Your understanding is pathetic, as usual. It's perfectly OK to say "I didn't get that" or "could you repeat that please. You just have to make sure the dog whistle is put away. BTW, I fully agree with you on AMEN and AWOMEN.... The last couple of years have been very stressful for Representative Pelosi. Once the Repug thumb is off the scale you are bound to see a little bounce....
Earlier this Fall I mentioned to a lady friend that we might get a bit of "Indian Summer". She was horrified and got on her liberal soapbox and gave me a lecture on political correctness.
The article literally "it’s 'racist' to ask a person to repeat what he said because you don’t understand". I'm not sure what part the OP is misunderstanding.
Here's your problem. You find the dumbest shit you can and project it onto everyone you disagree with in order for you to preen and strut.
90% of the "leftards" - as you probably think of us - on this board think the professor is an asshole and campus PC is annoying crap. But hey! - You had your little moment of triumph, right?
That's what's really key.
Same shit earlier today, when you told me that I opposed capital punishment and supported antifa because I'm a leftie. You were wrong on both counts. You assume this shit because you're trained to do that by Andy Ngo and Ben Shapiro. It feeds your sense of superiority and you dig that.
Here's your problem. You find the dumbest shit you can and project it onto everyone you disagree with in order for you to preen and strut.
90% of the "leftards" - as you probably think of us - on this board think the professor is an asshole and campus PC is annoying crap. But hey! - You had your little moment of triumph, right?
That's what's really key.
Same shit earlier today, when you told me that I opposed capital punishment and supported antifa because I'm a leftie. You were wrong on both counts. You assume this shit because you're trained to do that by Andy Ngo and Ben Shapiro. It feeds your sense of superiority and you dig that.
I ask Scotsmen to repeat themselves because I can’t understand their accents, so is that racist? Because they are white and not a minority. I could have problems with a thick Russian accent, Aussie, etc.
Accents are hard to understand. Why is that the fault of anyone? Speaker or listener?