate in the parliamentary election. If the Americans and Europeans repeat the same mistake, Palestinians in the West Bank will join their brothers in the Gaza Strip and find themselves also living under Hamas's repressive Islamist regime, which has no respect for human rights.

Khaled Abu Toameh, an award-winning journalist based in Jerusalem, is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at Gatestone Institute.
Human Rights Violations No One Talks About (


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Good news!

The ICC says they have jurisdiction there so you can send those complaints to them and they'll add them to the allegations against Hamas and Israel.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Good news!

The ICC says they have jurisdiction there so you can send those complaints to them and they'll add them to the allegations against Hamas and Israel.
And no matter what the ICC says, you will never criticize Hamas for it.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And no matter what the ICC says, you will never criticize Hamas for it.
I truly hope that the ICC charges Hamas as well as Israel so that both sides can be held to the rule of the law.
You of course would join such a call, right?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I truly hope that the ICC charges Hamas as well as Israel so that both sides can be held to the rule of the law.
You of course would join such a call, right?
So why have you never actually condemned Hamas for anything (amidst you tend of thousands of posts condemning Israel for everything under the sun)?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So why have you never actually condemned Hamas for anything (amidst you tend of thousands of posts condemning Israel for everything under the sun)?
I have, it just gets buried in having to correct your constant dehumanizing of Palestinians and Hamas in particular.
You spend so much time here justifying apartheid and killing Palestinians that there is no air left to criticize any other parties.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I have, i...
Sorry but saying "take them to the ICC" is not a criticism.

On your ridiculous apartheid claims, you've been forced to admit that Israeli law does not discriminate against Arab citizens (in fact gives them some minor advantages) so your entire claim is that Palestinians in the West Bank aren't considered Israeli citizens (beyond the fact that the vast majority of those Palestinians DON'T WANT to be Israeli citizens). Sadly for you, the ICC just completely undermined that argument by saying that Palestine is a state and therefore not a part of Israel.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
On your ridiculous apartheid claims, you've been forced to admit that Israeli law does not discriminate against Arab citizens (in fact gives them some minor advantages) so your entire claim is that Palestinians in the West Bank aren't considered Israeli citizens (beyond the fact that the vast majority of those Palestinians DON'T WANT to be Israeli citizens). Sadly for you, the ICC just completely undermined that argument by saying that Palestine is a state and therefore not a part of Israel.
No, the charges of apartheid from the UN report and B'teslem's report both clearly state that Israeli laws do discriminate against Israeli Arabs and are apartheid.
Israeli apartheid is systematic, in the occupied territories and Israel proper as well.
Once again you are lying.

The ICC has stated that Palestine is a state, however its also a state that is under Israeli occupation, ruling it through apartheid.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
No, the charges of apartheid from the UN report and B'teslem's report both clearly state that Israeli laws do discriminate against Israeli Arabs and are apartheid.
There is no UN report (you keep quoting a report commissioned by dictators that was rejected by the UN) and the B'Tselem report is based on West Bank Palestinians not being treated the same as Israeli citizens.

Even ignoring that almost none of the West Bank Palestinians want to be Israeli (you know, that whole self-determination thing), the ICC just ruled that the PA is a government representing a state. Now you can't claim that they should be treated as Israelis because the ICC agrees they aren't.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
There is no UN report (you keep quoting a report commissioned by dictators that was rejected by the UN) and the B'Tselem report is based on West Bank Palestinians not being treated the same as Israeli citizens.
You've been bragging about Israel's new diplomatic ties with those same countries, but now you're calling them 'dictators' again.
Which is it, are you proud of Israel's new allies or are they dictators and despots out to get Israel?
Either way, they and a host of other countries only commissioned that UN report that Israel and the US tried to bury.

The B'teselem report states that all the policy in Israel and the Occupied Territories are apartheid, just as the UN report states.
Not just the West Bank, as you keep lying about.

The UN report is in the hands of the ICC and I would expect that the B'teselem report is going there too.
You know Israel is apartheid and you've been defending that apartheid policy here for years.

You can only pretend those reports don't exist for so long, you know its going to end up at the ICC.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You've been bragging about Israel's new diplomatic ties with those same countries, but now you're calling them 'dictators' again.
Are you denying that that the countries involved are predominantly authoritarian states that abuse human rights?

The ICC just ruled that the West bank and Gaza are a Palestinian state run by a Palestinian government. No more excuses.

Oh yeah, the Palestinians you pretend to care about don't want to be Israelis no matter how much you want to make them.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Are you denying that that the countries involved are predominantly authoritarian states that abuse human rights?

None are any less democratic than apartheid Israel.
Regardless of how much you now hate the countries that Israel is making diplomatic ties with, all they did was commission the study.
None of them had a hand in writing it.

The finding that Israel is apartheid, by the UN, is totally legit and its authors well respected.
As is the B'teslem report, authored by Israel's own most respected human rights organization.

Trying to to shoot the messenger may be all you've got left, but now that there are multiple reports and findings and they are in the hands of the ICC you're going to need to do better.
Or just admit that you're as racist as zailbetter as a defender of Israeli apartheid.



Active member
May 4, 2019
Some people are collecting 2,000 a month of CERB-EI and some people only get 733 Ontario Works.

It's the biggest human rights violation on the face of planet Earth, and no one is talking about it.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
None are any less democratic than apartheid Israel.
Wow your defenses for any dictator that hates Israel as much as you do get even more ridiculous.

And sorry but the ICC just shot down your argument that West Bank Palestinians should be considered Israeli. The ICC says Palestinians have their own government and have the chance to vote for their own leaders (if these elections ever happen - they are a decade overdue).


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wow your defenses for any dictator that hates Israel as much as you do get even more ridiculous.

And sorry but the ICC just shot down your argument that West Bank Palestinians should be considered Israeli. The ICC says Palestinians have their own government and have the chance to vote for their own leaders (if these elections ever happen - they are a decade overdue).
The ICC ruling shows that Israel is occupying Palestine, and that they have jurisdiction.
Which means all of the West Bank settlements are illegal and in Palestine.
I assume that means you agree, and since you've also repeatedly said the settlements aren't the problem, I assume you'd be fine with them going back to Palestinian rule.

Or are you pretending that they will swap some desert for all the water and towns still?

Regardless, it just adds to the charges to investigate Israel on.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The ICC ruling shows that Israel is occupying Palestine, and that they have jurisdiction.

Sorry but the ruling specifically is based on Palestine being a state with full jurisdiction. After all your claimed support of the ICC, that means you can't keep arguing the opposite (but you will).

And yes, the UN, the Arab League, and even the PA have agreed with the idea of land swaps. Just another case where you completely ignore what Palestinians or the UN say if it interferes with your crusade.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015

Sorry but the ruling specifically is based on Palestine being a state with full jurisdiction. After all your claimed support of the ICC, that means you can't keep arguing the opposite (but you will).

And yes, the UN, the Arab League, and even the PA have agreed with the idea of land swaps. Just another case where you completely ignore what Palestinians or the UN say if it interferes with your crusade.
Yes, the ICC has full jurisdiction to rule on war crimes committed in occupied Palestine, including ruling on Israeli apartheid.
Feel free to post the peace agreement with the land swaps that you're talking about, I'd love to see it.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Yes, the ICC has full jurisdiction to rule on war crimes committed in occupied Palestine, including ruling on Israeli apartheid.
Feel free to post the peace agreement with the land swaps that you're talking about, I'd love to see it.
1) Yes, Palestine being considered a state by the ICC means that you can't claim it is apartheid that Israel doesn't treat non-citizen Palestinians who don't want to be citizens the same as citizens.

2) Olmert's plan that Abbas completely walked away from is a good compromise in my mind.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
1) Yes, Palestine being considered a state by the ICC means that you can't claim it is apartheid that Israel doesn't treat non-citizen Palestinians who don't want to be citizens the same as citizens.

2) Olmert's plan that Abbas completely walked away from is a good compromise in my mind.
1) Yes, Palestine is not apartheid because it is presently occupied by Israel and ruled through military, apartheid.

2) Back to the offer Olmert wouldn't put down on paper as the best you think Palestinians will ever get.

I'll offer to sell you some great land in Florida, but unfortunately its so top secret that I can't sign over a deed or give you a receipt.
Its down in one of the best areas, but unfortunately you can't see the map yet.
You don't have a problem with that, do you?

Hey look, Hamas is getting ready for the ICC.
What's Israel doing to prep war crimes charges or charges of apartheid?
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